Friday, July 3, 2009

Catanzaro pushes Wal-Mart for turnaround - The New Britain Herald (

By James Craven----------------------busy store---Great Loss for New Btitain

Smith Photos


Betty Boop said...

For once I commend Alderman Catanzaro for contacting Wal*Mart to persuade them to stay here in New Britain, preferably in their present location on Farmington Ave. or perhaps take over the former Shaws building on West Main St.
However, he should remember that several months ago the consensus was that no big box stores were wanted in the Pinnacle Heights property.

Anonymous said...

The city already contacted CWP for assistance with the displaced workers before the Grass cutter swept in to save the day. In fact most of the employees will be offerred jobs in the surroundinf stores in Cromwell,Bristol and Newington. Amazing how politicians like O'Brien and Catenzaro and the rest of the lefties will stop at nothing to get their names in the paper. What a bunch of helpless idiots!

Anonymous said...

To: Betty Boop

Just to correct the record slightly. THERE WAS NO "CONSENSUS" as to big box stores at PH. What Betty is talking about is that on the previous Council, there were a couple of members (no longer members) that used that terminology - big box - to describe their own personal "wants." There were others that "wanted" that kind of retail right on the Slater Rd. side.

Nobody I know wants to see 162 jobs leave NB and while I commend Ald. Catanzaro for a nice try, I believe WalMart has made their decision and it is final - l hope not though.

The Thorn said...

Alderman Catanzaro clearly shows his ignorance if he is quoted accurately in this article, but it is an ignorance that is understandable, because like most members of the city council, he has been supported most of his adult life at the expense of the taxpayers.

His statements to the Herald show that he apparently does not understand that a business like Wal-mart exists solely to make a profit and is not in business to support the social ills of a dying city. His quote that the company failed to take into account the needs of the employees and the people of the community exemplifies his ignorance about the business world.

The only matter that a company is concerned with is whether or not the store is making money, and if not, it is the responsibility of the company's board of directors to either make the store profitable and if that is not possible, then they must cut the cancer.

This exemplifies why our city council is so out of touch with reality. Look around the table and count how many members of the council have ever run a business, or even worked in a private sector job where their employer was motivated by profit. The majority of them either work for the government, or some other social organization that is funded directly or indirectly at taxpayer expense, and this is the main reason why they just don't get it.

It has become public recently that many of them do not own property in the city and that others don't even own up to their responsibility to pay their car taxes on time while expecting the rest of us to pay.

Isn't it about time that the council represented the people who are paying the bills that they create? It seems appropriate that with upcoming municipal elections, we should look for candidates who understand what it is like to run a business and need to make a profit for survival. At the bare minimum, how about people who will have to pay the ever growing taxes this council likes to pass on its citizenry? Then maybe the council will understand the people that their decisions impact the most--the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if radicals weren't so busy organizing protests in front of their New Britain store, they wouldn't be so anxious to close it down?

Anonymous said...

Impressive statement about New Britain: The world's largest employer says goodbye!

Anonymous said...

Perfect name for Catanzaro: THE GRASS CUTTER!

Anonymous said...

NEW BRITAIN - Phil Sherwood, Democratic Alderman in New Britain's 4th Ward, said when he worked for Walmart in New Britain he saw harassment and intimidation of racial minorities employee's.

Walmart is the target of the largest class-action lawsuit in U.S. history Sherwood said - The issue is [sexual] discrimination.

Sherwood stated the lack of Spanish-speaking manager could be a problem - It breeds an atmosphere of insensitivity.

Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal told Working Families protesters at July 31, 2007 Rally at NB Walmart that he will investigate allegations of systematic discrimination against Spanish-speaking employees by
Walmart. "Racism has no place anywhere," he said.

New Britain’s Rep. Tim O’Brien and Alderman Phil Sherwood were also at the Walmart site at Farmington Avenue in support of the Working Families Rally.

The Connecticut Working Families is a coalition of community organizations, labor unions and neighborhood activists "united to fight for a fair economy."

Anonymous said...

The CT Commission on Human Rights and Opportuinities...

It’s all well and good that Attorney General Richard Blumenthal stated that he going to ‘investigate’ racial discrimination at July 31, 2007 Rally of Working Families at NB Wal-Mart - but there is a legal process by which an employee (Edwin Lopez) can demand that the state conduct an investigation of discrimination.

It requires that one Edwin Lopez (Employee who was fired by Wal-Mart) file a complaint with the CT Commission on Human Rights and Opportuinities.

It doesn’t require that you have a lawyer though lawyers usually can at least tell you how the process works so you can utilize it.

This should have been your overall strategy of combating discrimination - Mr. Attorney General Blumenthal - (Utilizing Commission on Human Rights and Opportuinities) instead you engaged in Farmington Ave. Rally of street theater against Wal-Mart with assistance of Alderman Phil Sherwood and Rep. Tim O'Brien?

Anonymous said...

sounds like the radicals might have gotten their way?

they protested.

the company decided to move out of town.

now they blame others like the mayor for their actions instead of accepting responsibility for what they seem to have accomplished through public demonstrations.

anyone upset about Walmart leaving, should just remember the names on the list of protesters at election time.

Anonymous said...

Herald article by Scott Whipple, 7/8/09.

This article in today's Herald that was not even included in the on-line Herald, truly points out how useless is Tim O'Brien. This time he drags the hapless Alderman, Roy Centeno with him into oblivion.
In the article, O'Brien try to show all that this hapless duo have done for the Wal Mart workers, that is nothing! What the article does show is how deep into the pockets of the various labor unions are both O'Brien and Centeno.
Mayor Stewart was already on that issue along with , Capital Workforce Partners and The Connecticut Department of Labor by June 25, 2009 - the day after the WalMart announcement. This time he drags with him Alderman Centeno. Centeno makes a couple of wishy washy statements about how sorry he is. Really, OH Wow, that's significant! But O'Brien got his picture in the paper again and, as usual, said nothing.

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