Saturday, July 4, 2009


Alderman Catanzaro immediately jumps into the re-election mode speaking to company officials and subsequently announced that he and State Rep. Tim O’Brien, a possible, maybe if he decides to run once he makes up his mind after several months of thought, whenever and if he ever someday happens to complete his EXPLORATORY evaluation and finally makes a decision to run as mayoral candidate, are both promising to help in the relocation of jobs for the displaced Wal-Mart employees.

But what a public embarrassment it must have been to find out after they stuck their noses into where they didn't belong, only to find out that the appropriate city officials had already been in contact with company officials to discuss these issues, but wouldn't they have already known this had they bothered to contact the mayor before their public grand standing?

Yes, its politics as usual--taking advantage of the human hardships of workers losing their jobs in order to make their political gains with the voting public by getting their names in the paper as the champions of employee's rights, but where was their concern for these workers when their left-wing cronies were protesting this very same store?

Where were they to speak up and warn of the possible consequences for these poor employees?

Isn’t Alderman Catanzaro the same alderman who violated ethical standards expected of all our elected officials after committing a public act in which the city charter mandated that he must be expelled from the council and some of these same cronies refused to perform their sworn duty by removing him from office even after he committed the violations in their presence?

As the municipal election approaches, the New Britain political thereafter gets more interesting every day.


Anonymous said...

maybe Cantazaro was going to offer to clip their lawn if they would stay? what else could he know how to do?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Hartford needs to enlist the assistance of Frank Smith?

HARTFORD — - A veteran council member thinks the city should publish names and last known addresses of tax deadbeats to help track down people before removing their accounts from the active tax rolls.

Anonymous said...

so much for their claim that the mayor wouldn't talk to the Wal-Mart representative. The Herald reported:

"Stewart said he had a conversation with a Wal-Mart representative Thursday who assured him that most of the 162 employees at the store would find work at other company stores."

Wall*Mart Shopper said...

Anonymous said...
maybe Cantazaro was going to offer to clip their lawn if they would stay? what else could he know how to do?
July 4, 2009 7:01 PM

Lawn? What lawn?

Anonymous said...

why don't they form another protest?

that will make them want to say, won't it?

Anonymous said...

The "Do-Gooders" are just out and about doing their deeds. They don't expect anything from their friendliness ie: votes. They have
the votes when their doing bad or good, truthful or lying the city residents vote Democratic. The voters pay very little attention to
what goes on around them at all. One of the 13 idiots could just about be found guilty of murder and they would still make the ballot in this city and propably win. They don't even have to live
here and they make decisions for those of us who do.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... They have
the votes when their doing bad or good, truthful or lying the city residents vote Democratic...

This is true in large part due to the ineffective Republican town committee. Ronald Reagan is often quoted as saying that he did not leave the Democratic Party, The Democratic Party left him. Most Democrats are not aware of the hard left turn that the democrats in New Britain have taken. Aside from Frank Smith's blog (Frank is a Democrat) you never hear about the shenanigans’ that the socialist who now run the democratic town committee engage in.

The New Britain Republican town committee needs to exploit these shenanigans. From carpet bagging alderman to proposing using HUD funds to feed stray cats.

When you do a search on the web on New Britain Republican you find that even now in the electronic age they do not have a web page!!!!

People may find that the Republicans are more in line with them if only they could access the information.

Voters need to know the republican platform on issues such as:

1. The annual budget

2. How to increase tax revenue

3. Downtown development

4. The School Board (education)

5. The Police Station

6. The Broad Street streetscape project

7. General infrastructure

8. Endorsed candidates

9. Integrating our greatest asset CCSU into our community at large (especially with the growing arts and entertainment district).

Mr. Carver please push this issue to the front of the Town Committee agenda or step aside so that someone else can.

Anonymous said...

Residents' Thoughts Sought On Projects
Hartford Courant Article:

The Hospital of Central Connecticut

July 3, 2009
NEW BRITAIN – - Residents can give their opinions Tuesday about two major projects that the common council may be voting on later this summer.

The public will be invited to speak about plans to sell 121-131 Main St., the potential site of a new police station, to Arete Development Corp., the company that has been chosen to lead a downtown redevelopment. The public also may comment on Mayor Timothy Stewart's proposal to end its lease of the Quigley parking garage. The Hospital of Central Connecticut leases the structure to the city, which keeps all the parking revenue. Stewart wants to let the hospital buy out the last two years of the lease by giving the city $1.2 million.

The council's committee on planning, zoning and housing will convene the hearing on both plans at 7 p.m. at city hall.

The committee has postponed until Aug. 4 a hearing on a third plan. Stewart is proposing to sell 61-acre site of the former Pinnacle Heights housing project to NB-BT2, LLC."

Hopefully all who read this will attend the Council meeting on Wednesday, Jul7, 7:00, and speak up. Public participation has been very sparse the last few months. We the people must let our voices be heard for the council to do what is truly right.

Inquiring Minds Want To Know said...

"When you do a search on the web on New Britain Republican you find that even now in the electronic age they do not have a web page!!!!

People may find that the Republicans are more in line with them if only they could access the information."

You didn't search far enough...
Check this out:

Anonymous said...

Herald article by Scott Whipple, 7/8/09.

This article in today's Herald that was not even included in the on-line Herald, truly points out how useless is Tim O'Brien. This time he drags the hapless Alderman, Roy Centeno with him into oblivion.
In the article, O'Brien try to show all that this hapless duo have done for the Wal Mart workers, that is nothing! What the article does show is how deep into the pockets of the various labor unions are both O'Brien and Centeno.
Mayor Stewart was already on that issue along with , Capital Workforce Partners and The Connecticut Department of Labor by June 25, 2009 - the day after the WalMart announcement.
This time he (O'Brien) drags with him Alderman Centeno. Centeno makes a couple of wishy washy statements about how sorry he is. Really, OH Wow, that's significant! But O'Brien got his picture in the paper again and, as usual, said nothing.

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