New Britain’s Mayor T. Stewart is expected to announce his mayoral bid for his fourth term at the Whinston Tavern located at the Stanley Gold Course tonight at 7 P. M.
Anonymous said...
Frank, we all know your party affiliation but this is an opportunity to show support for fiscal responsibility by giving your bi-partisn support to Tim Stewart!
Anonymous said... fiscal responsibility...60% sewer rate increase? Cutting public safety during economic down turn? My taxes went up...way up. What about yours?
July 22, 2009 12:41 PM
Your taxes keep going up because the radicals on the council can't stop giving your money away to people they believe deserve your money more than you do and then taxes have to be raised to pay for all their nonsense.
This is one thing you can not get away with blaming the mayor for. Even if he wanted to raise taxes, and all indications have always been that he supports cutting costs to the city, but even if he wanted to, there is no way he could do it without the approval of the 13 Democrats on the council who have the power to overrule the mayor and do it all the time to ram through their liberal extremist agenda.
Credit where credit is due. If you are unhappy with your taxes, your sewer rates, or any other city expenses, then there are only 13 people you can blame for it:
Bielinski, Trueworthy, Catanzaro, Platoscz, Collins, Black, Centeno, Cruz, Gerratana, Hermanowski, Magnuzewski, Rocha, last and least--Sherwood.
Not to mention that William Candelori one of our famous ponzi scheme criminals is in charge at the Mattabassett District and chosen by none other than our Democratic leaders.'
Public Safety has not been cut. Speaking of public safety the new Police Station being positioned on Main Street improves public safety and improves the downtown district.
Taxes, yes we have indured mandated property appraisals that un-fortunately came during the short lived real estate high but the mill rate came down. Mayor Stewart is striving to keep property taxes stable with no increases while also trying to avoid municipal layoffs.
Anonymous said..."fiscal responsibility...60% sewer rate increase? Cutting public safety during economic down turn? My taxes went up...way up. What about yours?"
Frank: This person is a dupe/dope. If their taxes went up, way up, they changed cars or houses or both. The sewer rate recently went up 29%., not 60%. Good job of placing responsibility for mismanagement where it belongs. The Council liaisons for the MSD are Catanzaro and Gerratana, both Democrats. Any more questions? Ask Trueworthy and Sherwood.
More than likely Tim Stewart will defeat Tim O'Brien in the election for mayor. However defeating the socialist democratic council members always seems to be tough. Moderate democrats need to make a stand this year. Chairman McNamara and his self proclaimed activist have for too long misrepresented the average New Britain Democrat.
The left wing of the New Britain Democratic Party has become arrogant and self-serving.
Having been raised in a New Britain Democratic family I have seen the gradual movement away from the middleclass working family ideals that formally were the mainstay of the New Britain Democratic town committee.
On election night I urge all Democrats and independent voters to sweep the socialist out of power.
Do not be fooled by the cross endorsements by a miss-named third party, "the working families party". The name is very misleading and needs to be exposed. They are a party that consist of "socialist" that have chosen to endorse only those candidates that they consider progressive. The stated working families party line is to enact legislation that provides entitlements. They essentially want to turn our government into a nanny state.
Frank please continue to educate the voters before these types bring the socialist/communist policies that caused California’s economical meltdown to the nutmeg state.
Also to Anonymous who said... Fiscal responsibility...60% sewer rate increase? Cutting public safety during economic down turn? My taxes went up...way up. What about yours?
The council has the purse strings. Currently the council has a "super Majority" of Democrats that are in lock step with Tim O'Brien. If you believe that Tim O'Brien and Alderman Trueworthy's merry men will be cutting your city taxes, you my friend are bordering on delusional. Look around you! Look at the billion-dollar increase to the state budget that Tim O'Brien supported as a state Rep. Look at what he endorsed as his liberal friends pushed through this legislation over Governor Rell's veto. Where in GODS name do you think this money is going to come from? Wake up my friend.
I do have my facts straight. I saw the council meeting on tv. City borrowed money from the fund, spent more than they had....and then the mayor wanted to raise the sewer rate. Listen, Mayor Stewart has accomplishments he can point to...good ones too. Fiscal responsibility is not one of them. Our taxes in New Britain have skyrocketed and I remember reading that our bond rating is low. My point is, the mayor needs to run on a different issue than fiscal responsibility.
" Anonymous said... I do have my facts straight. I saw the council meeting on tv. City borrowed money from the fund, spent more than they had....and then the mayor wanted to raise the sewer rate. Listen, Mayor Stewart has accomplishments he can point to...good ones too. Fiscal responsibility is not one of them. Our taxes in New Britain have skyrocketed and I remember reading that our bond rating is low. My point is, the mayor needs to run on a different issue than fiscal responsibility." Sir, Madam, whatever or whoever you are, somebody has sold you a bill of goods and you have bought it - your taxes have not skyrocketed, your sensibility has crashed. If you own anything, it is probably a multifamily dwelling. You are nothing but a shill for the Dems. The Mayor doesn't set the sewer rate!!!!! Are you for real? Also, the city's bond rating is the best it has been in six years. Stop lying!
Our bond rating IMPROVED for the first time in over 40 years under the Stewart administration. This means LOWER interest costs.
Skyrocketing property taxes? In what town? Ask O'Brien why he continues to support the STATE MANDATE HE PASSED to revalue your home every five years? Ask O'Brien why HE, AS YOUR STATE REP, and Ald Sherwood personally chased WalMart out of New Britain. 7000 small businesses closed THIS QUARTER! Tim O. You shouldn't be our state rep let alone our Mayor!
SIX YEARS of a stable mill rate.
This is with a democratic council that continues to support lavish union benefits. Did you see "on tv" that they approved the 1186 contract?
Stewart shouldn't run on fiscal responsibility? That's one of his key accomplishments.
Property taxes should remain stable with a small percentage increase for inflation. If you purchase a home based on your income you should not be faced with huge sweeping increases that don't match your original qualification criteria. Additionally, senior citizens on fixed incomes over a certain age (maybe 65) should not ever see a property tax increase. Large adjustments to property taxes might occur at the time of transfer of title depending on the appraisal and sales price at that time.
Read the auditor's report...New Britain is in the best financial shape in years...the bond rating has improved under Stewart...the report speaks very highly of the Mayor's financial record.
"Also, the city's bond rating is the best it has been in six years. Stop lying!" According to the Conn Office of Fiscal Analysis New Britain's Bond Rating went down. There are indeed only FIVE towns in the entire state with a worse bond rating. Check out Page's actually gone down since this analysis...
Imagine what this mayor could accomplish with a council that works with him, instead of one a council that does little more than play baby games, attempting to dismantle any plan that could make the mayor look good and doing all this at taxpayer expense?
Wall Street improved New Britain's bond rating to the best IN DECADES. Now "anonymous" is "citing" a state legislature controlled Office of Fiscal Analysis (gee how many unemployed liberals and political hacks work here)report about New Britain's bond rating.
Sorry. Wall Street counts.
Spin away baby. Interest rates on our bonds are LOWER than a time even before DeFronzo!
I guess you guys are praying your stellar job in our public schools will leave the electorate confused.
Frank, how did that "protest" work out at WalMart?
I wonder how a young (early 20's) recently married and a recent college grad, is able to afford a home in excess of $200,000 on Brookside Drive. When he sees his property tax bill, will he change his position on raising property taxes? Will Mom and Dad be paying the bill? The council members who are homeowners should join CPOA and learn the facts of life. Only 3 Council members go to CPOA...2 of them Republicans.
Anonymous said...
Frank, we all know your party affiliation but this is an opportunity to show support for
fiscal responsibility by giving
your bi-partisn support to Tim Stewart!
July 22, 2009 11:15 AM
fiscal responsibility...60% sewer rate increase? Cutting public safety during economic down turn? My taxes went up...way up. What about yours?
Anonymous said...
fiscal responsibility...60% sewer rate increase? Cutting public safety during economic down turn? My taxes went up...way up. What about yours?
July 22, 2009 12:41 PM
Your taxes keep going up because the radicals on the council can't stop giving your money away to people they believe deserve your money more than you do and then taxes have to be raised to pay for all their nonsense.
This is one thing you can not get away with blaming the mayor for. Even if he wanted to raise taxes, and all indications have always been that he supports cutting costs to the city, but even if he wanted to, there is no way he could do it without the approval of the 13 Democrats on the council who have the power to overrule the mayor and do it all the time to ram through their liberal extremist agenda.
Credit where credit is due. If you are unhappy with your taxes, your sewer rates, or any other city expenses, then there are only 13 people you can blame for it:
Bielinski, Trueworthy, Catanzaro, Platoscz, Collins, Black, Centeno, Cruz, Gerratana, Hermanowski, Magnuzewski, Rocha, last and least--Sherwood.
Not to mention that William Candelori one of our famous ponzi scheme criminals is in charge at
the Mattabassett District and chosen by none other than our Democratic leaders.'
Public Safety has not been cut. Speaking of public safety the new Police Station being positioned on Main Street improves public safety
and improves the downtown district.
Taxes, yes we have indured mandated property appraisals that
un-fortunately came during the short lived real estate high but the mill rate came down. Mayor Stewart is striving to keep property taxes stable with no increases while also trying to avoid municipal layoffs.
Anonymous said..."fiscal responsibility...60% sewer rate increase? Cutting public safety during economic down turn? My taxes went up...way up. What about yours?"
This person is a dupe/dope. If their taxes went up, way up, they changed cars or houses or both. The sewer rate recently went up 29%., not 60%. Good job of placing responsibility for mismanagement where it belongs. The Council liaisons for the MSD are Catanzaro and Gerratana, both Democrats. Any more questions? Ask Trueworthy and Sherwood.
More than likely Tim Stewart will defeat Tim O'Brien in the election for mayor. However defeating the socialist democratic council members always seems to be tough. Moderate democrats need to make a stand this year. Chairman McNamara and his self proclaimed activist have for too long misrepresented the average New Britain Democrat.
The left wing of the New Britain Democratic Party has become arrogant and self-serving.
Having been raised in a New Britain Democratic family I have seen the gradual movement away from the middleclass working family ideals that formally were the mainstay of the New Britain Democratic town committee.
On election night I urge all Democrats and independent voters to sweep the socialist out of power.
Do not be fooled by the cross endorsements by a miss-named third party, "the working families party". The name is very misleading and needs to be exposed. They are a party that consist of "socialist" that have chosen to endorse only those candidates that they consider progressive. The stated working families party line is to enact legislation that provides entitlements. They essentially want to turn our government into a nanny state.
Frank please continue to educate the voters before these types bring the socialist/communist policies that caused California’s economical meltdown to the nutmeg state.
Also to Anonymous who said...
Fiscal responsibility...60% sewer rate increase? Cutting public safety during economic down turn? My taxes went up...way up. What about yours?
The council has the purse strings. Currently the council has a "super Majority" of Democrats that are in lock step with Tim O'Brien. If you believe that Tim O'Brien and Alderman Trueworthy's merry men will be cutting your city taxes, you my friend are bordering on delusional. Look around you! Look at the billion-dollar increase to the state budget that Tim O'Brien supported as a state Rep. Look at what he endorsed as his liberal friends pushed through this legislation over Governor Rell's veto. Where in GODS name do you think this money is going to come from? Wake up my friend.
I do have my facts straight. I saw the council meeting on tv. City borrowed money from the fund, spent more than they had....and then the mayor wanted to raise the sewer rate. Listen, Mayor Stewart has accomplishments he can point to...good ones too. Fiscal responsibility is not one of them. Our taxes in New Britain have skyrocketed and I remember reading that our bond rating is low. My point is, the mayor needs to run on a different issue than fiscal responsibility.
New Britain's only chance for survival.
" Anonymous said...
I do have my facts straight. I saw the council meeting on tv. City borrowed money from the fund, spent more than they had....and then the mayor wanted to raise the sewer rate. Listen, Mayor Stewart has accomplishments he can point to...good ones too. Fiscal responsibility is not one of them. Our taxes in New Britain have skyrocketed and I remember reading that our bond rating is low. My point is, the mayor needs to run on a different issue than fiscal responsibility."
Sir, Madam, whatever or whoever you are, somebody has sold you a bill of goods and you have bought it - your taxes have not skyrocketed, your sensibility has crashed. If you own anything, it is probably a multifamily dwelling. You are nothing but a shill for the Dems. The Mayor doesn't set the sewer rate!!!!! Are you for real? Also, the city's bond rating is the best it has been in six years. Stop lying!
Anonymous said...
I do have my facts straight.
No sir/mam you do not have your facts straight.
Our bond rating IMPROVED for the first time in over 40 years under the Stewart administration. This means LOWER interest costs.
Skyrocketing property taxes? In what town? Ask O'Brien why he continues to support the STATE MANDATE HE PASSED to revalue your home every five years? Ask O'Brien why HE, AS YOUR STATE REP, and Ald Sherwood personally chased WalMart out of New Britain. 7000 small businesses closed THIS QUARTER! Tim O. You shouldn't be our state rep let alone our Mayor!
SIX YEARS of a stable mill rate.
This is with a democratic council that continues to support lavish union benefits. Did you see "on tv" that they approved the 1186 contract?
Stewart shouldn't run on fiscal responsibility? That's one of his key accomplishments.
Property taxes should remain stable with a small percentage increase for inflation. If you purchase a home based on your income you should not be faced with
huge sweeping increases that don't match your original qualification criteria. Additionally, senior citizens on fixed incomes over a certain age (maybe 65) should not
ever see a property tax increase.
Large adjustments to property taxes might occur at the time of transfer of title depending on the appraisal and sales price at that time.
Read the auditor's report...New Britain is in the best financial shape in years...the bond rating has improved under Stewart...the report speaks very highly of the Mayor's financial record.
"Also, the city's bond rating is the best it has been in six years. Stop lying!"
According to the Conn Office of Fiscal Analysis New Britain's Bond Rating went down. There are indeed only FIVE towns in the entire state with a worse bond rating.
Check out Page's actually gone down since this analysis...
Imagine what this mayor could accomplish with a council that works with him, instead of one a council that does little more than play baby games, attempting to dismantle any plan that could make the mayor look good and doing all this at taxpayer expense?
Wall Street improved New Britain's bond rating to the best IN DECADES.
Now "anonymous" is "citing" a state legislature controlled Office of Fiscal Analysis (gee how many unemployed liberals and political hacks work here)report about New Britain's bond rating.
Sorry. Wall Street counts.
Spin away baby. Interest rates on our bonds are LOWER than a time even before DeFronzo!
I guess you guys are praying your stellar job in our public schools will leave the electorate confused.
Frank, how did that "protest" work out at WalMart?
The only surprise with the Wal-Mart protest is that O'Brien's comrade Sherwood didn't seem to show his face at this one.
I didn't think there could be a protest anywhere in the city without attendance of the city's main agitator.
I wonder how a young (early 20's) recently married and a recent college grad, is able to afford a home in excess of $200,000 on Brookside Drive. When he sees his property tax bill, will he change his position on raising property taxes? Will Mom and Dad be paying the bill? The council members who are homeowners should join CPOA and learn the facts of life. Only 3 Council members go to CPOA...2 of them Republicans.
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