Wednesday, July 1, 2009

President Obama’s rigged Census--Part II


Anonymous said...

The use of Statistical Sampling in the next 2010 Census.

The proof that control of the head counting in year 2010 remains within the Oval Office came with Mr. Obama’s recent appointment of Robert M. Groves as Census Chief for 2010.

Mr. Groves supported the use of Statistical Sampling during the past 2000 census to make up for a projected under count of about 5 million people.

This method of Statistical Sampling was used during the 2000 census to make up for a basically non-existent people to account for individuals who may have been missed during the actual head count, and assigns imagined race, sex, income and other details according to a bureau formula.

Anonymous said...

This is what the majority of Connecticut citizens feel about Obama's policies, according to a WTIC-1080 poll:

Nearly 6 Months In, How Successful Have The Obama Administration's Economic Policies Been

Not Very
( 85% )

They've Kept Things From Getting Worse
( 7% )

Too Early To Tell
( 8% )

Anonymous said...

A member of Congress suggests U.S. Postal Service carriers could conduct next year's 2010 Census, since they already visit everyone almost daily.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, plans to introduce a bill that would temporarily add the Census to postal responsibilities. The bill would declare a "postal holiday" for the count.

"They really have the workforce in place to do this," Chaffetz said. "They already go to everybody's door." Chaffetz said the numbers show is idea is a good one.

There are about 760,000 postal workers, and the Census plans to hire 750,000 temporary workers.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm... The Mail-Man - The 2010 Census taker- A huge federal workforce equipped and trained to visit every home in America.

Already with their own fleet of vehicles, uniforms, supervisors, and training to know where every address is.

Nah, makes too much sense...since Obama has already rigged the 2010 Census with ACORN.

Anonymous said...

The Census Taker - The Mail-Man.

Great idea!

They drop off something that looks like a postcard asking number of people, etc. to be mailed back. If they don’t get it by X date then a second one sent out. Using postcards would save postage and really they don’t legally need the rest of the other information!

Anonymous said...

Some good common sense utilizing the Mail man as census taker. They can keep the postal workers on payroll and eff Acorn.

Who needs another entity, and a crooked one at that, doing the work on routes and neighborhoods already well-served by postal workers.

Anonymous said...

no one knows the people on their routes better than the letter carrier.

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