Representative Tim O’Brien recently announced his plan to run for Mayor of New Britain on a promise to return manufacturing jobs to New Britain. This is a novel, but unrealistic idea considering that the majority of manufacturing jobs were moved either to more business friendly states, or overseas to countries where labor markets are much cheaper.
Representative O’Brien has demonstrated through his voting record in the legislature that he has helped this state to create an anti-business climate through votes like the one on Monday where he voted to override the Governor and forced through the Sustinet plan without any plans to pay for it. Even the Hartford Courant today questioned the ability of the Sustinet plan to sustain itself. Additionally, how many businesses will be anxious to locate here if the Democrats get their way and pass the 25% income tax on business income—another measure that Representative O’Brien supported.
More telling of his agenda was how just today Representative O’Brien appeared at a rally for the employees of Wal-Mart. This is a familiar venue for him, because he was present at previous rallies and protests, along with New Britain Alderman Phil Sherwood who brought his ACORN PALS with him, at this same store-- which some even believe is at least partially responsible for the company’s decision to close this store. Representative O’Brien clearly and publicly took the side of the employees against the employer. This sends a terrible message to any company that might consider locating to New Britain when its elected officials are appearing to lead public protests against employers. If he were elected mayor, what employer would be willing to meet with someone who has a history of leading protests against other employers?
In my opinion, this showed that he is just not ready to lead, since a leader or chief executive needs to remain impartial in such disputes. Let us not lose track of the fact that Wal-Mart is a taxpayer and has certain rights and expectations from their elected representatives, especially if that representative has plans to persuade that same employer to locate to his city in the future.
I saw Tim O'Brien on channel 30 news tonight and he looked more like a follower than a leader.
Frank -- Good to know you are for our elected officials being impartial when it comes to moving jobs overseas and not siding with residents when a corporation pulls up stakes.
Thought about moving to Greenwich?
I don't know about you but I certainly don't have the time to be
outside of Walmart protesting their
business decisions. Tim O'Brien seems to have the time on his hands. In the photo it appears he is standing on the Bank Of America
Property conducting his public outcry for severence pay for the Walmart employees. I wonder what the bank thinks? Maybe they will leave their Farmington Ave office too. Nobody is happy about Walmart closing and certainly feel for those who lost their jobs but why has this brought about this political outcry? Do the employees not qualify for un-employment benefits? Walmart employees aren't union although I'm
sure T.O. thinks they should be.
The rest of us don't have time to stand outside Wal-Mart at protests because we are too busy working and trying to pay all the taxes these Democrats like raising on us.
Anonymous said...
Frank -- and not siding with residents when a corporation pulls up stakes.
Thought about moving to Greenwich?
July 22, 2009 10:45 PM
Now I know this is from a Socialist liberal and I'll show you how I know.
1...Good to know you are for our elected officials being impartial when it comes to moving jobs overseas...
Frank smith did not mention moving jobs overseas in his commentary. This is called the bait and switch so often used by socialist. For example Hugo Chavez always blaming the US CIA for any negative thing that happens in his country.
2... and not siding with residents when a corporation pulls up stakes...Siding with residents? Tim O'Brien and his cohorts make the cost of business so expensive that thriving corporations like Wal-mart pull up stakes. When companies want to move in, Tim O'Brien and his types will insist that they pay Union wages. Wages with benefits that caused companies such as fafnirs and New Britain Machine to close and or relocate. Liberals and their unreasonable demands have done more damage to the local workforce than anything else. Remember when Celebration foods announced that they were moving to town? It was the socialist who mocked those jobs. It was the liberals who were talking about wage guarantees’ regardless of what the market forces could sustain. Look at what happened to our auto industry. Funny how Toyota, and Mazda are keeping their American factories profitable.
3.... Thought about moving to Greenwich? ….Ah, the old class warfare card (with a race card hidden in the sleeve)!! First off what is wrong with Greenwich? Are they evil because they worked and saved? Or maybe some even were given their fortune by their parents!!! When did it become a crime to be successful? Why is it that after bankrupting our economy with handouts and mandatory entitlements the socialist are going to attack the most successful business people in the country?? What a liberal will do for a vote is truly sad. They are willing to destroy 200 some odd years of capitalism that works so that they can have a captive voter base that depends on them for their every need.
Well anywho that’s how I know this post was from a socialist liberal.
The Democratic party no longer represents the working man. The party has been hijacked by radical left wing extremists that are all about ramming through entitlements for people who don't work, and are supported on the backs of the working man through taxation and redistribution of "wealth."
Simply put, they seize your money through taxes and give it to people they believe deserve it more than you do.
Great Article Frank!
I hope that Timmy boy resigns his State Rep posistion so he can devote his full time campainging for Mayor.
And if he is not successful, oh well, there's always another city he can move to and try again. Maybe Greenwich.
A bleeding heart lie Timmy would really be welcomed in Greenwich.
The only surprise with the Wal-Mart protest is that O'Brien's comrade Sherwood didn't seem to show his face at this one.
I didn't think there could be a protest anywhere in the city without attendance of the city's main agitator.
Today's Hartford Courant Poll:
Would you open a business in Connecticut today?
No. The ice is too thin. (9 responses)
Yes. A down economy lowers start-up costs. (6 responses)
No. Business taxes are too high and could go higher. (74 responses)
Yes. Connecticut is still a great location. (6 responses)
95 total responses
How dare they expect to make a profit from their risk and investment. What Nerve! Apparently we have a candidate for mayor and other elected officials that believe a private company is in the business of being the welfare department:
Local state Reps. Tim O’Brien, D-24th District and Peter Tercyak, D-26th District were joined by Alderman Paul Catanzaro, United Food and Commercial Workers Local 371 President Brian Petronella, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal and more than 20 blue-shirted protestors from Working Families.
John Green, director of Connecticut Working Families, said the rally was called because of corporate greed exhibited by Wal-Mart and a threat to deprive workers of severance pay.
I wonder how often Tim O'Brien, Phil Sherwood and the rest of them shop at Wal*Mart. I have found the employees there very helpful and courteous. Wal*Mart isn't Sax Fifth Ave.or Lord and Taylor's. They pass their savings onto the customers by not paying their employees top dollar...no big secret there!! When Caldor's closed, where were O'Brien and the rest of them? No where...they didn't fight for employees unemplyment benefits then...why now?
NEW BRITAIN - The Hardware City: This is the break down of those 27,400 manufacturing jobs and the projected employee Floor Space that might be created by politician Tim O’Brien if he launches his long-term 2009 employee Economic Development Plan for City of New Britain – will he do - if elected Mayor? ? ? ?
1.- 4,200 American Hardware Jobs – plus manufacturing Floor Space 2,255,912 feet.
2.- 3,000 Landers, Frary and Clark Jobs – plus manufacturing Floor Space 42 acres .
3.- 1,200 North and Judd Jobs - plus manufacturing Floor Space 850,000 feet.
4.- 5,500 Fafnir Ball Bearing Jobs - plus manufacturing Floor Space 2,000,000 feet.
5.- 13,500 Stanley Works Jobs - plus manufacturing Floor Space 1,291,456 feet.
6.- Skinner Chuck Jobs – plus manufacturing Floor Space 65,000 feet.
Candidate Tim O’Brien stated, "that the New Britain voters are seeking someone like Tim who can bring back a time of "new beginnings" by up-starting those 27,400 industrial manufacturing jobs that made NB the Hardware City".
Anyone who says he can bring 27,400 manufacturing jobs to New Britain, especially at a time when the state legislature is jacking up taxes on employers, is either lying to you or living in a fantasy world.
You decide!
Results from the latest survey on credit conditions in Connecticut show that the U.S. credit crunch continues to adversely impact the state. The second quarter readings on credit conditions are the lowest on record, surpassing recent lows set in the third quarter of last year.
With credit conditions the worst in history, Timmy O'Brien promises to bring 27,400 blue collar manufacturing jobs to New Britain.
Does anyone believe his promise????
Results from the latest survey on credit conditions in Connecticut show that the U.S. credit crunch continues to adversely impact the state. The second quarter readings on credit conditions are the lowest on record, surpassing recent lows set in the third quarter of last year.
With credit conditions the worst in history, Timmy O'Brien promises to bring 27,400 blue collar manufacturing jobs to New Britain.
Does anyone believe his promise????
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