On Monday, Representative Tim O’Brien joined his fellow extremists in the legislature in voting to override Governor Rell’s veto of HB 6600, a bill that created “universal health care” here in Connecticut a/k/a the Sustinet plan.
The plan describes itself as “health care that is universal” and provides some great benefits to recipients at state taxpayer expense:
Inpatient and outpatient hospital care
Generic and name brand prescription drugs
Laboratory and x-ray services
Durable medical equipment
Speech, physical and occupational therapy
Home health care
Vision care
Family planning
Emergency transportation
Short-term rehabilitation
Identification and treatment of developmental delays (up to age 3)
Wellness programs
Dental Care
Mental and Behavioral Health (including tobacco cessation, substance abuse, and prevention of and treatment of obesity)
Quite an impressive list, especially for those of you who have employer provided plans that probably cover only the basic health care needs. When vetoing this measure, Governor Rell warned that it would cost the taxpayers at least $1 billion per year to pay for it, and with a $9 billion budget deficit already in existence, it was irresponsible to spend so much money without any substantial plan to pay for it.
On the same day that this vote was held, WTIC radio conducted a poll of Connecticut residents. That poll showed that 80% opposed the legislature in overriding any of Governor Rell’s vetoes. Also on that same day, Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz reported that we set a new record in this state, but not one we should be proud of.
According to Bysiewicz, a fellow Democrat, a record number of businesses closed down in Connecticut during the first six months of 2009. The report said that 7,000 businesses shut down in that six month period, the largest number of business closings for any six month period since these records have been maintained. The only solutions the legislature offered to pay for these items were huge tax increases that included a 25% tax on all business income and seizing 30% of inheritances. You work hard all your life to put some money away, and the legislature wants to seize almost one third of it before you can leave it to your children, and with record numbers of businesses already ceasing operations in Connecticut, I am sure that seizing one quarter of their income is really going to encourage new businesses and create jobs for our state.
This is just one example of the irresponsible measures that Representative O’Brien has supported in the legislature, and now he wants to bring this same tax and spend entitlement attitude to city hall. This leaves one question, who will be paying for all the entitlements he loves to support once he arrives in city hall?
But O'Brien is going to bring manufacturing back to NB!
What an outlook our state reps have!! Between O'Brien's make believe jobs and Defronzo's freight warehouses New Britain's outlook is brighter than ever.{SARCASM}
The last thing we need is the same old tired "I'll bring back the manufacturing jobs" rhetoric.
Bythe time our leaders figure out that New Britain's future is in education, arts and entertainment someone will have come along and pulled it out from under us.
Almost every study has shown that New Britain needs to connect to the thriving 10,000 plus and growing student body of CCSU.
With the upstart art district downtown we should be looking to draw students into town. Actively searching for a midsize concert venue that could be a mixed use arena that could host several CCSU basketball games, concerts, high school tounaments, corporate seminars and even a skating rink for public and or proffesional use.
Offer incentives for students to rent in and around downtown to create a campus feel.
Many small cities have effectively made the conversion to a more mixed economy that is less susceptible to recessions.
None have done so by "bringing back Manufacturing jobs"
July 20, 2009 10:32 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Just wait to see what they come up with for new taxes to fund the $1 billion a year universal health insurance they just passed by overriding the governor's veto.
That should really bring new businesses to CT!
That's the problem. These Democratic bozos with BO as their head bozo, have never been a part of the private sector. Never had a real job.
All he had to do is look at the failing system in Massachusetts to know that this was a mistake:
A report on Massachusetts, published in the New York Times on May 28, 2009:
The difficulties in receiving care were severest among low-income residents, who have gained the most from expanded access under the state’s law, passed in 2006. It requires most residents to have health insurance and provides state-subsidized plans for the poor. Massachusetts now has the country’s lowest percentage of the uninsured — 2.6 percent, compared with a national average of 15 percent.
But the study, which was scheduled for publication Thursday in the journal Health Affairs, found that increased demand for care from the newly insured was confronting an insufficient supply of willing physicians. One in five adults said they had been told in the last 12 months that a doctor or clinic was not accepting new patients or would not see patients with their type of insurance. The rejection rates for low-income adults and those with public insurance were double the rates for higher-income residents and those with private coverage.
The authors concluded that the high rejection rates helped explain another important finding: that there has been little change in the use of emergency rooms for non-emergency treatment. Among low-income residents — defined as those with incomes of less than three times the federal poverty level, or $66,150 for a family of four — 23 percent said their last trip to an emergency room had been for a non-emergency, the same as in 2006.
To sum it up, those who fail to learn from history are destined to repeat it Mr. O'Brien.
You can't blame O'Brien for following Dictator O'bama's lead, can you?
Frank Smith Says
This leaves one question, who will be paying for all the entitlements he loves to support once he arrives in city hall?
California is the home of the Socialist left. Socialist policies that brought the great state of California to its knees are now going to be brought to a City/State near you.
What good are all of these entitlements and environmental rules if there is no one left to pay for them?
California's socialist claim to help the poor and tax the rich, however here are a few of the ways they plan to balance their budget!
Over a hundred thousand inmates to be released to the streets!
IOU's instead of income tax returns
Increased sales tax
Reducing the income tax credit for dependents
Raising annual vehicle registration fees
Eliminating property tax deferral for eligible elderly, blind or disabled homeowners
Budget cuts to K-12 education and community colleges
Eliminating parole supervisions on some parolees
Diverting money set aside for mental health services
Reducing state payments for In-Home health workers
Borrowing from special funds and shifting tribal gambling revenues to general purposes
Raising the excise tax on alcohol by 5 cents a drink
Imposing sales taxes on some services and activities that currently aren't taxed such as golf fees, amusement parks, sporting events, veterinary treatment and vehicle repair
Eliminating property tax deferral for eligible elderly, blind or disabled homeowners
Of course only rich folks use these services right?
The Liberals can't blame Bush for California’s budget problems. So if you want these types of drastic measures in Connecticut and New Britain Vote for your local activist, vote Sherwood vote Defronzo, vote O'Brien, Vote for all the people who promise you free things.
Tim Stewart would be a fool not to add Frank Smith to his slate.
The Dems have never recovered from FDR's socialist agenda and still think it can work here and everywhere with Franklin Delano Obama. Pathetic
Keep up the good work Frank
If O'Brien is intent on bringing manufacturing back to New Britain, he should:
(1) Be put in charge of marketing the Pinnacle Heights property. That should provide employment for a few hundred people.
(2) Rescind the tax increases on businesses as an incentive to stay in business.
It is evident through this blog there remains a deep dedication to
the City of New Britain. Both democrats and republicans in office
believe they have the answers and solutions to make this city thrive into the future despite these very tough economic times.
Mayor Stewart has moved us in a forward direction. Mayor Stewart has made his focus to hold the line on property taxes understanding the residents here cannot withstand any tax increases.
I believe if it were at all possible he would trim the fat in the budget and would inact a TAX DECREASE putting money back in the hands of hardworking taxpayers. Taxpayers afterall deserve the top of mind attention at all times as they carry the load and provide the social services that New Britain is top heavy in providing. As an inner city the needy are drawn to us. We are set-up to answer the need for our residents and those
who find there way from surrounding suburban towns that just can't or won't provide for their own. We rely on fiscal responsibility from our leaders and
excellent representation at the state and goverment level through our legislators and congressman. That would be Tim O'Brien and Chris Murphy.
Tim O'Brien has decided to leave his position where he can help keep our city well funded to lead the city as mayor? He has his own ideas of what is needed in this city. His heart is here too. He sees the poverty, the joblessness the lack of persons on health insurance he sees our burden and he too wishes to see this turn around. He supports social programs, helping others a long list of what all should have. He proposes bringing back manufacturing jobs to the city.
He speaks of property tax reform over and over. As a business person I don't understand how he will reform property taxes and give more out in social programs.
The accounting doesn't make it on a balance sheet. How will he attract big business? He supported
the protest at our Walmart to employee certain managers to compliment their employees? If he is going to dictate how businesses should be run, will businesses want to move here? Walmart has decided not to stay here. Like Walmart or not can you imagine your employees holding a protest about the language being spoken on the job in America and the local politicians are there backing the in-subordination? Tim O'Brien backed the in-subordination against business in New Britain. Goodbye Walmart.
New Britain's finances are tetering and walking a fine line.
Without a state budget set our budget is in limbo. We need strong leadership. This election
is very important and will mean the difference for the most important of it's residents, the working and the retired taxpayer.
Didn't State Rep O'Brien vote for a 30% tax surcharge on all businesses in Connecticut. Maybe that's one reason Pratt + Whitney is talking about closing the Cheshire plant. Why would I believe Tim O'Brien is Business friendly? His legislative record doesn't prove it.
Maybe Tim O'Brien voted for Universal Health Care because as a Legislator he makes about $30,000 and believes that he is entitled to a better health care plan then those that work and make more money than him?
As a state representative, Tim O'Brien gets free coverage under the state's health care plan, the same one that all state employees get at taxpayer expense.
the fourth estate is live and well in New Britain thanks to frank smith says
Anonymous said...
Let's see; Obama cuts funding for the F-22 planes; he wants to socialize helthcare which even many Dems don't want; he stands by while executives get $millions in bonuses, stands by while Barney Frank and Chris Dodd destroy the real estate and banking systems, selects Cabinet members who don't pay their taxes, and you expect O'Brien to be different. Stay away from the NB WalMart today at 4:15 p.m. the stench from the sewer mouths of the Working Families (A BIG JOKE, NONE OF THEM WORK) Party will be debilitating. Maybe the SoS and The AG will show up again to give support to the misinformation that will be spread their.
4th estate:
This phrase was originally used as a synonym for newspapers. But with the advent of radio, television, news magazines, etc., its meaning has been broadened to include all of what is known as the mass media.
According to the latest polls, Governor Rell's approval rating is at an all time low of 65%, while the approval rating for the legislature is 39%. The report also said that the majority of people blame the legislature for the state's budget problems, and rightfully so.
The report also stated that Governor Rell's approval rating is drastically higher than for governors in surrounding states, but that is to be expected because those governors are Democrats!
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