Friday, July 24, 2009

Sen. Dodd visits Community Health Center - The New Britain Herald (

By: Herald Reporter James Craven


Anonymous said...

Did anyone ask Dodd if his health care plan that he is trying to ram down all out throats is so good, then why doesn't he sign himself and his family up for it?

Members of Congress and their employees are exempt from it.

Anonymous said...

How about the fact that it mandates all universities to give preference to minorities regardless of grades in medical school admissions?

Anonymous said...

This health care plan is tantamount to Euthanasia and is no more than an experiment that uses the American people as its subjects. The Dems haven't got a clue if it will work or how much it will cost but it's part of the anointed one's master plan and that's why they're pushing it so hard.

Anonymous said...

Thursday, July 23, 2009 3:16 AM EDT


Amateur hour at the Capitol
By: The Republican Repbulican Editorial

From the tone of the flurry of news releases, you'd think he cured cancer, built a perpetual-motion machine in his basement and brought peace to the Middle East. No, what Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., claimed to have accomplished Wednesday was far more grand. He and 12 fellow Democrats outvoted 10 hapless Republicans on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension Committee and started America down the road to universal health care.

Before the celebrations begin in earnest, we must note Sen. Dodd's bill calls for a paltry $600 billion in new spending, compared with $1.5 trillion proposed by the House. Rest assured, the House is offering a more honest portrayal of the cost of the program the Democrats have in mind. Sen. Dodd's committee holds out a fantasy of spending restraint that will be snatched away in a heartbeat, should this madness ever come to fruition.

Connecticut residents already know better than to buy a used car, or anything else, from Sen. Dodd. The rest of America is just beginning to learn that hard lesson. Take, for example, his much-ballyhooed credit-card reform.

Again, to hear Sen. Dodd tell it, those predatory credit-card companies were being defanged, declawed and emasculated by the Senate's heroic consumer advocates. But somebody forgot to tell the predators of their plight. "Two of the biggest issuers (of credit cards) in the nation, Bank of America and Chase, say they're switching some fixed-rate cards to variable rates to manage costs in light of the sweeping new reforms to the credit-card industry," The Associated Press summarized the other day.

This is certain to increase costs to consumers who carry balances on their cards. And what is Sen. Dodd doing about it? We checked his Web site. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. He already milked this issue for all it's worth and has moved on. The last time it's mentioned on his Web site is May 26; the AP story on the industry's predictable reaction to the new regulations appeared on the front page of this newspaper July 11.

If Sen. Dodd truly cared about his constituents in Connecticut and Americans in general, he still wouldbe hounding the credit-card predators rather than skittering off to tame the health-insurance monster. But he's a political dilettante, and that's what political dilettantes do.

Anonymous said...

Dodd was here to push the obama medicare issue. With this agenda failing they are are promising the retention of your existing policies when the senate passed their version that doesn't your doctor to bill your insurance company.
Why the fabrications Mr. Dodd?

Anonymous said...

The President is panicking because even his own party will no longer listen to him, He has super majorities in both the House and the Senate and demanded that they pass his socialized government run medicine before their vacation and they simply said NO!

I understand this is the first time in his life anyone has ever said no to one of Obama's commands!

Anonymous said...

Syndicated Columnist George Will, writing in the Washington Post, exposed Obama's monumental lie.

"Why does the president, who says that were America 'starting from scratch' he would favor a 'single-payer' - government-run - system, insist that health-care reform include a government insurance plan that competes with private insurers? The simplest answer is that such a plan will lead to a single-payer system."

"Conservatives say that a government program will have the intended consequence of crowding private insurers out of the market, encouraging employers to stop providing coverage and luring employees from private insurance to the cheaper government option....

"The Lewin Group estimates that 70 percent of the 172 million persons privately covered might be drawn, or pushed, to the government plan.... The president characteristically denies that he is doing what he is doing - putting the nation on a path to an outcome he considers desirable - just as he denies any intention of running General Motors."

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