Tuesday, July 14, 2009

TheDay.com - Connecticut Loses 10,000 Millionaires


Anonymous said...

10,000 less people to suffer at the hands of the Democrats in the legislature!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
10,000 less people to suffer at the hands of the Democrats in the legislature!

Sorry to correct you Sir/Mam (Am I allowed to say Mam still?)

But its 10,000 less people to pay for those Bennies like:
Free healthcare, Free rent, Free utilities, free food, Free Free Free Free!
What the hell ever happened to working to carry your share?

Anonymous said...

Work is a 4 letter word, especially to the liberal extremists who have hijacked our party.

Anonymous said...

New Britain's entire State and Federal delegations support both philosophically and in deed budgets that will not only drive out millionaires from Connecticut, but will continue to destry the middle class. New Britain and the rest of CT will soon be one great big population of welfare recipients.

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