1. The state contracted out to a contractor to provide janitors as a way to save money over hiring state employees to do the work.
2. The Democrats in the legislature passed a bill to provide free insurance to the children of employees of this private company, at taxpayer expense (which leads me to suspect that we, the taxpayers are already paying for free health insurance for the employees themselves of this private company).
3. The Governor vetoed this ridiculous attempt to expand socialized medicine at our expense.
The Governor did the right thing. Why should we as taxpayers pay a dime for insurance benefits provided to employees of a private company? If they want to give all these lucrative benefits to the janitors cleaning state buildings, then let them dump the private contractor which was hired specifically for the purpose of saving the state money and hire state employees to do this work.
NEW BRITAIN - Rep. Tim O 'Brien didn't speak about Mayor Stewart? - in an interview Friday 07/17/09 with Hartford Courant Reporter Don Stacom, but Democratic Town Chairman John McNamara said Tim O'Brien will bring open and honest leadership to City Hall?
He is an effective legislator who will bring a strong work ethic? - and positive changes to the Mayor's office? - McNamara said?
O'Brien said that as Mayor, he would use anti-blight laws to go after irresponsible landlords who live out of town? - institute property tax relief for senior citizens? - and create a long-term economic development policy?
We need a real plan (The O'Brien -Rhona Cohen Plan)to get back the manufacturing jobs we've lost, O'Brien said?
O'Brien, who was an alderman for five years and previously served on the zoning appeals board, said he's prepared to step down as 24th District State Representative if he wins the November 2009 seat?
The govenor did the right thing. Capitol cleaning should be responsible for their own employees and their dependents not the taxpayers of the state of CT. Now the bleeding hearts are crying a river. It's true if the state does it for one, where does it end.
Obviously Tim O'Brien disagrees with you as he supported forcing the taxpayers to pay for a private company's insurance bill and according to the Governor, even allowing the company to dictate to the state how much that cost would be?
Is this the type of leadership you want for New Britain???????????
Connecticut remains one of a handful of states still grappling with a budget crisis.
This is due to Democrats like O'Brien who just want to spend, spend, spend, money that we don't have on social programs.
What part of the fact that we have a $9 billion budget deficit does he just not understand????
While the Governor is working hard to figure out how to pay the bills we currently have, O'Brien is running around proposing legislation that would force the state to pay for free health insurance for janitors who work for a private employer (and their families)--a benefit that even the state's own employees do not receive.
If you like the way he and his fellow Democrats are working to destroy the state pushing their brand of socialism, then by all means, vote for him for mayor and then guard your wallets!
Frank: Democratic Town Chairman John McNamara said Tim O'Brien will bring open and honest leadership to City Hall? If O'Brien has to run with people who didn't live in town, Council members who don't pay their taxes, some who violate ethics laws, aCoucil that violates HUD regulations(conflict of interest) for the distribution of funds and a majority leader who violates FOI laws, then where's the honesty?
He is planning on bringing mfg jobs back to New Britain. That is so hopeful. Now what is it we are going to make and sell? Who are we going to sell it to?
The communist goverment in Russia put alot of people to work too. They made alot of "stuff". I wonder what they do with those things.
NEW BRITAIN - This is the break down of the 27,400 Union Manufacturing Jobs that might be created by Politician Tim O’Brien when he launches his long-term 2009 Economic Development Plan for the City of New Britain – if elected Mayor?
In addition to working at the state level, doesn't Tim O'Brien work as a self-employed "Life Coach". I am surprised that he doesn't state that information in any of his announcements? Alot of people in New Britain will probably benefit from having their own life coach in the Mayor's office. It's going to be like getting Dr. Phil to lead our way...
NEW BRITAIN - This is the break down of the 27,400 Union Manufacturing Jobs that might be created by Politician Tim O’Brien when he launches his long-term 2009 Economic Development Plan for the City of New Britain – if elected Mayor?
1. 4,200 American Hardware jobs?
2 3,000 Landers, Frary and Clark jobs?
3. 1,200 North and Judd jobs?
4. 5,500 Fafnir Ball Bearing jobs?
5. 13,500 Stanley Works Jobs?
6. Skinner Chuck Jobs?
I don't mean to rain on your parade!
China and Taiwan will not allow the return of these industries to the USA.
That's great! Stanley, Fafnir, Landers, all coming back with thousands of jobs. Perfect. Are we going to produce anything or just set up picnic tables for workers to wait for their pay and benefits? It might be cheaper on the taxpayers if we just set up check cashing centers.
I hope the checks will be be bigger than those that Celebration Foods give out. I know there have been some complaints about the new jobs created over there. Don't worry, the liberals will protest their business practices hold rallies support worker complaints and Celebration will follow Wal-Mart.
Opinion OUR VIEW: Needed: Health care access and information
Saturday, July 18th
A new report by the Connecticut Citizen Action Group reinforces the need for changes in our health care system, as well as for greater education about lifestyle issues.
According to the report, titled “Unequal Lives: Health Care Discrimination Harms Communities of Color in Connecticut,” more than 103 million members of the nation’s minority populations suffer disproportionately because they do not have adequate health care.
The study notes that the infant mortality rate — often considered a gauge of a nation’s social responsibility — for African Americans is more than three times that of whites.
We don’t have to look far for a cause. The report says that 25 percent of Latina and African American women received no early prenatal care, compared with 9 percent of whites. Without early examination and — as important — early education for the mother-to-be, a newborn’s chances drop. For example, a study by the Mount Sinai School of Medicine recently found that black women are more likely to have low birth weight babies, a condition linked to infant mortality.
The CCAG study also found that 18 percent of African Americans are diagnosed with diabetes, twice that of whites. Diabetes is, in part, a lifestyle disease, brought on by obesity and improper diet.
“The disparities here are easy to explain,” said David Katz, the founder of Yale University’s Prevention Research Center in New Haven, Connecticut. “They’re associated with poverty, less education, areas where you can’t find fresh fruits and vegetables, and some cultural differences.”
That’s a tough combination to beat. Yes, improved access to health care is essential but so is education about wise lifestyle choices — and those choices must be affordable. A single orange costs as much as a burger from McDonald’s dollar menu.
Improvements in school lunch programs, nutrition classes and even the public service announcements that have become such an important part of children’s television can play an important role in improving the lives of the next generation.
The challenge today is how to reach the adults: better health care, yes, but also more information about how to achieve better health.
Posted by Anonymous to Frank Smith Says NB at July 18, 2009 10:50 AM
Will he propose to pay for free health insurance at taxpayer expense for the employees and children of contractors who do work for the City of New Britain just like he is currently fighting to do for the State of Connecticut?
Wasn't he involved in the radical protests at Wal-Mart (along with other radicals like Sherwood) and now Wal-Mart is suddenly pulling the plug on New Britain and leaving town along with 162 jobs?
If you like how he and his cronies protected the jobs at wal-Mart, then make him mayor so he can "spread the wealth around."
Funny, the Herald story didn't mention the government's plan to cut off treatments for the elderly and simply let them die after a certain age. They have colorful terms for it regarding weighing of "end of life issues," but in any event, the House version of the bill requires that anyone over 70 get a visit from a government bureaucrat to determine if your current health justifies any future medical treatments or if you should just be allowed to die.
This reinforces the statements Obama made about his grandmother and how they should have never paid for her to get a hip replacement at her age because she died a short time after. He implied that it was a waist of money to give her such care because of her age, so instead of your doctor making these decisions, a government bean counter will do it for you.
NEW BRITAIN - Disparities in Health Care for NB Minorities:
Mrs. Rhona Cohen O'Brien, wife of Rep. Tim O'Brien, an officer of the "Connecticut Center for a New Economy" said that health inequity is about biases in the medical systems for minorities in New Britain and Connecticut.
That with people of color in New Britain and Connecticut their life span is shorter, chronic illness more prevalent and disability more common Rhona Cohen O'Brien said.
And that we need Congress to support and enact legislation that works to erase inequities in health access, treatments and outcomes for Connecticut minorities.
Also CCAG Deputy Director Phil Sherwood said that in the newly released Report "Unequal Lives" - That current health care discrimination harms communities of Color in New Britain and state of Connecticut.
Connecticut Center For A New Economy - Staff Member Rhona Cohen.
Rhona Cohen joined the CCNE staff in July of 2007. For the previous year she was the Director of the Health Care for All Coalition, a statewide base of 50 organizations. She conducted outreach, training and policy analysis and lobbied the state legislature on many health care reform issues, including the issue of health care disparities.
A graduate of the New York City High School for the Performing Arts, she has completed doctoral work in English literature and taught writing and English at City University of New York for several years.
She lives in New Britain with her husband Rep. Tim O’Brien and son, where she is active in the NAACP and the Mary McCloud Bethune Club.
O'Brien promises of all these manufacturing jobs that he is going to bring to New Britain, but that is a pipe dream because it is the very unions that he is so supportive of that have totally destroyed manufacturing jobs in this country and moved all the jobs to China where there are no unions.
To promise that you are going to bring manufacturing back to New Britain from China is nothing more than a fairy tale.
The democratic liberals have not and will not ever figure out that if you only have a dollar you can't spend two. Not to mention that you need to save a dime. They keep leading us right into the poor house.
Is it Tim O'Brien that's running for mayor or his wife?
Anti-blight laws ...Tim O'Brien better start with the renters not the landlords. Renters wreck your buildings, don't pay their rent while vision appraisal tells you your building is worthy of major tax increases so you have nothing left to fix the places up. One thing liberal democrats are not is businessmen or women. They just give, give, give, enable, enable, enable. Ignorant really. You can't fix that but you certainly shouldn't vote for it.
When all the former New Britain large companies come back to town, where will they go? Pinnacle Heights property? Have any of them expressed an interest in doing so? If Tim O'Brien knows something, Phil Sherwood should find out, through his FOI act.
It seems that Tim O'Brien's campaign has begun to post "resumes" on this blog. Everyone should take note of the severe liberal bent. For example their association to all these liberal activist groups.
Tim O'Brien is the last thing New Britain needs. He and his close ally, self described activist Phil Sherwood would have you believe that New Britain does not already offer help to our less fortunate citizens. However most of us know this to be untrue.
Already New Britain is home to several shelters, food pantries and job services programs. Citizens of New Britain already carry their fair share in providing the essentials for less fortunate folks.
It appears that the strategy of the Democratic Town Committee will be to attempt class warfare.
Again the Democrats appear willing to USE our poor communities to advance their socialistic agenda. A system that has proven time and again to actually hurt the poor rather than alleviate poverty.
Truly a sad commentary of the modern Democratic Party.
Too bad for the socialist Democrats. 81% of people polled today by WTIC oppose overriding the Governor's veto of 2 socialist health care bills. This is one fine example of how unpopular the CT Democrats brand of socialism is with Connecticut votes!
WTIC 1080 radio poll today:
Should The Legislature Override Governor Rell's Veto Of Two Bills To Increase Health Insurance Coverage? Yes ( 19% ) No ( 81% )
O'Brien said Friday that as mayor, he would use anti-blight laws to go after irresponsible landlords who live out of town.
Will he go after Aldermen who live outside the city, too?
Let me see if I understand this correctly?
1. The state contracted out to a contractor to provide janitors as a way to save money over hiring state employees to do the work.
2. The Democrats in the legislature passed a bill to provide free insurance to the children of employees of this private company, at taxpayer expense (which leads me to suspect that we, the taxpayers are already paying for free health insurance for the employees themselves of this private company).
3. The Governor vetoed this ridiculous attempt to expand socialized medicine at our expense.
The Governor did the right thing. Why should we as taxpayers pay a dime for insurance benefits provided to employees of a private company? If they want to give all these lucrative benefits to the janitors cleaning state buildings, then let them dump the private contractor which was hired specifically for the purpose of saving the state money and hire state employees to do this work.
NEW BRITAIN - Rep. Tim O 'Brien didn't speak about Mayor Stewart? - in an interview Friday 07/17/09 with Hartford Courant Reporter Don Stacom, but Democratic Town Chairman John McNamara said Tim O'Brien will bring open and honest leadership to City Hall?
He is an effective legislator who will bring a strong work ethic? - and positive changes to the Mayor's office? - McNamara said?
O'Brien said that as Mayor, he would use anti-blight laws to go after irresponsible landlords who live out of town? - institute property tax relief for senior citizens? - and create a long-term economic development policy?
We need a real plan (The O'Brien -Rhona Cohen Plan)to get back the manufacturing jobs we've lost, O'Brien said?
O'Brien, who was an alderman for five years and previously served on the zoning appeals board, said he's prepared to step down as 24th District State Representative if he wins the November 2009 seat?
The govenor did the right thing. Capitol cleaning should be responsible for their own employees and their dependents not the taxpayers of the state of CT. Now the bleeding hearts are crying a river. It's true if the state does it for one, where does it end.
Obviously Tim O'Brien disagrees with you as he supported forcing the taxpayers to pay for a private company's insurance bill and according to the Governor, even allowing the company to dictate to the state how much that cost would be?
Is this the type of leadership you want for New Britain???????????
Connecticut remains one of a handful of states still grappling with a budget crisis.
This is due to Democrats like O'Brien who just want to spend, spend, spend, money that we don't have on social programs.
What part of the fact that we have a $9 billion budget deficit does he just not understand????
While the Governor is working hard to figure out how to pay the bills we currently have, O'Brien is running around proposing legislation that would force the state to pay for free health insurance for janitors who work for a private employer (and their families)--a benefit that even the state's own employees do not receive.
Taking several months to make up your mind is more like a crawl, not a run!
If you like the way he and his fellow Democrats are working to destroy the state pushing their brand of socialism, then by all means, vote for him for mayor and then guard your wallets!
Frank: Democratic Town Chairman John McNamara said Tim O'Brien will bring open and honest leadership to City Hall?
If O'Brien has to run with people who didn't live in town, Council members who don't pay their taxes, some who violate ethics laws, aCoucil that violates HUD regulations(conflict of interest) for the distribution of funds and a majority leader who violates FOI laws, then where's the honesty?
He is planning on bringing mfg jobs
back to New Britain. That is so hopeful. Now what is it we are going to make and sell? Who are we
going to sell it to?
The communist goverment in Russia put alot of people to work too. They made alot of "stuff". I wonder what they do with those things.
NEW BRITAIN - This is the break down of the 27,400 Union Manufacturing Jobs that might be created by Politician Tim O’Brien when he launches his long-term 2009 Economic Development Plan for the City of New Britain – if elected Mayor?
1. 4,200 American Hardware jobs?
2 3,000 Landers, Frary and Clark jobs?
3. 1,200 North and Judd jobs?
4. 5,500 Fafnir Ball Bearing jobs?
5. 13,500 Stanley Works Jobs?
6. Skinner Chuck Jobs?
In addition to working at the state level, doesn't Tim O'Brien work as a self-employed "Life Coach". I am surprised that he doesn't state that information in
any of his announcements? Alot
of people in New Britain will probably benefit from having their own life coach in the Mayor's office. It's going to be like
getting Dr. Phil to lead our way...
Anonymous said:
NEW BRITAIN - This is the break down of the 27,400 Union Manufacturing Jobs that might be created by Politician Tim O’Brien when he launches his long-term 2009 Economic Development Plan for the City of New Britain – if elected Mayor?
1. 4,200 American Hardware jobs?
2 3,000 Landers, Frary and Clark jobs?
3. 1,200 North and Judd jobs?
4. 5,500 Fafnir Ball Bearing jobs?
5. 13,500 Stanley Works Jobs?
6. Skinner Chuck Jobs?
I don't mean to rain on your parade!
China and Taiwan will not allow the return of these industries to the USA.
That's great! Stanley, Fafnir, Landers, all coming back with thousands of jobs. Perfect. Are we going to produce anything or just set up picnic tables for workers to wait for their pay and benefits? It might be cheaper on the taxpayers if we just set up check cashing centers.
I hope the checks will be be bigger
than those that Celebration Foods give out. I know there have been some complaints about the new jobs created over there. Don't worry, the liberals will protest their business practices hold rallies support worker complaints and Celebration will follow Wal-Mart.
Rep. O'Brien...and/or Mayor Tim?
Where is the Sign-up Sheet. I'm looking for a Job?
Where do I sign up for only one of those 2009 Skinner Chuck Office Jobs?
They seem to have over 65,000 Feet of Manufacturing Floor Space?
The New Britain Herald
OUR VIEW: Needed: Health care access and information
Saturday, July 18th
A new report by the Connecticut Citizen Action Group reinforces the need for changes in our health care system, as well as for greater education about lifestyle issues.
According to the report, titled “Unequal Lives: Health Care Discrimination Harms Communities of Color in Connecticut,” more than 103 million members of the nation’s minority populations suffer disproportionately because they do not have adequate health care.
The study notes that the infant mortality rate — often considered a gauge of a nation’s social responsibility — for African Americans is more than three times that of whites.
We don’t have to look far for a cause. The report says that 25 percent of Latina and African American women received no early prenatal care, compared with 9 percent of whites. Without early examination and — as important — early education for the mother-to-be, a newborn’s chances drop. For example, a study by the Mount Sinai School of Medicine recently found that black women are more likely to have low birth weight babies, a condition linked to infant mortality.
The CCAG study also found that 18 percent of African Americans are diagnosed with diabetes, twice that of whites. Diabetes is, in part, a lifestyle disease, brought on by obesity and improper diet.
“The disparities here are easy to explain,” said David Katz, the founder of Yale University’s Prevention Research Center in New Haven, Connecticut. “They’re associated with poverty, less education, areas where you can’t find fresh fruits and vegetables, and some cultural differences.”
That’s a tough combination to beat. Yes, improved access to health care is essential but so is education about wise lifestyle choices — and those choices must be affordable. A single orange costs as much as a burger from McDonald’s dollar menu.
Improvements in school lunch programs, nutrition classes and even the public service announcements that have become such an important part of children’s television can play an important role in improving the lives of the next generation.
The challenge today is how to reach the adults: better health care, yes, but also more information about how to achieve better health.
Posted by Anonymous to Frank Smith Says NB at July 18, 2009 10:50 AM
a New Britain Herald Editorial
Will he propose to pay for free health insurance at taxpayer expense for the employees and children of contractors who do work for the City of New Britain just like he is currently fighting to do for the State of Connecticut?
Wasn't he involved in the radical protests at Wal-Mart (along with other radicals like Sherwood) and now Wal-Mart is suddenly pulling the plug on New Britain and leaving town along with 162 jobs?
If you like how he and his cronies protected the jobs at wal-Mart, then make him mayor so he can "spread the wealth around."
To me the choice is simple: You either believe in socialism or you don't.
Funny, the Herald story didn't mention the government's plan to cut off treatments for the elderly and simply let them die after a certain age. They have colorful terms for it regarding weighing of "end of life issues," but in any event, the House version of the bill requires that anyone over 70 get a visit from a government bureaucrat to determine if your current health justifies any future medical treatments or if you should just be allowed to die.
This reinforces the statements Obama made about his grandmother and how they should have never paid for her to get a hip replacement at her age because she died a short time after. He implied that it was a waist of money to give her such care because of her age, so instead of your doctor making these decisions, a government bean counter will do it for you.
NEW BRITAIN - Disparities in Health Care for NB Minorities:
Mrs. Rhona Cohen O'Brien, wife of Rep. Tim O'Brien, an officer of the "Connecticut Center for a New Economy" said that health inequity is about biases in the medical systems for minorities in New Britain and Connecticut.
That with people of color in New Britain and Connecticut their life span is shorter, chronic illness more prevalent and disability more common Rhona Cohen O'Brien said.
And that we need Congress to support and enact legislation that works to erase inequities in health access, treatments and outcomes for Connecticut minorities.
Also CCAG Deputy Director Phil Sherwood said that in the newly released Report "Unequal Lives" - That current health care discrimination harms communities of Color in New Britain and state of Connecticut.
Connecticut Center For A New Economy - Staff Member Rhona Cohen.
Rhona Cohen joined the CCNE staff in July of 2007. For the previous year she was the Director of the Health Care for All Coalition, a statewide base of 50 organizations. She conducted outreach, training and policy analysis and lobbied the state legislature on many health care reform issues, including the issue of health care disparities.
A graduate of the New York City High School for the Performing Arts, she has completed doctoral work in English literature and taught writing and English at City University of New York for several years.
She lives in New Britain with her husband Rep. Tim O’Brien and son, where she is active in the NAACP and the Mary McCloud Bethune Club.
O'Brien promises of all these manufacturing jobs that he is going to bring to New Britain, but that is a pipe dream because it is the very unions that he is so supportive of that have totally destroyed manufacturing jobs in this country and moved all the jobs to China where there are no unions.
To promise that you are going to bring manufacturing back to New Britain from China is nothing more than a fairy tale.
Didn't O'Brien vote for the 25% income tax on all business income?
How is that going to help with his plan to bring manufacturing jobs to New Britain?
Oh, that's right, the Republican Governor saved us by vetoing his repressive, socialist tax increases!
The democratic liberals have not and will not ever figure out that
if you only have a dollar you can't spend two. Not to mention that you need to save a dime. They keep leading us right into the poor house.
Is it Tim O'Brien that's running for mayor or his wife?
Maybe Tim O'Brien can do the Irish Jig for us, to motivate us into voting for him.
Anti-blight laws ...Tim O'Brien better start with the renters not the landlords. Renters wreck your buildings, don't pay their rent while vision appraisal tells you your building is worthy of major tax increases so you have nothing left to fix the places up. One thing liberal democrats are not is businessmen or women. They just give, give, give, enable, enable, enable. Ignorant really. You can't fix that but you certainly shouldn't vote for it.
WOW, This O'Brien character seems to be even less popular in New Britain than Sherwood is, and I didn't think that was possible.
I wouldn't vote for him for Dog Catcher.
When all the former New Britain large companies come back to town, where will they go? Pinnacle Heights property? Have any of them expressed an interest in doing so? If Tim O'Brien knows something, Phil Sherwood should find out, through his FOI act.
It seems that Tim O'Brien's campaign has begun to post "resumes" on this blog. Everyone should take note of the severe liberal bent. For example their association to all these liberal activist groups.
Tim O'Brien is the last thing New Britain needs. He and his close ally, self described activist Phil Sherwood would have you believe that New Britain does not already offer help to our less fortunate citizens. However most of us know this to be untrue.
Already New Britain is home to several shelters, food pantries and job services programs. Citizens of New Britain already carry their fair share in providing the essentials for less fortunate folks.
It appears that the strategy of the Democratic Town Committee will be to attempt class warfare.
Again the Democrats appear willing to USE our poor communities to advance their socialistic agenda. A system that has proven time and again to actually hurt the poor rather than alleviate poverty.
Truly a sad commentary of the modern Democratic Party.
Too bad for the socialist Democrats. 81% of people polled today by WTIC oppose overriding the Governor's veto of 2 socialist health care bills. This is one fine example of how unpopular the CT Democrats brand of socialism is with Connecticut votes!
WTIC 1080 radio poll today:
Should The Legislature Override Governor Rell's Veto Of Two Bills To Increase Health Insurance Coverage?
( 19% )
( 81% )
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