Thursday, August 6, 2009

At Meet-And-Greet, Rep. Chris Murphy Meets Some Hostility --


Anonymous said...

Good for Simsbury. When is Murphy coming to our area. We need to put on a good show of protesting his votes on Obama/Pelosi policies.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how those people from Simsbury like being dismissed by the White House as "Astroturf" or by the Democratic National Committee as "Rabid Right Wing Extremists?"

Anonymous said...

Murphy, a Democrat who represents the 5th District, routinely holds informal office hours at supermarkets and strip malls, but such gatherings are generally uneventful. This time, many of the 150 or so attendees were so boisterous that Stop & Shop management called the police to ask that the crowd be moved from the store's entrance.

The scene in Simsbury is being replayed throughout the nation this week as congressional Democrats convene town hall forums and other public get-togethers to win support for the Obama administration's plan to overhaul the health care system.

Anonymous said...

The arrogance of these pols is appalling.

It seems that when Pelosi, Reid, Rangel, Dodd, Murphy, Kennedy and company rooked so many moderates with their promise to govern from the center they thought that meant they were rubber stamped for their far left socialist agendas.

Well guess what. They were wrong and they should pay for the outright breech of trust that moderate democrats had in their word.

The Socialist: From President Obama right down to our local alderman Sherwood are beside themselves. Instead of heeding popular opinion they are bent on pushing through massive social programs and legislation.

They have broken every promise of bipartisanship and transparency that they made during the last election cycles.

They are trying to marginalize the Republican Party and the conservative wing of their own party.

With national leaders such as Pelosi calling anti national health care protesters Nazis and Chris Murphy brushing aside concerns that our citizens have with this legislation they are exposing themselves as the true partisan career politician socialist hacks that they are.

Democrats need to take the party back before these clowns destroy it along with our free, independent capitalistic society that has served its citizens for over 200 years.

Anonymous said...

I wish Murphy would come to New Britain so I could tell him what I think of his support for Obama's plan for a single payer government controlled socialized medicine, but I am sure he will just dismiss my opinion as "Astroturf" so I guess he won't get my opinion until November 2010, when it counts the most.

Anonymous said...

Murphy is too much of a coward to come to New Britain for a public town hall meeting, and besides, he couldn't care less what taxpayers like you and I think. All evidence is that he is going to participate in ramming through government takeover of our health care system to please his Messiah, whether we like it or not. It doesn't seem to matter to him that 68% of Americans are against this bill or that 90% of Americans have health care and 82% of Americans are happy with their health care coverage. You and your health care plan are going to be sacrificed simply to give his Messiah the power over your health care and and to control all aspects of your life (and death as the case may be).

Anonymous said...

Keep it up! It is our job as Americans to speak up! Stand Up! even if they ridicule us. This is our Taxpayer money that is going to this mess.

Anonymous said...

Whenever I see Congresman Murphy, I see Nancy Pelosi dressed in a Man's Suit! Can anyone tell the difference anymore?

Anonymous said...

Doesn't our government remind you of what Iran's government is like. The administration and the Democrats in Congress are getting just like the dictators in Iran and other dictator countries. They are getting out of touch. Have they forgotten this is a FREE and DEMOCRATIC country. The more the American people see through them the worse they get.

a former Democrat--ashamed to admit that I was once one of them said...

This is exactly the type of B.S. that led me to change my registration from Democrat to Republican. I am tired of these out of control politicians spending our money for their liberal idealism like cap and tax, government bailouts of banks and car companies, and now total government seizure of our health care system at the hands of a radical extremist and I am tired of being lied to about it.

I will never vote for a Democrat again for any office and I know many people who feel the same way.

Anonymous said...

In case Congressman Murphy didn't hear yesterday:


Anonymous said...

Mr. Murphy:
Isn't it easy for Obama to sit in Wahshington and dictate to you to ignore your constituents during the August recess, come back to Washington and ram this bill through on a stricly party vote, whether we, the people, want it or not?

Afterall, he doesn't have to face us in an election next year, but guess what--YOU DO!

Anonymous said...

What you and your loony tune libs are doing to this country is ramming pure socialism down our throats. Get used to it, the screaming will get louder and people that love this country, will not go down without a fight. You can count on it!!!

Anonymous said...

But the Libs are saying these all are staged and are astroturf movements. Washington change is coming when we vote you all out!!!

Anonymous said...

The liberal media is spinning this event as becoming so violent, that the police had to be called, which exemplifies how much the media lies about these events.

Anyone who wants to know the truth simply has to watch the video to the right to see that nothing could be further from the truth. About half way through the video, one lonely Simsbury Town Police Officer approaches Congressmen Murphy and says that the store called because their customers could not get in and out of the store because of the size of the crowd. The officer tells everyone that the police have closed off traffic to another area of the parking lot (for everyone's safety) and requests that everyone move there again for everyone's including the protester's and the Congressman's safety. The crowd is so controlled that if the store manager simply came out and made the same request, everyone would have most likely complied in a similar fashion--at least that is how it appears in the video.

The officer makes his request once in a normal voice, and everyone, including Congressman Murphy peacefully moved to the new location without incident.

Sounds like some violent protest doesn't it?

The liberal media either doesn't know about the online video of the event, or simply does not care when putting their own spin on such an event.

To Congressman Murphy's credit, he is even quoted as "downplaying the event."

Anonymous said...

Apparently Congressman Murphy has a similar attitude to the New Britain City Council--one of the untouchables!

Anonymous said...

Just VOTE him out! He is out of touch with CT and with the US too!

Anonymous said...

2010 can't come soon enough!

Anonymous said...

The only ones trying to disrupt public discourse is the slick politicians trying to shove socialism down our throats. Pravda said this country slid into socialism without a whimper. Well we are whimpering now and we will not stop.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Murphy will surprise us and actually listen to his constituents?

Anonymous said...

To show you how ignorant Nancy Pelosi is, the swastika she keeps talking about was a swastika with a slash through it representing the fascist tactics of her own party. Pelosi is trying to turn it around to make you think the protesters were using swastikas, but it was a symbol being used to resist the hostile take-over of this country by Fascist Democrats.

Anonymous said...

The council Democrats should take note of the uprising against Congress as being expressed in the turnout at the town hall meetings. Don't believe they are real, just ask Congressman Murphy about the 200-300 people that turned out at Stop & Shop in Simsbury chanting "HANDS OFF MY HEALTH CARE."

Congress and the council Dems have the same do what they want, don't care what the people think mentality.

Anonymous said...

Is Frank Smith's web site one of these far right zealot sites that O'Reilly was just talking about?

Oh, that's right, Frank is a fellow Democrat of Congressman Murphy.

Anonymous said...

All I know is that Chris Murphy did not seem to be too popular in Simsbury yesterday

Anonymous said...

Did Murphy ever answer the question of whether or not he was going to sign up for Obamacare for myself and his family ....I doubt it!!

Anonymous said...

didn't he say he doesn't even have health care from Congress because his wife is a State of Connecticut employee and he is on her plan because it is better?

Anonymous said...

“Why does the President want to shove a healthcare bill down our throats in three to four weeks when he took SIX MONTHS to pick out what kind of dog he wanted for his kids???” The kicker - this Joe six-pack is a Democrat.

Anonymous said...

Since last January, there certainly has been plenty of change. But, as the polls prove, fewer and fewer folks are believing in it.

The current civil war in America is really an uncivil debate about whether to trust the federal government or not. Policy aside, fundamental beliefs are now separating Americans into two very intense camps.

On the left side sit the "give hope a chance" crew which supports the dramatic increase in government influence and spending. These pro-Obama citizens believe that the president can right economic and social wrongs by dramatically expanding federal power.

Cruising on the right are those suspicious of increasing federal power. These folks generally believe President Obama is, indeed, an agent of hope--he hopes the nation will embrace a form of neo-socialism. Emotions are now running high on both sides of the debate.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know if Congressman Murphy believes so strongly in this program of the President, why is he not signing up himself and his family???????

If it is good enough for us, shouldn't it be good enough for his family too?

Anonymous said...

The latest Washington Post-ABC News poll shows that not only are Obama's disapproval ratings soaring but support for his health care plan is now less than 49 percent, a new low.

Could it be because the radically liberal administration of Barack Hussein Obama is lying to Americans and will take their health care away just to save the future of the Democrats agenda? -- At issue is are Obama's promises that people who are happy with their current health insurance can keep it. That's a claim contradicted by, a nonpartisan consumer advocacy group at the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg Public Policy Center.

With the help of his partners-in-crime Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid -- is trying to FORCE Americans to accept socialized health care like Canada and Europe...

Anonymous said...

I bet Murphy lacks the cojones to meet with his constituents in New Britain. He doesn't want to hear what we have to say because he has already made up his mind to ram this crap down our throats even though he knows the majority of us are against this. He knows he is wrong, but all that matters to him is his support his fellow left wing radicals.

Anonymous said...

One union was there holding NOW signs directly behind Rep Murphy?

Anonymous said...

The President said it himself on tape, that he would deliver a single payer system by the end of his first term.
(Apparently he is guaranteeing himself a second term.)

Then if you watch the video, Barney Frank describes how they will trick us into accepting the government "option" until we transition into a total single payer system. What he is saying is that is how they have it worked out to trick us into going along with it, but once they bankrupt the private insurers, you will only have Barrack Obama to make your health care decisions!

Anonymous said...


To quote from Japanese Commander Isoroku Takano:

"I'm afraid all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve." - about the attack on Pearl Harbor.

This is what you left wing extremists who are hijacking our country have done. You have awaken the sleeping giant and filled him with more resolve than I have seen in my lifetime, more resolve to stop you idiots from totally destroying our country. You have done enough damage, now start listening to the people and stop ruining this country.

Anonymous said...

What are the Democrats afraid of?

Whatever happened to "power to the people?"

What are they so afraid of about people speaking up? Are they afraid that some truth might leak out in the process?

Them more they try to silence me, the louder I plan to yell!

Anonymous said...

Can I ask a good question?

Does Murphy work for us, or do we work for Murphy?

Anonymous said...

Did Murphy get his White House briefing today on how to ignore constituents? Today the White House held a briefing to train Democrats on how to avoid contact with us Astroturf people.

Anonymous said...

Joe Courtney got 350 people at his town hall today. I guess he has bigger ones than Murphy because at least he is man enough to face his constituents even if they are mad as hell at him for supporting socialism being rammed down our throats.

Anonymous said...

Today's DNC would describe Thomas Jefferson as a Rabid Right Wing Extremist, and to Robert Gibbs, I'm sure Jefferson would be Astroturf:

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
-Thomas Jefferson
Declaration of Independence
July 4th, 1776

Anonymous said...


As so-called journalists negatively depict town hall meeting protesters as an organized angry mob (or worse!), they seem to forget how throughout most of this decade while George W. Bush was president dissent was quite encouraged.

Try to guess who said this in 2003?

I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration. Hillary Rodham Clinton (2003).

Anonymous said...

Obviously these Democrats just don't get it. They are accusing all these elderly people of being phony protesters paid to show up by the GOP and bused in at GOP expense?

I guess that is because that is how the Democrats do business. ACORN and the SEIU pay professional agitators to show up on buses that they provide. Glenn Beck reported on this about the phony protests over the AIG bonuses right here in CT. Since most of what the Democrats do is phony, and staged, apparently they are incapable of accepting that there are real people who oppose to their socialist takeover of our health care.

Republicans are normally too busy working and paying taxes to show up at protests, so if they are showing up in these numbers, that is magnificently impressive.

Glenn Beck Rules! said...

The media would like folks to believe that only Democrats are hearing it from constituents at town hall meetings this August, but given what happened to Rep. Bob Inglis (R-SC) Thursday evening, nothing could be further from the truth.

As he spoke to a group of 350 citizens at the Upstate Family Resource Center in Boiling Springs, he asked an outspoken attendee why she was afraid of Barack Obama.

Someone in the crowd suggested the Congressman watch Glenn Beck. Inglis replied, "Turn that television off when he comes on."

This was not well-received by folks who started loudly booing their Representative as many stood up and left the building.

Anonymous said...

I live just over the line in the 1st Congressional District, and although my Congressman is unavailable during this period because he just underwent heart surgery, I have always found him to be just as bad, if not worst than Murphy about ignoring the people. He couldn't care less about what "we the people" think. With Larson it is all about pushing his radical left wing agenda, and it is blatantly clear that the only people he cares to please is the socialist in the white house and that total nut job they chose for a speaker. I am sure if he weren't suffering from health problems, he would have gone away on a month long golf vacation or something else to avoid hearing from any of his constituents. He has a history of ignoring the voters and voting for whatever agenda the Messiah gives him.

I recently saw Larson on television banging on the table and yelling on the floor of the House that it was a disgrace if they failed to act now to stop the "global warming" which over 800 world experts proclaim is a total fraud perpetrated by left wing loons like Larson and Murphy. Some of the experts even name Al Gore as the perpetrator of the fraud because he has reportedly personally profited over $100 million owning interests in "going green" tree hugger companies that these liberals are all pushing. Right after Larson's tirade on the floor of the House, the socialist party pushed through their cap and tax bill which is estimated will destroy about 3 million jobs in America if it makes it through the Senate. Of course Mr. Murphy voted for this nonsense too.
If you want to continue to transform America into a communist, Marxist country where everyone lives off the government, then keep voting for these clowns who have made pandering to special interests of the left their life long career in Congress.

Anonymous said...

So much for an administration of "transparency." If you don't believe their lies, you are called vicious names by your elected representatives.

Anonymous said...

Rasmussen Reports:

41% View Town Hall Protesters Favorably, 35% Don’t

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

According to a story in the Hartford Courant, Congressman Murphy is a master of town hall meetings who is listening to his constituents. So when is he going to hold a town hall meeting in New Britain?

Anonymous said...

When Laure Cuccarolo went into early labor on a recent Sunday night in a village in southern France, her only choice was to ask the local fire brigade to whisk her to a hospital 30 miles away. A closer one had been shuttered by cost cuts in France's universal health system.

Doctors, trade unions and others have called national protests against French health-care cutbacks this year. One petition signed by prominent physicians said they feared the intent of the reform was to turn health care into a 'lucrative business' rather than a public service.
France Fights Universal Care's High Cost
France Fights Universal Care's High Cost

Ms. Cuccarolo's little girl was born in a firetruck.

France claims it long ago achieved much of what today's U.S. health-care overhaul is seeking: It covers everyone, and provides what supporters say is high-quality care. But soaring costs are pushing the system into crisis. The result: As Congress fights over whether America should be more like France, the French government is trying to borrow U.S. tactics.

In recent months, France imposed American-style "co-pays" on patients to try to throttle back prescription-drug costs and forced state hospitals to crack down on expenses. "A hospital doesn't need to be money-losing to provide good-quality treatment," President Nicolas Sarkozy thundered in a recent speech to doctors.

And service cuts -- such as the closure of a maternity ward near Ms. Cuccarolo's home -- are prompting complaints from patients, doctors and nurses that care is being rationed. That concern echos worries among some Americans that the U.S. changes could lead to rationing.

The French system's fragile solvency shows how tough it is to provide universal coverage while controlling costs, the professed twin goals of President Barack Obama's proposed overhaul.

Anonymous said...

Five steps for a better National-Socialist Health care

1. Beat up the opposition
2. call the other side Fascists
3. Whip up Hysteria
4. Criminalize difference of opinion
5. Report dissenters to

Anonymous said...

The Democrats are the organized THUGS at the town hall meetings:

Organizing for America -- the new iteration of the presidential candidate's campaign group Obama for America -- passed out pro-healthcare reform signs and leaflets before Rep. Kathy Castor's (D-Fla.) now infamous town hall meeting in Tampa, Florida, last Thursday.

Also distributing information were members of SEIU.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps those who criticize the protesters should read the CT Constitution, especially Article First, SEC. 2. All political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit; and they have at all times an undeniable and indefeasible right to alter their form of government in such manner as they may think expedient.

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