Friday, August 21, 2009

The Bizy Bee: Ants Go Marching; DTC Imploring & Begging for Candidates


Anonymous said...

Why would the DTC name Judith Greco for the BOE. She is a great pal of Doris Kurtz. She will go along with Kurtz totally because she has axis to grind from the days when she was a House Master at NBHS. When she lost the chance to become principal and then, was removed from a coveted space on the second floor to the smaller third floor, diminishing her position, she quit!

She moved onto Aquinas where she was a disaster and asked to leave.

It does not say much for New Britain when they do not bother to investigate their candidates' backgrounds. For the Republicans to co- endorse Greco, a Democrat is a farce. All three Democrats for the BOE always get voted in. There was no reason to co-endorse a candidate who brings baggage and eliminates a more qualified candidate. Please no more teachers. We need business people running our school system.

Anonymous said...

Hey Frank,
The liberals keep attacking you and calling you names because they don't like your reporting (the truth) but I don't recall you ever having to be called to stand tall before the editor of the newspaper for misusing their reporting, you know, like their chairman has had to do!

Recess Tea Party said...

The Nationwide Recess Rally takes place on Saturday, August 22nd, 2009. If you believe your liberty, your hard earned money and your way of life is under attack through dangerous healthcare legislation currently being proposed, get to your local Representative office on August 22nd and make sure he/she knows.

Representative Chris Murphy (D – 05)

114 West Main Street, Suite 206
New Britain, CT 06051
Voice: 860-223-8412
FAX: 860-827-9009

Anonymous said...

The Republican Town Committee must be hard up to endorse Independents and Democrats.

What happened, did Paul Carver and Tim Stewart burn all their bridges?

Anonymous said...

What we all have to understand is there is no Democrat Party anymore. I prefer to call it the party of elitists, liars, tax cheats and thieves. They care nothing about you and I, Capitalism, or our Constitution. One of the greatest freedoms we have, is the freedom to assemble, to speak out, to protest against, or for something that we the people believe in. Now understand, its OK and a good thing when the libs do it to support and try to ram their agenda down our throats using SEIU, Acorn and Union thugs, but god forbid it when honest hard working real Americans who care about our freedoms and capitalism do it, we're labeled racist, evil mongers, right-wing radical extremists etc. The so-called party for the children, the old, the less fortunate, its all a big pile of crap folks. The democrat party of today is about two things, Power and total government control of everything and everybody period. If we don't continue to speak out against healthcare, as well as the cap and tax/trade bill these pathetic so-called public servants will continue to strip the Constitution to threads and the once most prosperous, hard working, charity giving, God loving societies ever created by man will be nothing but a memory. Socialism, and Communism doesn't work, never has, never will and for me, I want nothing to do with it.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing that the democrats used to be the inclusion, big tent party. Now if your not liberal, an Acorn member, a union member, and or have any paid "job" dealing with government your not a true "democrat".

I guess Team Stewart, the real party of working America, has the bigger tent.

Lou Salvio said...

To the ABJECT COWARD who wrote the following:
" Anonymous said...
I don’t believe for one moment that every time Peter Steel comments on this blog he always signs his name to his comments. I believe that only shows how truly deceitful he really is. He couldn’t tell the truth if his life counted on it.

Also, before you blame Dr. Kurtz for our children’s test scores you might want to consider how our mayor and city council constantly under funds the BOE by millions of dollars every year.

August 22, 2009 8:36 AM"

You sir, or Maam are the lowest kind of politician or "would be"! You wouldn't even be worthy of being in the same room with Pete Steele because you are a coward who hides behind anonymity. But then again, Pete is only a Viet Nam veteran who served so you could continue to have that right. Don't call him a liar while you hide behind an alias. If you do it to his face, be prepared to hit the floor. And if Pete doesn't do it there is a line waiting to do it for him!

You are a pathetic human being or maybe, then again, ah, don't go there! Everyone knows who you are.

Anonymous said...

How about this, people? If you're going to levy a personal attack on someone, LEAVE YOUR NAME! Whether it's Judy Greco, Mayor Stewart, or anyone else, if you've got the guts to say something nasty, then be a man and let people know who you are. If not, you are obviously pond scum, and nobody will take you seriously or believe a filthy word you say.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"The Republican Town Committee must be hard up to endorse Independents and Democrats."

Let's not forget a few months ago the fiasco created by Phil Sherwood when he "recruited" Republican Leslie Jacobs to fill a vacancy on the BOE. The Republicans endorsed a perfectly good candidate, Jaime Giantonio. Remember how outraged the bloggers here were, that Sherwood pulled what he did, especially with Ms Jacobs' has a reputation that isn't quite up to par.
One word of advice: Be careful what you wish may come back to haunt you!

Anonymous said...

This is to Anonymous who wants writers to expose their name and calls them "pond scum" for writing personal attacks.

In the case of Judith Greco,
every word in true. It can be confirmed. This writer left out the stronger stuff which, although true, might have been construed as a personal attack.

There is a difference between the truth and worthless attacks. Maybe you should clean up your own name calling, reveal your name or lay off the Kool-Ade!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Working Families candidates want your name so they can send bus loads of ACORN protesters to picket you for opposing their left wing radical agenda!

Anonymous said...

By ants, so you mean red ACORN shirts?

independent voter said...

Ahh the information age!! Isn’t it a blast?

I often wonder is it the end of civil politics //sarcasm//!

As the election approaches I will tune in more and more to not only sites like Franks but also to the local news.

In the news paper I expect articles and stories of how the decisions made and to be made are affecting our community. I expect these articles to be truefull, unbiased and researched for truth. I expect opinions and accusations to be held accountable to the author.

On "the blogs" I expect raw unfiltered opinion. I expect that along with the main stream party line back and forth that there will be bombs as well. Anonymous blogging does that.

After all the description says it all!

"Frank Smith Says NB:
News, Commentary and OPINIONS in New Britain CT."

I think we all need to remember that opinions are like!@#holes everyone has one. Some are dead on and some are not.

I look at it this way if Chairman McNamara isn't leading the democrats into a communist run socialist hole than he has nothing to worry about. If Phil Sherwood isn't an agent for the leftwing socialist freedom destroying acorn/new party/WFP/CCAG than he should sleep well. If Tim Stewart isn't always cussing out constituents and sleeping with the rich money hungry capitalist than hey who cares. If Pete Steele isn’t a liar He should care less what a blogger thinks.

My point is simple facts are facts opinions are opinions and guess what???

Here is my opinion!!! WOO HOOO

John McNamara is destroying the working class blue collar democratic party in town. The common council in New Britain is nothing short of a laughing stock. Phil Sherwood and his carpet bagging socialist buddies should be exposed for the leaches that they really are. The Republican town council needs to allow dissent. Tim Stewart should learn to control his temper it is unprofessional. Cross endorsing candidates is wrong weather it is the working families party (also known as acorn or the new party, an extreme socialist left wing of the democrats) or if it’s the Republican Party. Having your name listed twice on a ballot is just wrong. The Broad ST road project is a disgrace. Politicians tend to throw people under the bus. The police station on Main St is a good idea. Phil Sherwood should resign after attributing false statements to fellow council members. Small government is a right!!! If you receive government entitlement you should be required to perform community service. Many republicans in New Britain’s RTC are really conservative democrats.

Anonymous said... I love blogs

Anonymous said...

Hey independent voter,

We like our “Jerry Springer Politics” just the way it is.

Dr. Phil’s blog is 2 doors down on the right!

Hehehe, gotta love those self thinkers //smirks//

independent voter said...

Anonymous said...
Hey independent voter,

.....Dr. Phil’s blog is 2 doors down on the right!........

I guess it could be worse. We could have Al Franken

Anonymous said...

"The Bizy Bee" [said] ... DTC Imploring & Beggibg for Candidates"

One has to know that the DTC is hard up for candidates when you look at their list of endorsed candidate. The DTC, led by little MAC, throws veteran Town Clerk, Denuzze under the endorsement bus. Then they proceed to endorse some of the "same old", "same old" hapless floks that hold office now! PLUS, the DTC endorses Marie Lausch (city union militant) who has a built in conflict of interest going in as a candidate for Common Council, no joke! And a budding slum lord who hasn't even been around for more than a year. Yeah, thry would fit right in with the socialist/WFP/ultra liberal/Acorn democrats in NB. Not for me, not by the hair of your chinny-chi-chin.

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