Abortion and Euthanasia was the alert to 68 million Catholics this past Sunday Morning representing 22% of the US population.
The Knights of Columbus with a membership of 1.78 million membership has also joined this cause.
The membership of Congress needs to understand the wishes of the American people and the Catholics along with other religious organizations before submitting their votes of “We will provide what we think you need against the foregoing cautions.”
The Democratic Dialog On This Issue is Totally Wrong.
The only God these Congressmen are interested in pleasing is the Lord Obama.
The Democratic Party's persistence on trying to ram socialized medicine down the throats of a public who continues to tell them NO is going to be the downfall of their party for decades!
It has been my experience having lived a long, but productive life that many Catholics are "Cafeteria Catholics" They pick and choose which church policies they are willing to accept.
The Supreme Court justices outnumber any other group as to being Catholic. Some are practicing Catholics, some think they know more than God. They could be unanimous. Some are pro life, some are pro choice.
No one wants to witness an abortion or euthanasia and live with a clear conscience.
Obama is outragious is his determination to abort life at any cost.
As a married, solvent woman with a husband and an RN degree, I know that those babies were thriving at twenty weeks.
The first sign is called quickening. It is felt at 20 weeks. These babies, called fetuses are alive and attached to their moms. It was a cause of celebration in our household. How could the "Cafeteria Catholics" not understand this?
This is why the media hates Sarah Palin. They do not want to be reminded of their shoddy attitudes.
The left wing loons are turning on themselves:
Whole Foods has built its brand with the dollars of deceived progressives. Let them know your money will no longer go to support Whole Foods' anti-union, anti-health insurance reform, right-wing activities.
Looks like the left wing zealots are going to tear the party apart!
Greta suggested during her show that conservatives should all shop at Whole Foods tomorrow to counter what these left wing wackos are doing with their boycott. I'll bet after a challenge like that on the most watched news channel in America, their business will actually increase due to these lunatics boycotting them.
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