Thursday, August 13, 2009

Denuzze forces primary for clerk -

by; James Craven New Britain Herald


Anonymous said...

Pete Denuzze was just the latest victim of Democratic Town Committe maneuvring, having been thrown under the bus by the totally ultra liberal group. Suzanne Bielinski, even if she loses the primary to Denuzze, will be endorsed by the Working Families Party. If she loses the election in November she will then be appointed to fill a seat that will be vacated by some place holder currently on the Dem slate. Party loyaist Denuzze should be the winner, he has earned his office. Bielinski and her nephew are just trying to fill city hall major positions with liberals. Let's hope the voters come through and sweep this Dem bunch out of city hall.

Anonymous said...

NB Voters need to try something new and vote Republican this time! the top line in November is a bi-partisan slate made up of Republicans (many of whom were former Democrats), Democrats and Unaffiliated Voters! Buck the Trend New Britain, Vote Republican!

Anonymous said...

The Bizy Bee said...
NB Voters need to try something new and vote Republican this time! the top line in November is a bi-partisan slate made up of Republicans (many of whom were former Democrats), Democrats and Unaffiliated Voters! Buck the Trend New Britain, Vote Republican!


Anonymous said...

I can just see it now..Greg Gerratana as Tax Collector, Suzanne Bielinski as Town Clerk. Is the Bielinski clan trying to take over city hall? New Britain's version of the Kennedy's.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it is time for change all the way around, and since the Democrats are all tied up with partisan bickering, the Republican Town Clerk would seem to be the right answer.

Anonymous said...

Would Greg Gerrantana have to live in New Britain if he were Tax Collector, or is the Berlin pool house close enough for most people?

Anonymous said...

Imagine what Tim Stewart could accomplish for the city if he had a council and city officials that worked with him, instead of making every issue into a childish fight?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Would Greg Gerrantana have to live in New Britain if he were Tax Collector, or is the Berlin pool house close enough for most people?
August 13, 2009 2:42 PM

Greg Gerratana and his wife recently purchased a home on Brookside Drive in New Britain.

Anonymous said...

Greg Gerratana and his wife recently purchased a home on Brookside Drive in New Britain---only after Franksmithsaysnb reported that he was living in a pool house in Berlin!

A worker's democrat said...

Peter Denuzze has done an excellent job as Town Clerk. I cannot understand how a person serving for two terms is not being endorsed by his own party. Could it be that Bielinski's present employment is coming to a end and she needs a job ? Dick Murphy a democrat held this position for many years why would the Democratic Town Committee want to throw him under the bus ? If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Anonymous said...

Could it be that he doesn't follow the extremist attitude of his ultra left party leadership?

Anonymous said...

Good show Peter. Teach the Democratic party liberals that they cannot through you under the bus.

Anonymous said...

Now that Gerratana and his wife have purchased property here in New Britain, perhaps they will register their vehicles here and pay some property taxes. Until now, they have avoided doing that.

What address is on their driver's licenses?

Anonymous said...

“NB Voters need to try something new and vote Republican this time! the top line in November is a bi-partisan slate made up of Republicans (many of whom were former Democrats), Democrats and Unaffiliated Voters! Buck the Trend New Britain, Vote Republican!”

I would vote republican if one ran, but it is clear we only have liberal democrats and democrats who are too weak to fight for their own party and now they have infiltrated the Republican Party to weaken our party. But what would you expect with Paul Carver at the helm.

Good Grief!!!

Anonymous said...

Didn't know where on your blog to place my comment; this seems to be the only place where it might fit.

In today's Herald (8/17/09), Carlos Pina introduces himself to the readers in a letter to the editor to announce that he is running as a "Democratic candidate for alderman, Ward I City of New Britain."
He uses a boiler plate list of "THINGS" that he supports, i.e., schools, public safety, and, oh yes, "...aggressive and blight control measures...." Wow! How proactive and up tp date is this guy?
The interesting thing about his letter is that he never says that he's supporting any Democrat on the Dem ticket, not even their top person on the. If you read carefully what he states, it sounds like he's a candidate on the Republican line, especially in his 4th. paragraph! I think he likes the Republican slate that has many parties represented. Mr. Pina should ask to join with the Republican slate! Oh! He wants to share his plans with New Britain citizens.

Anonymous said...

[ Anonymous said...
Didn't know where on your blog to place my comment; this seems to be the only place where it might fit.

In today's Herald (8/17/09), Carlos Pina introduces himself to the readers in a letter to the editor to announce that he is running as a "Democratic candidate for alderman, Ward I City of New Britain."
He uses a boiler plate list of "THINGS" that he supports, i.e., schools, public safety, and, oh yes, "...aggressive and effective blight control measures...." Wow! How proactive and up tp date is this guy?
The interesting thing about his letter is that he never says that he's supporting any other Democrat on the Dem ticket, not even their top person on the line. If you read carefully what he states, it sounds like he's a candidate on the Republican line - or wants to be -, especially in his 4th. paragraph! I think he likes the Republican slate that has many parties represented. Mr. Pina should ask to join with the Republican slate! Oh! He wants to share his plans with New Britain citizens. Wow again! How novel.]

This guy and others on the D line are not happy; it appears they want to disassociate themselves from the likes of Trueworthy, Sherwood, Bielinski, etc. It's very interesting.

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