Thursday, August 13, 2009

Comments from one of my Critics

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "New Britain Police Report for the Month of May":

"more than 100 DEA Task Force members and law enforcement officers from several Hartford County police departments arrested 25 individuals on federal charges related to distribution of cocaine and crack cocaine in the Hartford area"

2 people from New Britain were arrested.

The ORIGINAL posting "New Britain Police Report for the Month of May" has not only been HEAVILY edited recently but my negative comments were removed.

I am sadly disappointed that this "political watchdog" is slanted so far to the right a seat belt should be required at all times.

When asked in person why every comment must now be approved:
"Some people swear" he replied.

I beg to differ, this is not an open forum or discussion board but merely a "Team Stewart" effort.

Guess the game is on.

Will this be published? Possibly, possibly edited.

Posted by Anonymous to Frank Smith Says NB at August 13, 2009 1:05 PM


Anonymous said...

Interesting.....attacking a fellow Democrat and accusing him of being on Team Stewart? Frank is an elected official on the Democratic ticket--moron!!!!

Anonymous said...

There have been articles critical of the mayor on here, but it seems one sided only because the Democrats do so much ridiculous stuff, that he never runs out of material to write about. Every day is another day of adventure with these clowns on the council.

The mayor isn't running around insulting developers who want to invest $5 million in this city or accusing restaurants who want to open a business in town of selling Chinese hot dogs, is he?

Anonymous said...

Obviously posted by some left wing radical that hasn't been reading your blog for very long, otherwise he would know that all comments have always required moderation. You have already explained that several times to the rest of us because you need to keep the swear words out and any threatening comments, otherwise you have posted virtually anything, regardless of what kind of crack pot--(even me) wrote it. Case and point is that you posted this guy's loony rant.

If this is such a huge issue, why doesn't he attack Little Mac for his one sided blog that limits any comments from being posted. On Little Mac's site, you not only have to wait for moderation, you can not post without registering for an account after providing him with your full name, address, phone number, e-mail address and so on, and then waiting for his permission to allow you to submit your comment.

NOW WHO IS CENSORING open discussion? I doubt you would ever be allowed to post a comment on that site unless you worship at the throne of Dictator Obama.

According to Rush, the Democratic Party is self destructing from within, because they can't handle it when the public confronts them with the truth and no longer accepts their constant lying. This guy's rant is just one example of just how desperate the Democrats are getting as their party falls in shambles. All the rest of us have to do is sit back and watch their party crumble.

Anonymous said...

Do us all a favor, and don't publish anything else this doofus writes. Spare us all the agony of reading his tripe.

Frank Smith said...

Since the inception of this blog one year ago, I have not removed or deleted a post unless it contained harsh language that I felt was not suitable for a family audience, or in the case that it contained language that was threatening in nature, otherwise all postings have been allowed regardless of political view. There have even been postings from a Democratic Alderman who have posted without any editing or restriction in their comments except as outlined above.

Anonymous said...

They just don't know how to deal with you because you are so fair and balanced. The Bill O'Reilly of New Britain!

Anonymous said...

As a member of the radical mob, as described by the Democrats, they are apparently following the philosophy of the Democrats in Congress to ignore and criticize anyone who dares disagree with their brand of socialism as being a "radical right wing extremist" (to quote the DNC).

The problem for these extremists who have hijacked our party is that they are not listening to the people they are supposed to be serving, and the people they criticize as being a "mob" are actually in the majority.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Phil Sherwood used to post on here on a regular basis, that is until people started questioning the garbage he was pedaling.

Anonymous said...

Must be that a former, now defunct morally bankrupt former "reporter" and lackey for Sherwack tried to put one of his profanity laced, drug induced comments on your blog, Frank.

Anonymous said...

With many Democratics having been very upset by the way the New Britain party has been taken over by the ultra liberals its no wonder that many are leaving the party.

The socialist think they have won but in reality the ACORN facture will destroy them come elction time.

Anonymous said...

I guess this guy is accusing Phil Sherwood of being a member of "Team Stewart" as Phil used to post on here all the time, even with his picture!

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