Little Mac wrote about Frank Smith Says NB: "another conduit for personal attacks on local Democrats generally and vitriolic, extremist reports against President Obama specifically."
Apparently little mac is in denial that Obama is a radical extremist that is attempting to ram socialism down the throats of the American people!
Perhaps little mac should watch the Ronald Regan video posted here, where in 1961, Ronald Reagan was already warning against radical extremists like Obama. It might help to open his eyes to how Obama is trying to transform this country into communism.
Perhaps if the Democrats someday were to actually do something other than push their socialist radical agenda, Frank Smith might have something positive to write about your party, Little Mac.
Hey Johnny Mac, how does it feel that one of your own elected Democratic officials has nothing good to say about the entire party under your leadership?
Their party is self destructing on both the national and the local levels. The latest polls show Americans favor Republicans for all Congressional seats in 2010--something that has never happened before.
The president's health care plan has 59% of Americans STRONGLY OPPOSED to it, with only 20% of Americans STRONGLY SUPPORTING it and the rest not caring much either way. The most important fact is how strong the opposition is.
The Democratic brand name is dead for maybe even several decades because of the radical extremists that have hijacked the party.
Sarah Palin has demonstrated that she has more political power than Barrack Obama. With one entry on her Facebook page, she was able to get the section supporting "death panels" removed from the Senate version of the bill in less than a week. Obama clearly doesn't have as much political clout in the Senate as a former Republican Governor.
The fact that they are getting so nasty just exemplifies how desperate the Democrats are getting at all levels. The more the Democrats talk, the more they completely turn off the public on their brand.
Frank: Clearly it is clairavoyance on the part of the Great Communicator. That he would know Obama is a socialist before Obama was born is nothing short of amazing.
It wasn't that Ronald Reagan knew that Obama was a socialist, it was simply that he was warning of the dangers of socialism and that the trickery socialists use to totally transform a country is to trick them into accepting their brand of socialized medicine. Reagan warned that once that happens, the country becomes totally transformed before the majority of the people even understand what hit them, and then it is too late.
It wasn't that Reagan knew Obama, who happened to be born that same year, but since Obama gets everything he does right out of Saul Alinlsky's rules for radicals, Reagan was simply warning us against the dangers of radical extremists. Obama just coincidentally happens to be one of the redical extremists that the great communicator was warning about.
In Rules for Radicals Alinsky writes, "There's another reason for working inside the system. Dostoevsky said that taking a new step is what people fear most. Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and change the future. This acceptance is the reformation essential to any revolution."
This is where Senator Barack Obama's campaign about "Change" comes from. He is not talking about positive change but rather the change outlined by his mentor Saul Alinsky. Revolutionary change. Socialist change.
In order to reach his goal Senator Obama, with the help of the radical left, the media and the Democratic party, is setting the stage for this radical leftist change agenda. He and his supporters are demonizing President Bush, Republicans, conservatives, Christians and those who believe in America.
As his mentor Saul Alinsky said, "They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and change the future."
Obama believes, "the most effective means are whatever will achieve the desired ends", even if that means lying, cheating and stealing. Obama will change the future.
Yes, change the future for the worst.
NOTE: Oddly enough, another of Alinsky's most ardent admirers turned out to be the woman who is now his principal opponent for the Democratic presidential nomination, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Her 1969 senior thesis at Wellesley College was titled, There Is Only The Fight: An Analysis of the Alinsky Model.
For those wondering just how strong the sentiment being expressed at Tea Parties and town hall meetings is growing throughout the nation, consider that about 1,000 people turned out to demonstrate against ObamaCare Friday in one of the most liberal cities in America...San Francisco.
That's right, a Tea Party in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Cal.) own district.
Citizens opposed to Obama's health-care overhaul are not only white, irritable, and angry, as the New York Times has confirmed in two front-page stories -- they're ignorant as well.
That's the new wrinkle reporter David Stout brings to the debate, in his web-only report Wednesday afternoon on congressional town hall meetings across the country dominated by health-care concerns, "For Lawmakers, Health-Plan Anger Keeps Coming."
Asking why Obama doesn’t know the details of the health care bill is like asking whether Hitler cared what color cattle cars were painted.
Hitler didn’t concern himself with whether the cars were brown or red. He cared less whether there was ample circulation of air, how many people could be stuffed into one compartment or whether there were sanitary accommodations for passengers. His goal was getting the Jews to Auschwitz-Birkenau and disposing of them promptly upon arrival.
Much like a cattle car the health care bill is the vehicle for Obama to transfer this nation to his own socialist concentration camp. Obama doesn’t need to know the details of HR 3200 he just wants to be sure it’s capable of fulfilling the objective of pulling into the station.
People on board Obama’s cattle car will not be emaciated like Auschwitz prisoners; they’ll likely stand around, smiling and drinking Starbucks totally unaware of the purpose of the trip. Yet, the concentration camp they’re headed for is where freedom will be promptly gassed and the Constitution burnt to ash in an on-site crematorium.
For Obama, the cattle car of HR 3200 has little to do with the health and well-being of Americans and everything to do with total domination of the citizenry, the systematic dismantling of freedom and the ushering in of a system that strips America of liberty, the foundational identity of who we are as a people.
Supporters of Obama Deathscare clamor and grapple to board the cattle car, thinking they are headed toward a utopian farms, where health care is free and life is beautiful. It would be best if Americans call to mind that Treblinka was not the “resettlement in the east” Polish Jews were told it was, but instead a cruel lure to a “Final Destination.”
Hitler’s trains served the pragmatic purpose of ferrying Jews to specified locations. In the same way, the potential for universal health care has successfully situated Obama’s cattle cars on the tracks pointing toward toward the collective goal. If the President of the United States is successful in moving those cattle cars forward it will undoubtedly serve the purpose of shuttling America, like freight, directly into the inner courtyard of a socialistic, political concentration camp designed expressly by Barack Obama.
Once inside the grounds dictatorial wrought iron gates will slam shut behind us hindering a way of escape. Americans will then be forced to take a National ID number and issued a mandated pair of government approved striped pajamas with the Obama health care logo embroidered on the pocket.
As the world watches, America is on the precipice of too late learning that she is endangered of being enslaved within the confines a camp whose barbed wired borders restrict every freedom won for us with blood and treasure, and whose policies reek with the stench of the incinerated corpse of Lady Liberty.
For Second Time This Week, FNC Tops MSNBC, CNN, HLN & CNBC Combined!
FNC_8.13.jpgYou might see another "Fox News explodes" moment from Bill O'Reilly tonight. For the second time this week and fourth time this year, FNC beat the combined totals of the four other news channels in primetime in both Total Viewers and the A25-54 demo.
"The O'Reilly Factor" had its biggest audience of the year in younger viewers last night drawing 1.08M, up 37% over his quarter-to-date average of 787K.
Earlier today we reported on the big numbers being put up by Sean Hannity this week. And not to be outdone, Greta Van Susteren at 10pmET drew more A25-54 viewers (790K) than CNN's AC360 had in Total Viewers (788K).
Ronald Reagan is 100% correct. If the American people do not act soon to stop all this nonsense, we will someday be telling our grandchildren of the good ole days when America was once the land of the free!
Odumbo said, "If you like your health care you can keep it." It's a lie. When the socialist health care plan goes into effect it prohibits existing insurance companies from writing new policies. No new policies = no new revenue. We will all be dumped in to the socialist system. Insurance companies go down = higher unemployment.
It needed to be said, so I said it. In an interview I did yesterday on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 show, I said that Barack Obama's policies are leading us to socialism, and we must stand up and take action to fight back!
Here are two important quotes attributed to President Reagan
1. "I didn't leave the Democratic Party, It left me!
And from Reagan's 1964 convention speech, "A Time for Choosing":
2. "As a former Democrat, I can tell you Norman Thomas isn't the only man who has drawn this parallel to socialism with the present administration. Back in 1936, Mr. Democrat himself, Al Smith, the great American, came before the American people and charged that the leadership of his party was taking the part of Jefferson, Jackson, and Cleveland down the road under the banners of Marx, Lenin, and Stalin. And he walked away from his party, and he never returned to the day he died, because to this day, the leadership of that party has been taking that party, that honorable party, down the road in the image of the labor socialist party of England."
It seems that the more things change the more they stay the same.
Ronald Reagan warned about Obama's plan in great detail in 1961! What happened to new ideas?
Little Mac wrote about Frank Smith Says NB: "another conduit for personal attacks on local Democrats generally and vitriolic, extremist reports against President Obama specifically."
Apparently little mac is in denial that Obama is a radical extremist that is attempting to ram socialism down the throats of the American people!
Perhaps little mac should watch the Ronald Regan video posted here, where in 1961, Ronald Reagan was already warning against radical extremists like Obama. It might help to open his eyes to how Obama is trying to transform this country into communism.
Perhaps if the Democrats someday were to actually do something other than push their socialist radical agenda, Frank Smith might have something positive to write about your party, Little Mac.
Hey Johnny Mac, how does it feel that one of your own elected Democratic officials has nothing good to say about the entire party under your leadership?
What does that say about you?????
Their party is self destructing on both the national and the local levels. The latest polls show Americans favor Republicans for all Congressional seats in 2010--something that has never happened before.
The president's health care plan has 59% of Americans STRONGLY OPPOSED to it, with only 20% of Americans STRONGLY SUPPORTING it and the rest not caring much either way. The most important fact is how strong the opposition is.
The Democratic brand name is dead for maybe even several decades because of the radical extremists that have hijacked the party.
Sarah Palin has demonstrated that she has more political power than Barrack Obama. With one entry on her Facebook page, she was able to get the section supporting "death panels" removed from the Senate version of the bill in less than a week. Obama clearly doesn't have as much political clout in the Senate as a former Republican Governor.
The fact that they are getting so nasty just exemplifies how desperate the Democrats are getting at all levels. The more the Democrats talk, the more they completely turn off the public on their brand.
Democrats, please keep talking!
Frank: Clearly it is clairavoyance on the part of the Great Communicator. That he would know Obama is a socialist before Obama was born is nothing short of amazing.
It wasn't that Ronald Reagan knew that Obama was a socialist, it was simply that he was warning of the dangers of socialism and that the trickery socialists use to totally transform a country is to trick them into accepting their brand of socialized medicine. Reagan warned that once that happens, the country becomes totally transformed before the majority of the people even understand what hit them, and then it is too late.
It wasn't that Reagan knew Obama, who happened to be born that same year, but since Obama gets everything he does right out of Saul Alinlsky's rules for radicals, Reagan was simply warning us against the dangers of radical extremists. Obama just coincidentally happens to be one of the redical extremists that the great communicator was warning about.
In Rules for Radicals Alinsky writes, "There's another reason for working inside the system. Dostoevsky said that taking a new step is what people fear most. Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and change the future. This acceptance is the reformation essential to any revolution."
This is where Senator Barack Obama's campaign about "Change" comes from. He is not talking about positive change but rather the change outlined by his mentor Saul Alinsky. Revolutionary change. Socialist change.
In order to reach his goal Senator Obama, with the help of the radical left, the media and the Democratic party, is setting the stage for this radical leftist change agenda. He and his supporters are demonizing President Bush, Republicans, conservatives, Christians and those who believe in America.
As his mentor Saul Alinsky said, "They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and change the future."
Obama believes, "the most effective means are whatever will achieve the desired ends", even if that means lying, cheating and stealing. Obama will change the future.
Yes, change the future for the worst.
NOTE: Oddly enough, another of Alinsky's most ardent admirers turned out to be the woman who is now his principal opponent for the Democratic presidential nomination, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Her 1969 senior thesis at Wellesley College was titled, There Is Only The Fight: An Analysis of the Alinsky Model.
For those wondering just how strong the sentiment being expressed at Tea Parties and town hall meetings is growing throughout the nation, consider that about 1,000 people turned out to demonstrate against ObamaCare Friday in one of the most liberal cities in America...San Francisco.
That's right, a Tea Party in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Cal.) own district.
Citizens opposed to Obama's health-care overhaul are not only white, irritable, and angry, as the New York Times has confirmed in two front-page stories -- they're ignorant as well.
That's the new wrinkle reporter David Stout brings to the debate, in his web-only report Wednesday afternoon on congressional town hall meetings across the country dominated by health-care concerns, "For Lawmakers, Health-Plan Anger Keeps Coming."
Asking why Obama doesn’t know the details of the health care bill is like asking whether Hitler cared what color cattle cars were painted.
Hitler didn’t concern himself with whether the cars were brown or red. He cared less whether there was ample circulation of air, how many people could be stuffed into one compartment or whether there were sanitary accommodations for passengers. His goal was getting the Jews to Auschwitz-Birkenau and disposing of them promptly upon arrival.
Much like a cattle car the health care bill is the vehicle for Obama to transfer this nation to his own socialist concentration camp. Obama doesn’t need to know the details of HR 3200 he just wants to be sure it’s capable of fulfilling the objective of pulling into the station.
People on board Obama’s cattle car will not be emaciated like Auschwitz prisoners; they’ll likely stand around, smiling and drinking Starbucks totally unaware of the purpose of the trip. Yet, the concentration camp they’re headed for is where freedom will be promptly gassed and the Constitution burnt to ash in an on-site crematorium.
For Obama, the cattle car of HR 3200 has little to do with the health and well-being of Americans and everything to do with total domination of the citizenry, the systematic dismantling of freedom and the ushering in of a system that strips America of liberty, the foundational identity of who we are as a people.
Supporters of Obama Deathscare clamor and grapple to board the cattle car, thinking they are headed toward a utopian farms, where health care is free and life is beautiful. It would be best if Americans call to mind that Treblinka was not the “resettlement in the east” Polish Jews were told it was, but instead a cruel lure to a “Final Destination.”
Hitler’s trains served the pragmatic purpose of ferrying Jews to specified locations. In the same way, the potential for universal health care has successfully situated Obama’s cattle cars on the tracks pointing toward toward the collective goal. If the President of the United States is successful in moving those cattle cars forward it will undoubtedly serve the purpose of shuttling America, like freight, directly into the inner courtyard of a socialistic, political concentration camp designed expressly by Barack Obama.
Once inside the grounds dictatorial wrought iron gates will slam shut behind us hindering a way of escape. Americans will then be forced to take a National ID number and issued a mandated pair of government approved striped pajamas with the Obama health care logo embroidered on the pocket.
As the world watches, America is on the precipice of too late learning that she is endangered of being enslaved within the confines a camp whose barbed wired borders restrict every freedom won for us with blood and treasure, and whose policies reek with the stench of the incinerated corpse of Lady Liberty.
For Second Time This Week, FNC Tops MSNBC, CNN, HLN & CNBC Combined!
FNC_8.13.jpgYou might see another "Fox News explodes" moment from Bill O'Reilly tonight. For the second time this week and fourth time this year, FNC beat the combined totals of the four other news channels in primetime in both Total Viewers and the A25-54 demo.
"The O'Reilly Factor" had its biggest audience of the year in younger viewers last night drawing 1.08M, up 37% over his quarter-to-date average of 787K.
Earlier today we reported on the big numbers being put up by Sean Hannity this week. And not to be outdone, Greta Van Susteren at 10pmET drew more A25-54 viewers (790K) than CNN's AC360 had in Total Viewers (788K).
Ronald Reagan is 100% correct. If the American people do not act soon to stop all this nonsense, we will someday be telling our grandchildren of the good ole days when America was once the land of the free!
Odumbo said, "If you like your health care you can keep it." It's a lie. When the socialist health care plan goes into effect it prohibits existing insurance companies from writing new policies. No new policies = no new revenue. We will all be dumped in to the socialist system. Insurance companies go down = higher unemployment.
It needed to be said, so I said it. In an interview I did yesterday on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 show, I said that Barack Obama's policies are leading us to socialism, and we must stand up and take action to fight back!
Here are two important quotes attributed to President Reagan
1. "I didn't leave the Democratic Party, It left me!
And from Reagan's 1964 convention speech, "A Time for Choosing":
2. "As a former Democrat, I can tell you Norman Thomas isn't the only man who has drawn this parallel to socialism with the present administration. Back in 1936, Mr. Democrat himself, Al Smith, the great American, came before the American people and charged that the leadership of his party was taking the part of Jefferson, Jackson, and Cleveland down the road under the banners of Marx, Lenin, and Stalin. And he walked away from his party, and he never returned to the day he died, because to this day, the leadership of that party has been taking that party, that honorable party, down the road in the image of the labor socialist party of England."
It seems that the more things change the more they stay the same.
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