The New Britain Herald has done a remarkable job of investigative reporting in their coverage of the improper use of state computers to besmirch the mayor and his family, and an incredible follow up report that led to Alderman Greg Gerratana admitting responsibility for these actions. This is the type of information the people deserve to know about their elected representatives—especially one who is running for a high office that would put him in charge of millions of dollars of their money and ironically city computer systems that have much potential for misuse.
Fox News has done quite a bit of reporting lately about the death of journalism in this country caused by left leaning reporters and news services using their news venues to pursue their political agenda. Many have believed that was possibly happening at The Herald, but the reporting of the past couple of weeks should help to set that attitude aside with many readers.
Perhaps The Herald could take a lesson from Fox News. There is good reason that their network leads the cable news market in every demographic for the entire news day—making them the most watched cable news network throughout the entire day and giving them the most watched cable news programs in America. It is their “Fair and Balanced” reporting that resonates with most Americans. They do not endorse candidates, and they work hard to report both good and bad about members of both parties, and try to do so fairly, with even coverage.
The American people are growing tired of the extreme slant in most other network reporting, and that is why the viewing audience for Fox continues to grow by leaps and bounds. The Herald has demonstrated an ability to do a piece of old fashioned American journalism, the kind of reporting that we have not witnessed in many years. Continue to pursue the truth wherever it may lead you, and keep the reporting “fair and balanced” regardless of political parties, and your paper will no doubt thrive while so many others are failing. So long as the truth is your only objective, no one can “legitimately” criticize you for your reporting—from either side of the aisle.
Keep up the good work!
I was impressed with the efforts put forward by the New Britain Herald to investigate this offensive conduct by an elected official. It was the type of reporting I remember from the good ole days when journalists cared about finding the truth wherever it may be hiding.
What a pleasure to read articles that aren't all slanted in favor of the Democrats, or Republicans. Keep up the good work, Mr. Craven.
Sorry to be cynical about the press, don't hang by your thumbs, thinking that there has been a change. Keep up the good works, Frank. New Britain needs you. Thanks. As for me, I watch FOX NEWS 24/7 and read THE WSJ, and check on Frank Smith Says NB. AMEN
Just keep on doing the good work Mr. Craven.
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