I believe the responsible choice is to support Town and City Clerk Peter Denuzze for re-election. Mr. Denuzze has over 15 years experience as Town and City Clerk and holds the designation of “Connecticut Certified Town Clerk.” During his tenure, Mr. Denuzze has implemented many modern advancements to the office which has made the office more efficient and has increased revenue.
His opponent, Suzanne Bielinski offers the history of serving on the City Council, and during her time on the council has demonstrated a willingness to be little more than a rubber stamp for the radical leadership of Michael Trueworthy and Philip Sherwood. Ms. Bielinski also took part in the infamous 13-2 vote whereby the council voted During the February 2009 meeting to reject the unanimous bi-partisan findings of the city Ethics Commission against fellow Democratic Alderman Paul Catanzaro.
Ms. Bielinksi demonstrated her ability to defy her oath of office as an alderwoman when she witnessed Alderman Catanzaro commit a violation of the charter by speaking against his own ethics issue, and then voting to reject his own ethics ruling. According to section 4.7 of the charter, no member of the council may be heard to speak on or vote on a matter for which he has a personal financial interest. The penalty mandated by the city charter--for which Ms. Bielinski swore an oath to uphold—expulsion from office for Mr. Catanzaro. Not only did Ms. Bielinsky fail her oath by not enforcing the charter, she actually participated in the offensive activity by joining Catanzaro in voting on his own issue!
Town and City Clerk is a position that requires a person who can obey the law. There are numerous regulations to follow with filing deadlines of all kinds that must be met. How can we trust such a sensitive office to a person who has publicly demonstrated a willingness to ignore the city charter?
The only responsible choice would seem to be a vote for the candidate with a proven record of performance in that office—Peter Denuzze.
Peter is the right vote.
The only reason Denuzze is not endorsed is because he refuses to be a puppet for little Mac. After the radicals hijacked the leadership of this party, only puppets of the left wing extremists can get nominated.
Working Families Party is just a front for the radical extremist group ACORN.
Peter and his staff have been excellent to deal with no matter how extensive our request involves.
To lose Peter in the Clerk's office would be a great loss for the people of New Britain.
Peter Denuzze has better credentials for the position of Town Clerk than Sue B. who by the way has none. Didn't she know that her nephew Gregory Gerrantana was living in Berlin while serving with her on the common council ? And she never said a word. Not one word from sneaky Sue. She will certainly screw up the clerk's office if elected.
If its not broken, don't try to fix it. Leave well enough alone and keep Peter in office.
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