So far, Mayor Tim Stewart seems to be the only one talking. Mayor Stewart is the only one with a message, a plan for a future for New Britain. A proven record of working with business leaders and negotiating new investments in our city.
So far, All I have read from his opponent is empty rhetoric with non-committal promises similar to "change" or "yes we can." I have yet to read one detail about anything that O'Brien offers for a vision for New Britain, other than fantasy--for example his claim that he will return 29,400 manufacturing jobs to New Britain, in a state that has become less and less business friendly.
So far the only thing I have seen him do that involved businesses, was to join a bunch of radicals on a picket line that many believe was the final straw that helped drive that business to close up shop in New Britain.
Since O'Brien offers nothing but empty promises of "change" without offering any specifics for a plan, the only thing we have to judge him on is his record in the legislature voting in favor of huge tax increases, huge social programs and a bloated state government, all items that are at the route of our broken state budget and the root cause of the anti-business climate that is driving businesses both out of business and to move out of state at record numbers.
Unlike O'Brien, I can offer specifics, like that fact that he voted to pass a 30% income tax that would apply to the income of every business in the state. Luckily Governor Rell vetoed this plan, and O'Brien and his fellow Democrats couldn't muster enough support from their liberal cronies to override her veto. Can you only imagine how destructive this one tax would have been to the future of business in New Britain?
Then there is the huge increases in fees charged by the motor vehicle department for every license, registration and service offered by that agency. This is yet another time the Governor Rell had to save us from O'Brien and his cronies through another veto.
So, in my opinion, the choice is clear, you can vote for a candidate that has a record of keeping your taxes low, and encouraging businesses, or you can vote for a candidate that has a proven record of joining his liberal buddies in the legislature with raising every tax they can get their hands on and creating and growing every social program that they can possibly dream of, all at your expense.
If you fall for the empty promises, just remember to hold onto your wallets!
One more thing, if he becomes Mayor, Governor Rell will no longer be there to save you from his destruction through repeated vetoes.
NEW BRITAIN – The Politician O"Brien's Hardware City 27,400 Jobs:
This is the break down of the 27,400 manufacturing jobs plus the projected employee manufacturing Floor Space that might be created by politician Tim O’Brien if he ever launches his long-term 2010 employee Economic Development Plan for the City of New Britain – can he do – 27,400 jobs - if elected Mayor.
1.- 4,200 American Hardware Jobs – plus manufacturing Floor Space 2,255,912 feet.
2.- 3,000 Landers, Frary and Clark Jobs – plus manufacturing Floor Space 42 acres .
3.- 1,200 North and Judd Jobs - plus manufacturing Floor Space 850,000 feet.
4.- 5,500 Fafnir Ball Bearing Jobs - plus manufacturing Floor Space 2,000,000 feet.
5.- 13,500 Stanley Works Jobs - plus manufacturing Floor Space 1,291,456 feet.
6.- Skinner Chuck Jobs – plus manufacturing Floor Space 65,000 feet.
Mr. Tim O’Brien stated in his political campaign for Mayor’s Office - that if elected he would return manufacturing jobs to New Britain. This is a novel, but unrealistic idea considering that the majority of manufacturing jobs were moved either to more business friendly states, or overseas to countries where labor markets are much cheaper - like Pratt & Whitney relocating 1000 CT jobs To State of Georgia and China And some 410 jobs in Quebec Canada.
However, candidate O’Brien’s stated in his campaigning that NB voters are seeking someone like Tim who can bring back a time of “new beginnings” by bringing back home the industrial manufacturing jobs that once made New Britain CT the Hardware City of the World.
As I walked up Broad St. this evening I passed Tim Obrien’s campaign headquarters. A typical day I suppose. What caught my eye next caught me by surprise. Especially after the fiasco that the O’Brien camp just endured with his assistant and former tax collector candidate Alderman Gerrantano's blogging on state time debacle. There in front of me was Dodge neon with Tim O’Brien for Mayor signs filling the passenger seat and a bright blue OBAMA bumper sticker. Not so unusual considering that Tim Obrien’s campaign headquarters is close by I guess. Then as I approached the car something dawned on me. This Dodge neon wasn't just a car that belonged to a Tim O’Brien supporter who was picking up lawn signs to proudly display on their lawn. This Dodge Neon that was apparently being used to disseminate political signs and which proudly displayed an Obama bumper sticker was in fact owned and payed for by me. By You and I and every other tax payer in Connecticut. This car actually had official state plates I don't begrudge a state official the use of state owned vehicles. But I am absolutely disgusted by the use of a state vehicle in the support of a political candidate in a general election. I demand that the political bumper stickers be removed from all state owned vehicles. Whoever is responsible for said vehicle should be reprimanded. All state employees and officials should be reminded that these vehicles are meant for performing your duties as an employee or an official in the service of our citizens. It appears that this is another example of the lack of integrity and ethics of some of our state officials.
Solitaire during session, blogging at work, using state vehicles in support of political campaigns.
Citizens of New Britain and Connecticut as a whole deserve answers and an apology at the least.
Independent Voter, did you happen to make note of the license plate number so that the appropriate officials can investigate who is responsible for this particular vehicle?
Perhaps after he is elected mayor, you will see official city vehicles going around posting campaign signs with employees being paid by your tax dollars to do it?
After all, he is a State Representative, so isn't he above the law?
This is probably the personal car of Mr. O'B who has State Rep plates. It's on the up and up; however I can see the concern as Mr. Gerrantana and Mr. Lopes both allegedly did bad things with registering cars prior.
Apparently Tim O'Brien drives a Dodge Neon with STATE plates?
HARTFORD: Pratt & Whitney stated it will closing the Cheshire overhaul and repair plant and a related unit in East Hartford in 2010, eliminating 1,000 CT jobs plus 410 jobs in Quebec Canada - while here in New Britain with Rep. Tim O’Brien campaigning for Mayor’s Office - he stated that if elected he would bring some manufacturing jobs back to New Britain CT.
This is a novel idea, but unrealistic one considering that the majority of manufacturing jobs (like Pratt & Whitney)were moving either to more business friendly states, or overseas to countries where labor markets are much lower.
However, candidate O’Brien has stated in his current campaigning that NB voters are seeking someone like Tim O'Brien who can bring back a time of “new beginnings” by bringing back home those 27,400 industrial manufacturing jobs that once made New Britain the Hardware City of the World.
Will we need to rename New Britain "Fantasyland" because that is where O'Brien seems to be living if he thinks he can make New Britain competitive for manufacturing jobs, especially after he joined his fellow Democrats in the legislature in totally destroying the business climate in this state.
The plates are an entitlement for any personal car of an elected state official.
Mike W said...
The plates are an entitlement for any personal car of an elected state official.
Thanks Mike.
It is a relief to know that I am not paying for a canidate to promote his campaign with a state owned vehicle. However the sight of a political campaign sticker on a vehicle with an official state plate is a little disturbing.
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