Monday, October 12, 2009

Insurance Group Says Health Bill Will Mean Higher Premiums


Anonymous said...

You don't have to be a brain surgeon to figure out that if you force the insurance companies to pay for treatment of pre-existing conditions, that the insurance company has to pass that cost onto someone, and the only one they have to pass the cost onto is their paying customers, the people who have insurance.

Anonymous said...

It is going to cost a family of 4 - $ 4,000.00 more for insurance all the while we are cutting medicare by 500 BILLION dollars.
Pay more for less?

Anonymous said...

Demand they have the same insurance as us !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Medicare - Bankrupt, plus another 500 Billion to be cut.
So much for honoring agreements with the people who have worked and contributed to this program.
Social Security - Bankrupt
I have been putting money into these programs since I was 15, almost 35 years and for what? Where did all the money go?

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