The platform of the local Democratic candidates in the upcoming election has as #7 on their list of "principles" that they are "Government Officials who are guided by Ethics and who are committed to the highest standards of openness, fairness, and integrity that promotes the free flow of information at City Hall."
Are you kidding me?
Where should I begin?
I guess I have to begin with the scandal that plagued their campaign when vicious attacks against the mayor and his family that were posted on the New Britain Herald web site were traced to a state computer at the State Capitol. After first denying any involvement, Democratic Alderman Greg Gerratana,(Representative Tim O'Brien's Legislative Aide at the time) who was the Democratic candidate for Tax Collector, admitted to being responsible for the postings, and in the political fallout had to withdraw from the election. Gerretana remains on the council although some officials have publicly asked for his resignation.
Next is Alderman Paul Catanzaro, who in January was found by the city Ethics Commission to have violated two separate sections of the city's ordinances. The Ethics Commission, in a unanimous, bi-partisan vote, recommended to the council that Catanzaro be reprimanded by the council. During the February council meeting, Catanzaro spoke to the council regarding this issue and then voted against his own ethics violation. The problem: section 4-7 prohibits an alderman from speaking on, or voting on a matter of personal interest. The penalty for violating this section of the charter: expulsion from the council--which is the sworn responsibility of the aldermen to enforce.
Not only did the 12 other Democratic Aldermen fail to perform their sworn duty to expel Catanzaro from the council for the two violations of section 4-7 that were committed in their presence, they actually joined him in voting to reject the unanimous decision of the Ethics Commission--actually joining him in the vote that was a violation of the charter.
This is the alderman that the party of "ethics" chose to elevate from representing one single ward, to running for Alderman-At-Large, where if he is elected, he will represent the entire city.
The chairman of the Ethics Commission was so outraged at the conduct of the council at the February meeting, he subsequently resigned from the commission.
Next we have Rick Lopes, a Senate Legislative Aide, who in 2007, was reportedly caught on security video by the Capitol Police while going through the desk of a female assistant of a Republican clerk. Of course, Democratic candidate for mayor Tim O'Brien was so impressed with Mr. Lopes' ethics, that O'Brien appointed Lopes as his campaign manager.
We also don't want to forget the funds that were withheld by HUD because of conflicts of interest surrounding two Democratic Aldermen. In November 2008, HUD withheld funding to city programs citing conflicts of interest involving Alderman Catanzaro who was President of HRA at the time and Alderman/Majority Leader Michael Trueworthy, whose wife works for HRA. HUD cited the fact that Catanzaro had taken no action to remove himself from the agency, and the fact the Trueworthy's wife works there, creating an improper appearance that may constitute a conflict as reasons for withholding the funding.
Let's also not forget the tax scofflaws on the council--all Democrats. I reported in April on the fact that the following Democratic Aldermen were delinquent in paying their motor vehicle taxes, even though they expect you and I to pay them on time:
It wasn't until I caused them public embarrassment by exposing them on this blog, and The Herald picked up the story and also reported the information, that they finally paid their taxes.
Then there is the local web site run by Democratic candidate for mayor, Tim O'Brien, known as the New Britain News. For as long as I have known about this site, it has been an open forum for the public to visit. Just about the time the news emerged about Representative O'Brien's legislative aide having been involved in the web site postings about the mayor and his family, the New Britain News was locked down so that it requires permission to view the site. This doesn't sound much like openness, does it? What could he have to hide on his New Britain News site? Is he posting something there that would be an embarrassment to him, if it were made public?
In any event, do these people sound like the champions of ethics, as proclaimed on their party platform?
I should think not.
The Democrats are the misguided missiles on the current council.
With all the unethical behavior by members of this group, do they think we are all stupid?
Speechless.... how is this permitted to continue.....
Democratic Mayoral candidate Tim O'Brien announced his plan 10/09/09 to address high and rising property taxes in New Britain - that New Britain needs a Mayor who fights strongly for reform to lower unfair property tax burdens.
Rep. O'Brien (D-24) announced his three point plan:
1. Enacting local senior property tax relief to increase relief provided under the current state-funded relief program and to extend relief to seniors whose incomes are modest but exceed current limits under the state program.
2.Extend property tax relief to all homeowners by requiring owners of blighted buildings in the city to pay their fair share through a strong anti-blight assessment ordinance.
3. Strongly advocacy for state property tax reform.
O'Brien stated that he has already told his colleagues in the legislature that, as Mayor of New Britain, they can expect to see him at the State Capitol fighting hard for property tax reform, state property tax relief and state support for education and other local services.
Any party that can have "conflicts Catanzaro" on their ticket is about anything but ethics!
Good Job Frank = = = = But you forgot one. Lopes had his cars registered in West Hartford therefore Not paying taxes in New Britain.
Until Tim O'Brien puts his money where his mouth is and actually buys a house in New Britain and starts paying property taxes .....then to me his proposals are a mute point.
You have to walk the walk in order to talk the talk. Get with it O'Brien!
O'Brien stated that he has already told his colleagues in the legislature that, as Mayor of New Britain, they can expect to see him at the State Capitol fighting hard for property tax reform, state property tax relief and state support for education and other local services.
why hasn't O'Brien been doing this already?
It is mystifying why Candidate O’Brien would create a blog entitled “New Britain Community News” and then make it readable by invitation only. It would seem to defeat the point of having a “Community News” site. Attempts to log in while uninvited result in this message: “It doesn’t look like you have been invited to read this blog. If you think this is a mistake, you might want to contact the blog author and request an invitation.”
We are waiting for Mr. O'Brien to step up to the plate and submit the names of some six blight property Slumlords in New Britain CT ...
1. Slumlord -
2. Slumlord -
3. Slumlord -
4. Slumlord -
5. Slumlord -
6. Slumlord -
Democratic candidate for re-election in Ward 3, Silvia Cruz fell asleep during the recent mayoral debate being hosted by the para-professionals.
These are the most unethical people that I have ever seen in public service. Remember when they tried to smear the mayor with fire department nonsense a few years back with mac the lesser leading the charge. Hurrah for us and screw the republicans should be their mantra. There's a simple solution to their problems, prohibit any employees from running for city government unless it is a full time position like mayor. At least the mayor is detached from service and not aiding and abetting his former union.
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