Thursday, November 26, 2009

SEC Seeks Contempt Order Against MDC's Dibella -


Anonymous said...

Bill Dibella's is Bill Candelori's idol. He is trying to copy Bill D. in everyway including the shady stuff. It won't be long before the Feds start to investigate Billy the kid C. This time he'll probaby "go away" for a stint.

Let's hope the dems (P.S.-P.C.- M.T.- L.H.) do the right thing and replace him as a Mattabassett director.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the SEC keeps busy just policing sewer board chairmen!

New Britain should be proud to not be outdone by Hartford!

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like the tables are turned and the sewer rats are in charge!

The Truth Hurts said...

n 1992, Mr. Candelori pled guilty in Federal court to charges of income tax evasion. Subsequently in a 1995 settlement, he was permanently barred by the Securities and Exchange Commission from associating with any broker, dealer, municipal securities dealer, investment advisor or investment company for his role in the Colonial Realty scandal. This investment scheme negatively impacted many local residents and businesses who invested in this company. Currently, Mr. Candelori’s name is currently mentioned in association with an investigation into alleged bribery and fraud at Foxwoods Casino.

Anonymous said...

Bill Dibella's is Bill Candelori's idol.

It has always been clear to me how Candelori seems to want to emulate DiBella's conduct!

Anonymous said...

Something stinks at Mattabassett and it isn't their products!

Anonymous said...

NEW BRITAIN — The news that Mattabassett Commission Chairman William Candelori may be involved in alleged fraud seems to have escaped his supporters and left his detractors wondering if he should be in charge of a $100 million project.

Anonymous said...


Culture of Corruption:
Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks & Cronies
by Michelle Malkin

"Washington is broken," said Barack Obama while on the campaign trail, and he's busy making it worse. While an adoring media heaps on adulation, Obama has (at an "historic" and "unprecedented" record pace, according to his media sycophants) presided over the appointment of an appalling rogue's gallery of crooks, cronies and tax cheats to the highest levels of our government -- while reneging on promises to make government more transparent and accountable to ordinary Americans.

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
NEW BRITAIN — The news that Mattabassett Commission Chairman William Candelori may be involved in alleged fraud seems to have escaped his supporters and left his detractors wondering if he should be in charge of a $100 million project.

November 26, 2009 6:22 PM"


This comment quoted above and others show how difficult it is to be a whistle blower or caretaker of the public trust. Who is on the hot seat in this case (Candelori/Mattabassett), the New Britain Council, Mattabassett or Mayor Stewart and Council Republicans?

Anonymous said...

Now that the SEC is in town investigating another sewer board chairman, maybe someone should ask them to take a look at the Groton real estate deal?

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