Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tim Stewart Really is New Britain!


I could have filled pages with the lists of accomplishments of Tim Stewart, a list of local organizations he belongs to, and a list of promises he kept from previous elections.

I could have also filled pages with lists of all the tax increases his opponent Tim O'Brien has supported during his tenure in the legislature, as well as all the social programs and anti-business, pro-union, pro-government measures he has supported.

To me, the choice is a simple one. You can vote for a man who has devoted his entire life to New Britain. A life long resident who owns his own home here in New Britain, and who has raised a family here and sent them to New Britain Schools. A man who has made it his life's work to improve the city for all of us.

You could vote for a candidate who has no permanent ties to New Britain. Who as far as we can tell owns no property here in New Britain, so has no stake in the success or failure of our city. (Some have even referred to him as a "carpetbagger" from Manchester). A man who has made campaign promises for things that he could of or should have accomplished as a State Representative, but didn't. A man who has accepted large campaign contributions from unions and other radical organizations, and a man who has paid huge amounts of his campaign funding to a radical organizing arm of ACORN/Working Families Party, and a man who has "proudly" accepted the endorsement of the radical ACORN front group--Working Families Party.

To me, the choice is crystal clear. The only responsible choice I can see for New Britain is to re-elect Tim Stewart as Mayor, and along with Tim Stewart, elect his entire "Stewart Team" because it will be a real accomplishment for this city to have all entities in city hall working together as "one team" for the good of all of us.

In my opinion, Tim Stewart really is New Britain!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How much clearer could the choice be.

In my mind, Frank is correct, that there could be only one RESPONSIBLE choice--Tim Stewart!

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