Saturday, November 28, 2009

Under Connecticut Law, Candidates Must Distribute Surplus Campaign Funds -


Anonymous said...

Didn't Chris Dodd's father, Tom Dodd use the surplus money to pay personal bills, and that was why he was censured by the Senate and ultimately voted out of office?

Shadiness must run in the family!

Anonymous said...

yipee. all those obrien dollars going to acorn.

Anonymous said...

O'Brien should get all tingly spreading the wealth around like that.

(At least whatever wealth he has left after paying ACORN for all those paid agitators to knock on doors.)

Anonymous said...

It just cracks me up that O'Brien paid his Acorn staff LESS than the living wage. They continue to prey upon the un or under educated masses. What hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
O'Brien should get all tingly spreading the wealth around like that.
(At least whatever wealth he has left after paying ACORN for all those paid agitators to knock on doors.)
November 29, 2009 2:26 PM

O'Brien must know he cannot keep his campaign funds to himsef..

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