I was amazed by Alderman Sherwood’s comments in his recent letter to the editor where he stated that the fact that Dr. Candelori is a defendant in pending civil actions and has displayed a “lack of good judgment” in his selection of business partners has no bearing on his position as a Commissioner of The Mattabassett District.
In my opinion, such activities have everything to do with his position. How an individual conducts his personal business dealings is one of the best indicators we have of the type of person he is. To have someone who was involved in a such a mammoth ponzi scheme like Colonial Realty, who was convicted of tax evasion for what the media reports as not reporting hundreds of thousands of dollars in personal income, who was permanently barred by the Securities and Exchange Commission from ever associating with securities professionals, and who is now a defendant in civil actions that involve some of his former Colonial Realty cronies raises serious questions about his character.
The purpose of any vetting process is to determine if the candidate lives a life style, including his personal life, in such an unsullied manner as to not cause embarrassment to the position he seeks. In my opinion, someone involved in recent business dealings that involve other Colonial Realty affiliates is not such a person.
If you truly believe that his personal life has no reflection on his official position, then why did the New York Times article announcing his federal criminal conviction identify him as a “former lawmaker?”
Four city residents spoke during the public participation of Wednesday's Council meeting cautioning the council members to recall the great harm that was inflicted on to our residents by the " Ponzi Schemes such as businesses forced to close from losing vast sums of money even to the point that a retired physician had to return to work because of his losses with Colonial Reality shares. An interesting point from this speaker when she cited that there were no credit cards at the time business was conducted with all cash that is still sitting in Florida. She also stated that placing MR. Candelori in charge of public monies the bi-partisan should be quashed.
Another resident speaker fervently addressed the council with extreme caution to vote "independent thinking" by using your brain and not voting the straight party line.
A third resident voiced his concern of recent publicity exposing Dr. Candelori has three pending cases involving the same players of the original colonial reality makeup expressing his disdain for not listening to Alderman Mark Bernacki for the review of all the candidates through an interview process by the council.
The fourth resident used simply character-ethics-associations-non-partisan selections-
With all that being said, Majority leader Phil Sherwood ignored caution expressed by both his fellow council members, and the public by ramming through the override of the mayor's veto by citing " that he has no wish to listen to anything against Candelori, who stands to be in charge of a one hundred million dollar project." "further dismissing Candelori's position as a defendant in a current case in New London." "But subsequently found fault with the city's selection of a company that was named a defendant by another town but assigned the fence contract to him anyway for the Fairview Cemetery fence job."
With the Majority leader ignoring the residents well thought out suggestions with his pushing his quest to override the Mayor's veto by pushing his the democrats to vote his conscious and not theirs with the 11-4 vote result.
What was very noticeable was the hesitancy, noted by this writer, Alderman Carlozzi prior to his voting along with the party line. He had expressed his opposition to this appointment at many public affairs he had attended. It is sad that he ignored the comments made by the residents and chose to vote the party line and not with his conscious.
Was Mr. Carlozzi simply blowing smoke? In private conversations with him, he seems like an honest guy, with real concerns about ethics. Actions speak louder than words, Mr. Carlozzi. I hope he learns that and stays true to his heart in the future, and not the party line. Truly sad that a city native could be coerced by a carpetbagging bully from New Hampshire.
Mr. Carlozzi will either continue to fall to peer pressure or to save face today he can apologize and respectfully step-down from the council.
If you want to get the "deadwood" out of the Common Council stop paying them. Only those truely committed will run for office if there are no monetary rewards.
Who was it that originally said "follow the money!"
I was also perplexed by the discussion and partisanship the only two democratic speakers gave last evening. Would you personally hire Mr.Candelori to do a job of overseeing work on your private home? Or why not just give him your checkbook after he tells you that you will make 50% profit on your monies? Or how about a piece of land in Florida that is primed for development in the everglades? What a sorry pack of sheep these democraps are. It makes me ashamed to say that I am one also. But not for long after this display!
While we rank on the Dems, think of what could have happened in Sherwood's district if we had really strong, bright leadership.
Sherwood would have been history if we raised the money to deluge his district with information on who he really was and how very distructive he is and still could be.
Instead of pamphlets extolling the virtues of the two good men who opposed Sherwood and Hermanowski, there should have been an emphasis on all of Sherwood's painful, embarrassing responses to our city's problems.
That should have been mailed two times a week to the homes of Democratics in his district who do not read the papers or the blogs. People, who are not informed, but still go out and vote Democratic at all costs are good people who think that they are doing the right thing.
The Republicans need creative thinking. Once Carver's kids are out of the school system where he can not be of use to them on the BOE and his wife is no longer pulling down a salary when Sherwood is mayor, you will see the last of the opportunist and then, MAYBE, the Republicans will get it on!
Hey, anyone else see that Tim O'Brien is doing comedy now? His latest mailer touts his efforts at property tax reform and blight legislation. Frank, you should think about editorializing about this piece of garbage. We need O'Brien out and someone good in who can actually work for the city instead of taking marching orders from the Democratic leadership. O'Brien is such a joke!
The two ding dongs are also promoting "A Holistic Approach" to government. So I guess that means
the entire democratic council is holistically criminal now that they
voted for Candelori so he needs not feel alone or seperated.
Not surprising that the Mayor of Berlin would support Candelori.
The Town of Berlin and Mattabassett District are both represented by the same law firm, and one of the partners in that firm is frequently seen lunching with Candelori.
Need I say more?
The people of Berlin are angry too.
Anonymous said...The people of Berlin are angry too.
Apparently the people of Berlin are being dictated to by their so-called elected representatives, just like in New Britain, otherwise Berlin would have spoke up against a felon being put in charge of their money.
Since Sherwood personally vouched for Candelori's integrity, if Candelori screws up, or gets involved in another scandal, will Sherwood stand up and take responsibility for Candelori's actions, or will it be Mayor Stewart's fault?
"In 2003, Mr. Valengavich was the Chair of the NB Board of Finance & Taxation. In that year, he was part of a group of six people trying to organize the workers at the Klingberg Family Centers into Local 1199, Healthcare Workers Union. Who were the other five?
Again, one might be surprised to know if any of the five played a prominent role in Wednesday's Common Council meeting.
Add the following comment:
" Anonymous said...
Hey, anyone else see that Tim O'Brien is doing comedy now? His latest mailer touts his efforts at property tax reform and blight legislation. Frank, you should think about editorializing about this piece of garbage. We need O'Brien out and someone good in who can actually work for the city instead of taking marching orders from the Democratic leadership. O'Brien is such a joke!
December 10, 2009 6:04 PM"
Hopefully, Mr. Carlozzi will come around to voting along with what his conscience dictates, rather than the MacNamara/Sherwood/Trueworthy dictatorship. I voted for Mr. Carlozzi, knowing he is of high moral character. Don't let them get the best of you, Carlo!
They alreadt have gotten to Carlo! He was conflicted and didn't know how to react. Either go against his own(d's) or vote with his conscience. He chose to be a follower not a leader! People will remember this one Carlo, mark my words especially when the rest of the shenanigans at Mattabassett are uncovered.
With the outcry against caslozzi and his snake like tactics it is amazing that Frank Smith has not started a petition asking carlo to shape up and live up tto campaign promises or get out.
Anonymous said...
It is very sad that the DEMOCRATS on our city council members just don't get it.
So the tax payers are the ones to get royally screwed.
December 12, 2009 5:57 PM
There is a rumor that Sherwood called Angelo Tomasso and apologized for the slur Sherwood issued on the Tomasso family name.
This is typical Sherwood behavior, to wit, drop a nasty bomb, get it recorded in print or on tape and then apologize for the action! It's as if the U.S.A. should have issued an apology to Japan after dropping the A-Bomb on Hiroshima.
Sherwood is a very dangerous and destructive agitaor who takes every opportunity to attempt to destroy with nastiness, any person of a different political stripe than he. It's all about power with him.
The other members of the NB Common Council simply follow because they don't have to do any thinking, they simply say what he tells them to say and vote as he orders.
Carlozzi is a wimp. He checked his independence at the door the moment he entered the room at the Democrat's first caucus. That he would never change was evident at the very first Council meeting on November 12 at the first Council meeting after the election. He simply succumbed to all of Sherwood's ridiculous demands. Don't fall for his empty promises. He's locked in now.
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