The Democratic Majority Leader of the City Council, Phil Sherwood, was quoted in today's New Britain Herald as saying "events in the past should not be used as a predictor for the future." Apparently what Sherwood is saying is that a person convicted of a felony in the Colonial Realty scheme is just as trustworthy with your money as someone who wasn't?
Adding to this Hypocrisy is a comments quoted in the same article as having been made by Alderman Larry Hermanowski saying he agrees with Sherwood and he did not consider the Colonial Reality Fraud in which Connecticut residents lost three hundred fifty million dollars " to be relevant." and he continued when referring to the current multi-million dollar fraud case including bribery "Until somebody can show me he's directly involved in negotiations I don't care." This article continued with comments by Alderman Trueworthy with his stating the he sent materials to the Chief State Attorney's office and admitting that "nothing has been proven." It would be easy to sum up Hermanowski's attitude as just saying he doesn't care, when it comes to protecting the public interests.
It is quite apparent that the democrats will, via, Sherwood show their power in a fanatic display at the next Common Council meeting on December 9th by over-riding the Mayor's veto of resolution #30815--the attitude being "we won, so we can do whatever we want" without regard for the interests of the city of the public.
What is much sadder is witnessing their complete disregard for the local families that lost millions of dollars by investing into the "Colonial Reality Fraud Scheme" especially since a number of them were from New Britain, Cromwell and Berlin.
Having the city council democratic leadership showing no sympathy to their constituency who lost their life savings by investing in a ponzi scheme that Candelori was part of, is like putting the fox in charge of the chicken house.
What is even more disturbing is intent of the Federal Securities and exchange Commission had ordered appears to have been to keep William Candelori and his partners from ever handling public monies, but the Democratic leadership is quoted in today's Herald as being of the opinion that past criminal activity is "not to be used as a predictor in the future."
The fact that the Democrat party's own Majority Leader will stoop to such levels as to slander the good names of two prominent New Britain families with lifelong records of philanthropy just to produce some sort of smoke screen surrounding Dr. Candelori's criminal past, makes one wonder what ulterior motives could be in play behind the Democratic Leader's wild plans to put someone with a record of violating the public's trust in charge of an estimated $100 million in taxpayer dollars?
This Candelori debacle is like the way the Democrats in Congress keep trying to ram government control of health care down all of our throats, The more the people reject it, the more the socialist Democrats push to ram it down all of our throats.
I have one question for this Sherwood character:
How are you benefiting from this deal that makes you so willing to ignore the obvious?
Rush Limbaugh said today:
"Behind everything bad and everything sad is a Democrat or a union"
Nowhere could that be more apparent than in New Britain!
I was kind of surprised to see Sherwood referring to doing business with Tomasso and Manafort as if they had some sort of disease!
My forefather's had a name for people who talk like Sherwood.
They would call someone who talks nonsense like him a "schmuck."
Didn't the recent contract award to Mattabassett go to a New Hampshire firm? Doesn't Phil Sherwood hail from New Hampshire? Should all involved not use the Council Democrat thinking that there might be a connection between Phil and the firm that was awarded the contract? Shouldnt Trueworthy call for an investigation? Shouldn't The NB Herald be making some phone calls?
Didn't the recent contract award to Mattabassett go to a New Hampshire firm? Doesn't Phil Sherwood hail from New Hampshire? Should all involved not use the Council Democrat thinking that there might be a connection between Phil and the firm that was awarded the contract? Shouldnt Trueworthy call for an investigation? Shouldn't The NB Herald be making some phone calls?
Ethics is ethics and wrong is wrong--ALWAYS. Not just when it suits you. Your past and your present IS your future. Mr. Candelori should hold no public office, either elected or appointed. When Bernie Madolf's ponzi scheme rocked the investment world, anyone who lived in Connecticut, specifically New Britain and it's surrounding area, had to relive the earlier version--Colonial Realty. When Jonathan Googel wanted to practice real estate, public opinion was very negative to say the least and the State of Connecticut did not issue him a license to practice ---not that he can't on the down low--and now the most recent allegations of history possibly or probably repeating itself. One must ask, why did Mr. Candelori pop back into the New Britain political scene four or so years ago? We all should be asking. We should also be asking why are those who fostered and argued for new ethics regulation in our City, MR. Sherwood being the major proponent, why are they behind this appointment--AGAIN. Those who were on the Council four years ago should have voted 'NO' initially--that is if you are there protecting the public interest, notably the New Britain public interest--and not just your interest--political or otherwise. Colonial Realty was major, criminal, and real and, that accountant involved with them that supposedly committed suicide by placing a plastic bag over his head--come on--not stupid then, not stupid now, regardless of the findings. Colonial Realty was a crime of major proportions that used and affected their friends, other investors, their lives, the entire market, cities and towns and the State of Connecticut. It is such audacity that rules for elected or appointed politically connected officials are not applied equal to their public counterparts--that being the rest of us. Mr. Candelori, MR. Googel, and Mr. Sisti and those other family members and friends involved in the Colonial Realty scheme is not and will never be the past for those affected by it either directly or indirectly. People who try to lead thier lives on the straight and narrow should be honored for that and those who do not should not be excused in such a manner that we dare believe that history will not repeat itself when we dangle it in front of them for the taking. This is the Council's opportunity to rectify their poor decision of the past and to practice what some of them constantly preach.
The crimes of Colonial Realty were that of a bunch of confidence men making false claims about investments they were selling, and a "confidence man" rarely if ever stops being a "confidence man."
But we are now stuck with a Council Majority Leader that has publicly stated he believes that the Colonial Realty "thing" was no big deal and that doing business with highly respected men like Manafort or Tomasso is something to be ashamed of, while he says he is proud of his association with Candelori.
Sounds like someone has his priorities out of whack, especially when he proclaims to be looking out for the best interests of the taxpayers.
Maybe Candelori hasn't paid his real estate taxes because he doesn't trust himself or his friends with his money. haaaa
Maybe Candelori is innocent in the Sovereign Bank Scandal afterall that was millions it is alleged that the corporate owners made off with. And if Candelori is guilty of getting some of the loot you would think he could have paid his
real estate taxes to New Britain at the very least.
Sounds to me from the way he is acting that Sherwood might have a person stake in this appointment?
Could it be?
This is all so hard to believe. I can't wait to see the Herald guy's next bit exposure.
The question is will he be able to prove Sherwood and Trueworthy are as fake as that Gerratana guy.
I think you need to do some investigating. Where in New Hampshire is Sherwood from? Where is the firm that won the contract from? And last but not least who are the principals, members, or owners of that company. Something tells me if we had that information. We might be able to answer a lot more questions.
Something stinks and it appears the Herald didn't ask the right questions about the so-called New Hampshire company that was awarded the $100 million Mattabassett contract.
They keep reporting that it was awarded to a New Hampshire firm:
169 Main St
Middletown, CT 06457-3423
(860) 343-8297
If they are a New Hampshire firm, why are they located in Middletown, Connecticut???
The more we learn about this deal, the more it smells funny.
CCin NB only scratched the surface with regard to how serious the state takes felony convictions. The following State Personnel Regulation shows how ANY state employee may be terminated for conviction of a felony, or even an off duty misdemeanor that could impact on their ability to perform their state job (of course in the judgement of the employer). So in summary, the state can fire a janitor for being a felon, but we are knowingly giving one control of $100 million of our money???
Sec. 5-240-1a(c): "Just cause" means any conduct for which an employee may be suspended, demoted
or dismissed and includes, but is not limited to, the following:
1. Conviction of a felony.
2. Conviction of a misdemeanor committed while on duty.
3. Conviction of a misdemeanor committed off duty which could impact upon
the performance of job responsibilities.
4. Offensive or abusive conduct toward the public, co-workers, or inmates,
patients or clients of State institutions or facilities.
5. Two successive unsatisfactory service ratings, if filed within two years of each
6. Fraud or collusion in connection with any examination or appointment in the
classified service.
7. Theft, willful neglect or misuse of any state funds, property, equipment,
material or supplies.
8. Deliberate violation of any law, state regulation or agency rule.
9. Absence without leave for five or more working days or failure to return to
duty within five working days following authorized leave.
10. Use of and/or intoxication from alcohol or illegal drugs while on duty.
11. Neglect of duty, or other employment related misconduct.
12. Insubordination, including but not limited to failure to work overtime if
directed to do so.
13. Engaging in any activity which is detrimental to the best interests of the
agency or of the state.
14. Conflict of interest within the meaning of C.G.S. Section 5-266 (a)-1 of the
Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.
15. Violation of the prohibitions of C.G.S. Section 5-226 (a).
CCin NB posted the following on the New Britain Herald web site:
CCin NB wrote on Dec 2, 2009 7:16 PM:
" The State cares about felony convictions, even if the Sherwood Gang doesn't:
Many licensing and permit statutes authorize an agency to suspend or revoke a license or permit based on conviction of a felony, including the following.
1. Architects (CGS § 20-294).
2. Private detectives, watchmen, guards, and patrol services (CGS § 29-158).
3. Professions under the jurisdiction of the Department of Public Health specifically including healing arts, medicine and surgery, osteopathy, chiropractic, natureopathy, podiatry, physical therapists, nursing, nurse’s aides, dentistry, optometry, opticians, psychologists, marital and family therapists, clinical social workers, professional counselors, veterinary medicine, massage therapists, dietician-nutritionists, acupuncturists, paramedics, embalmers and funeral directors, barbers, hairdressers and cosmeticians, and hypertrichologists (CGS § 19-17 and various other statutes).
4. Attorneys (CGS § 51-91a).
5. Judges, family support magistrates, workers’ compensation commissioners (CGS § 51-51i).
6. Radiographers and radiologic technologists (CGS § 20-74cc).
7. Midwives (CGS § 20-86h).
8. Licensed: electricians; plumbers; heating, piping, and cooling contractors and journeymen; elevator contractors and craftsmen; solar contractors and journeymen; fire protection sprinkler contractors and journeymen; irrigation contrators and journeymen; sheet metal contractors and journeymen; and automotive and flat glass contractors and journeymen.
9. Major contractors (CGS § 20-341gg).
10. Lead abatement consultants, contractors, and workers (CGS § 20-481).
11. Public service gas technicians (CGS § 20-540).
12. Certified public accountants (CGS § 20-281a).
13. Psychologists (CGS § 20-192).
14. Individuals and businesses selling insurance (CGS §§ 38a-702k and 38a-660(h)).
15. Licensed social workers (CGS § 20-195p).
16. Athlete agents (CGS § 20-559e).
In addition, the statutes prohibit licensing a convicted felon as a pawnbroker (CGS § 21-40), a professional bondsman (CGS § 29-145) or a bail enforcement agent (§ 29-152f). A person convicted of a felony cannot be employed as an agent, operator, assistant, guard, watchman, or patrolman, subject to the general state policy (CGS § 29-156a). A chief of police or first selectman shall refuse to issue a license for the purchase of precious metals and stones to a person who has been convicted of a felony (CGS § 21-100). The commissioner of the Department of Consumer Protection can suspend, revoke, or refuse to grant or renew a permit for the sale of alcoholic liquor (CGS § 30-47), registration for a manufacturer or wholesaler of drugs (CGS § 21a-70) if convicted of a felony.
Until 2002 a convicted felon couldn't vote in the State. "
Since the company that got the $100 million deal is from Middletown, could there be some connection to they way they keep trying to make us (taxpayers in the 3 member towns) pay for connecting to Middletown's sewer plant????
Wright-Pierce has 2 directors on their board from Portsmouth New Hampshire, just a short distance from Sherwood's hometown of Sandown.
Democrats, especially Hermanowski and Sherwood would have you think that Stewart and Salvio are responsible for everything regarding the Candelori fiasco.
How will Black, Carlozzi, Catenzaro, Centeno, Cruz, Collins, and the great thinkers, Hermanowski, Magnuszewski, Platosz, Sherwood and Trueworthy vote?
The Vernon Police were on 30 News tonight complaining to the legislature that the state mandates them to make copies of reports at 50 cents per page, while the State Police charge a flat fee of $16.00 for a copy of a report, and they want the state to let them charge the same fee, due to the current budget problems.
The fee charged by New Britain Police, as a result of Sherwood's open government statute: FREE
Apparently open government only applies to what the Majority Leader decides it affects?
Certainly this entire Mattabassett debacle has been anything but OPEN!
annonymous said...Certainly this entire Mattabassett debacle has been anything but OPEN!
Sherwood seemed to be pretty open about his feelings regarding Tomasso and Manafort in the Herald article!
Sounds to me that Sherwood is likening Tomasso and Manafort to Candelori. You decide:
Sherwood said he didn’t understand why Candelori was being scrutinized when the city is known to have done business with contractors like the Tomasso Group, with the full knowledge that William Tomasso was convicted of a crime, or the Manafort Brothers, who Sherwood said also had an employee imprisoned.
Someone has said, continually; "follow the money"!; is there a connection between Sherwood and the New Hampshire company that received the New Hampshire contract? Who knows, but it deserves a more than cursory look!
In my opinion it does raise serious questions about Sherwoods motives behind appointing a felon to such a sensitive position, especially when you consider the company granted the $100 mil contract has ties to his home state?
Could there be some connection there?
Or is there some other reason he is so driven to turn over taxpayer money to a man who was involved in one of the biggest frauds in CT history?
And why does he paint Tomasso and Manafort with the same brush???
Is that how desperate he is to ram through the appointment of his crony?
What I don't get is Phil went to all the trouble of making sure Mr Villa"s arrest was in the paper around Election time even though it was thrown out and medical. Villas was nothing conpared to this and Phil is sticking up for the guy. Why? People watch the Dem real close
Don't rely on The Herald to do any serious digging for a connection between Councilman Sherwood and Wright-Pierce. As long as there's a "D" in front of Sherwoods name, Editor Smith will never allow.
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