Friday, December 11, 2009

Don Pesci: Blumenthal: worst Attorney General in U.S.- The Register Citizen Opinion - Northwest Connecticut's Daily Newspaper


Anonymous said...

You mean Mr. Anti-business isn't helping to create a business friendly environment?

His latest fiasco with suing companies who want to move to business friendly states--trying to force companies to stay here against their will, (something you would expect in the old Soviet Union) should really get those employers breaking down the doors to move here and pay our overinflated union wages combined with our explosive socialist taxes, won't it?

Anonymous said...

You mean the threat of being held hostage here, never being allowed to leave the state if you want to, isn't going to have American businesses flocking to locate in Connecticut?

Which communist manifesto did he get this dictator type idea from?

Anonymous said...

The Union claims AT&T is cutting jobs to increase their bottom line.

Who doesn't understand that that is why they are in business--to make a profit for their shareholders--not to serve as a private welfare agency!

When will these Democrats ever wake up from their fantasy that businesses exist to create jobs?

Anonymous said...

The problem is you have politicians from the local to the federal level who never ran a business and have no experience in
being concerned about profitability. They have no idea how business works at all and they set the rules for business. Most have lived on the taxpayer's dime and collected their paycheck without a thought to the wheel that provides that income.

Anonymous said...

Re: Anonymous @9:07pm - no, businesses don't exist to create JOBS, they only exist to create TAXABLE INCOME for the state ! Za Stalinya ! This is how it was in the old Soviet Union (as opposed to the new developing Soviet Union ...).

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