Friday, December 18, 2009

Moore threatens Conn. boycott over Lieberman - Greenwich Time


Anonymous said...

If Moore is looking to boycott anything it should be his current
nutrition plan. Jeez! Aren't there more important things than Lieberman in Michaels life.

Independent Voter said...

The democrats are eating their own!

When will the masters of docu-fiction go away?

Would Mr. Moore still make these films if he couldn't sell them in our capitalistic society?

If he wanted to make an interesting documentary he would focus his attention on why some districts vote clowns like Al Franken into office.

One thing that is clear is that like Mr. Gore, Moore is getting very rich playing on the fears of those who are lets say a little ignorant.

What amazes me about the whole Democrat vs. Lieberman thing is that the Democrats often use inclusiveness and compassion in their propaganda.

Joe Lieberman and his wife are proof that if you don't follow marching orders then you WILL be targeted with reprisals.

As long as socialist like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are in charge this game will never end.

Rosa DeLauro and Edith Prague should be ashamed of the public comments that are attributed to them.

Almost every Democrat I know is far more in line with Joe Lieberman than with the rest of the states democratic delegation.

For a few years moderates (democrat and republican alike) have been warning of the far left socialist takeover of the Democratic Party. Well my friends it has come to roost.

The tentacles of socialism have extended from the top right down to the bottom.

From Acorn,, Soros, Obama, Dodd to Murphy, Defronzo, Trueworthy, Sherwood, WFP, CCAG it all stinks.

This is not my father’s Democratic party!! Midterm elections can't come quick enough.

Anonymous said...

O'Reilly really hit Moore really good a few weeks ago with his question to Moore about his millions of dollars. First Moore refused to reveal how much he is worth, and then O'Reilly asked him if Capitalism is so evil, you of course are going to donate the millions and millions of dollars you made from your movies to people who are less fortunate than you? As O'Reilly put it, then we can simply spread your wealth around, which should make you really happy.

Moore's answer was to simply laugh at O'Reily.

Just one more phony liberal loon!

Anonymous said...

The Democrats must be crapping in their pants at the latest NBC poll that said 41% of Americans will vote for a Tea Party candidate in the Mid-term elections.

We might just be transforming American by the Tea Party taking over Congress!

Anonymous said...

Earlier this week and amid much fanfare, a clown car with the word "DEMOC-RATS" painted on both sides pulled onto the floor of the US Senate, piloted by Olympia Snowe. As the newly installed Senate spotlight focused on the vehicle, a seemingly endless parade of characters began emerging. First was Joe Liebermann, who sulked and moped his way around the Seante floor, while constantly demanding attention. He was followed by Howard Dean, who preened constantly as he made his way around the Senate floor, all the while making some very mean and hurtful hand motions. More and more characters kept emerging from the clown car, including Keith Olbermann (dressed in a crowd pleasing frilly tu tu!). After much finger pointing and looking down his nose regarding the health care reform efforts, Olbermann ended up falling from the second floor Senate balcony. Everyone was concerned for him, until it was discovered that he had landed on his head, so everything was fine. Finally the entire staff of the left wing entity known as Move On org emerged from the car all carrying seltzer bottles. Within minutes, Senate majority leader Harry Reid had to be rushed to medical facilities for a water board related injury.
So all in all, work on the health care bill this week continues as usual.
AHAHAHAHA! What a bunch of CLOWNS!!!

Anonymous said...

It doesn't look like Michael Moore has missed too many meals. Maybe he needs to listen to Obama and start spreading his wealth around.

Moore should be ashamed to have more than other people have.

A regular reader said...

This photo is the epitome of a Democrat!

CT resident said...

Moore's plan on boycotting Connecticut is off base...rather than boycotting Connecticut because of Lieberman's stand on the health care plan issue, he should encourage residents to vote Lieberman out of office. Moore is insulting to Connecticut residents.

Anonymous said...

Moore is clearly the poster boy for the Democratic Party.

I am sure Little Mac, Sherwood, Trueworthy and company all must look up to Moore as an idol!

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