Anonymous said...
People in New Britain know full well how Nebraskans feel. Our state legislators, especially DeFronzo are ready to torpedo the Hartford/New Britain Busway to satisfy Nicastro from Bristol!!
Why? Having spent almost $50 million on the plans and design for the busway so far the legislators are now ready to scrap those plans and 10 years of planning to satisfy Bristol, a city that can't even make up its mind on what to do with its downtown. What has -if anything- Nicastro promised in return for scrapping 10 years 0f planning and $50 million?
The busway can be a reality in 3 yrs. while estimates for passenger rail service are estimated to take 15-20 yrs, to complete. In the meantime, New Britain's downtown development plans will be adversely affected, monumentally.
Word is out that our legislators, DeFronzo, Geragosian, Tercyak, O'Brien and Boukus are trying now to arrange for a meeting for New Britainites similar to what Nicastro did in Bristol. And on the other side of their collective mouths they talk about property tax reform, blight cleanup, tax relief for seniors, etc. But, once again they are ready to throw away $50 million!!!!! You guys are the worst.
And what about all the news and editorials recently in the "New Britain Herald" about Bristol?? This whole mess conjures up similarities between what's happening here and the selling of our Constitution by the U.S. Congress by people like Ben Nelson, Joe Lieberman, Chris Dodd, Harry Reid and others.
December 22, 2009 12:43 PM
Why don't we make a deal with Nebraska, they keep their Obamacare, and we'll give them DeFronzo as a bonus, and they can all live out their lives in their dreamed of socialist utopia?
DeFronzo can take Phil Sherwood and Michael Trueworthy to Nebraska with him.
September 29, 2006
DeFronzo, and Representatives Geragosian, O'Brien and Tercyak Announce $4.6 Million in Funding for the New Britain-Hartford Busway
Donald DeFronzo-“This $4.6 million in funding is a good beginning…”
….It is also opportunity to help revitalize parts of New Britain said Representative Geragosian.
"I think it's wonderful that we are moving this project. I've been working on this since the time I was on the city council to get this," said Representative O'Brien. "This busway project is very good for New Britain and the state's transportation system.'
March 27, 2007
DeFronzo: Expected Grant Vital to New Britain Revitalization Efforts
"New Britain is a city that is recreating itself," Senator DeFronzo said. "With the establishment of the Hartford-New Britain Busway and the numerous economic and cultural development projects taking place within the city, redevelopment of this property is another step in the right direction for these efforts."
November 7, 2007
DeFronzo: New Britain to Benefit From Transit Oriented Development Pilot Program
"We define transit oriented development as the development of residential commercial and employment centers within a half-mile walking distance of public transportation facilities, and in that regard the New Britain busway is ideal for implementing a transit oriented development plan," said Senator DeFronzo. "The area is ripe for local development, and the busway corridor will open transit opportunities for the city residents and employers."
Long-Distance Runaround
Everyone seems to agree that an ambitious New Haven/Hartford/Springfield commuter rail plan is an inspiring idea, but is it realistic?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
By Gregory B. Hladky
DeFronzo is particularly nervous about preliminary DOT cost estimates on a complex project like the New Haven-Hartford-Springfield scheme. "The actual cost has never been figured out," he warned.
Mr. Defronzo, What happened?
Frank, these guys are just wasting money to waste it. What a joke!!
Why not just finish the bus-way and look at the rail as a new project to enhance what is already planned??? Seems like a lot of money to through away.
Obviously DeFronzo is just another socialist Democrat waisting our money like it grows on trees!
" Independent voter said...
September 29, 2006
DeFronzo, and Representatives Geragosian, O'Brien and Tercyak Announce $4.6 Million in Funding for the New Britain-Hartford Busway
Donald DeFronzo-“This $4.6 million in funding is a good beginning…”
….It is also opportunity to help revitalize parts of New Britain said Representative Geragosian.
"I think it's wonderful that we are moving this project. I've been working on this since the time I was on the city council to get this," said Representative O'Brien. "This busway project is very good for New Britain and the state's transportation system.'
Frank: Don't forget, all of our legislators were there at the old Greenfield site on Main St. to add their encouragement and support for the busway when Jodi Rell came to town to support the project; of course they were all there for the photo op also!!. The comments on your blog that appeared after the one above show what political prostitutes these legislators are when somebody else comes knocking at their doors, I mean, Nicastro from Bristol.
Today's Democrats, national, state and local have no monopoly on goodness, fairness or empathy. What the Democrats have gained in the last 80 or so years is the ability to trap the downtrodden, the poor and the fearful; Democrats promise these folks everything and tell them that the only way they can get entitlements, is to register as Democrats and to toe the Democrat, union controlled line. Fear, that's what the Dems have instilled in their people, not trust, not understanding, JUST FEAR!
I find it ironic that DeFronzo(a.k.a.Machiavelli)all of a sudden does not support the busway when the city that he represents stands to benefit the most from it. Someone needs to check and find out if any of the proponents are employed by Pan Am Railway? I think the information will prove to be very interesting. No one is against a rail project in fact the rail will certainly compliment the busway but unfortunately will take at least 10 years to come to fruition. If they succeed in tanking the project then the state of Connecticut will have spent around $50million in design and property aquisitions for nothing. All for what? To support Bristol? They cannot even decide on a developer to do their project. Probably local politics interfering I bet. I encourage the people to watch this issue carefully and don't vote for people like DeFronzo that refuse to help the city he supposedly is representing.
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