Monday, December 14, 2009

Obama Slams 'Fat Cat' Bankers -


Anonymous said...

Those greedy bankers, intending to make money for their shareholders!

They should be giving loans out of the goodness of their hearts, without regard for whether the borrower will ever pay back a dime!

Anonymous said...

What happened to TOO BIG TO FAIL?

I thought these "greedy bankers" had to be saved? Remember the 24 hour time frame for TARP to be passed?

The Pres. Obama promise on TARP passing to keep unemployment under 8%?

Colonial Realty is small in comparison to the scam that was perpetrated on America. TARP? Goldman Sachs? Merrill Lynch? Bank of America? Geitner the tax cheat?

Somebody better be going to jail!

Anonymous said...

Chris Dodd and Barney Frank should be the first 2 thrown in jail over all this nonsense, and then Dodd has the nerve to expect us to re-elect him?

Anonymous said...

well, mr. president, im sick of fat cat COMMUNITY ORGANIZERS!

Anonymous said...

Hitler used the same logic for rich Jews in the 1930's. He had to have a movement against some groups to gain control of Germany.

Anonymous said...

I would ask, how about the fat-cat Federal workers that are way overpaid compared to the private sector. Why and how?

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