Jim Sanders Jr thinks that the Herald did a nice job as well. When covering a story such as this one the reporters must have talked to many people and heard many opinions, the reality is this is how our community really feels. Let's hope that come this Wednesday our common council does what the people of New Britain NEED them to do.
Thank you to the NB Herald for finally speaking to what is right and ethical. Now we await the votes from our elected officials.
Adam, Sylvia, Roy, Tonylin, Carlo, consider the public you were elected serve on Wednesday. Each vote is an individual decision. I trust you will make the right, ethical choice.
I was glad to see that The Herald’s Editorial page put into perspective the reasons for not reappointing Mr. Candelori to another term to the Mattabassett District. The Herald took a non partisan stand on this issue. Now we can only hope that our Council Majority leader, Phil Sherwood, will do the same. The Herald nailed it when it said “make the hard choice to do the right thing. “ Come Wednesday night, actions will speak louder than words!
Many years ago when New Britain was a great industrial city, there was a "Industrial Group" that met at the Hotel Burritt and was represented by leaders who were employed by : Stanley Works, NB Machine, Landers, Fafnir, American Hardware, Etc.
This retained Bernie Kranowitz to keep things smooth between the City and Industry.
After every local election, Berlin would visit with the the new Mayor and offer his congratulations and leave with these parting words, " I hope that you appoint industrial persons to the water and sewer commissions and put the politicans elsewhere, Industry needs a goods water and sewer system to produce their products and we are the largest taxpayers in the City.".
City Historian, According to Sherwood's numerous statements to the reporter, he is only a felon because he made a mistake 20 years ago and it is in the past and he should now be trusted, but if it is in the past, I wonder why he is currently named as a defendant in a law suit that includes other Colonial Realty associates as co-defendants, if it is truly "in the past?"
The tone of Sherwood's message continues to be that of the Colonial Realty scam being no big deal, almost like it was nothing, but I guess no one from New Hampshire lost anything in the $350 million that was reportedly lost in the Colonial Realty "ponzi scheme," so to him, it is no big deal, especially since Sherwood was still sucking his thumb when it happened.
The Herald Editorial Board doesn't deserve one ounce of applause for this editorial ! If you read carefully, you will notice that they don't actually call on the Lib Dems not to appoint Mr. Candelori. Instead they use political doublespeak and ask only that the entire Common Council "give more thought to the process" before they appoint him. This could mean any number of things, including that they want the Republicans to change their minds instead of the Lib Dems. If their intention is to condemn the Lib Dems for Mr. Candelori's appointment they should spell it out in no uncertain terms, and leave the political doublespeak to the politicians, but it's obvious that their liberal bias simply won't allow them to.
I read with amazement the editorial in the Herald today supposedly written by Alderman Sherwood. His supposed facts are not facts at all and he is extremely careful not to label the mayor as a criminal as he has done in previous articles. This leads me to believe that this was written by an attorney most likely for Candelori. One needs only to guess who that might be? With respect to performance if it is the only criteria the council should be using, someone needs to ask the chairman why he made up a late charge to the city of new britain when in fact the payment was not late. He then had the board excuse the charge as if he were some sort of hero with Alderman Trueworthy. When asked why he sent the letter Brian Armet stated that the chairman made him do it. So lets talk of performance Phil and politicization of taxpayer funds for personal gain. That would be considered poor performance and a violation of the public trust for all of those involved in my book. Another incorrect statement of fact by the young alderman said Maguire had a contract with the state on the I-84 project and billed tens of millions for work that was not completed. Wrong again Phil. DeFelice construction had the large contract and Maguire only had a contract worth between $3-4 million and the state settled the issue and was made whole by all parties involved including their own employees who were asleep at the wheels. If one uses your rationale then you are advocating for someone who cost many investors their life savings and ultimately brought many businesses to their knees along with the state to the tune of $350 million a far more agregious action than I-84 my friend! Keep up the advocacy Mr.Sherwood, people are watching your actions. The mayor was right when he said that they are making a mistake in selecting him as the majority leader and Mike as the Pro Tempore, neither one of them has a bipartisan bone in their bodies!
I guess Sherwood is about to show the editors of The Herald what he thinks of their view!
Thank you to The Herald for this editorial. Kudos to the writers and a huge, "WELL DONE." And really, without recriminations.
Great Editorial!
The Herald hits it right on the money!
Jim Sanders Jr thinks that the Herald did a nice job as well. When covering a story such as this one the reporters must have talked to many people and heard many opinions, the reality is this is how our community really feels. Let's hope that come this Wednesday our common council does what the people of New Britain NEED them to do.
Thank you to the NB Herald for finally speaking to what is right and ethical. Now we await the votes from our elected officials.
Adam, Sylvia, Roy, Tonylin, Carlo, consider the public you were elected serve on Wednesday. Each vote is an individual decision. I trust you will make the right, ethical choice.
The community, The Herald and even the leaders of the other communities effected by this appointment have all spoken against this appointment.
Now we wait to see if the council will listen and do the right thing, or continue on their path to pushing Sherwood's personal agenda.
I was glad to see that The Herald’s Editorial page put into perspective the reasons for not reappointing Mr. Candelori to another term to the Mattabassett District. The Herald took a non partisan stand on this issue. Now we can only hope that our Council Majority leader, Phil Sherwood, will do the same. The Herald nailed it when it said “make the hard choice to do the right thing. “ Come Wednesday night, actions will speak louder than words!
Many years ago when New Britain was a great industrial city, there was a "Industrial Group" that met at the Hotel Burritt and was represented by leaders who were employed by : Stanley Works, NB Machine, Landers, Fafnir, American Hardware, Etc.
This retained Bernie Kranowitz to keep things smooth between the City and Industry.
After every local election, Berlin would visit with the the new Mayor and offer his congratulations and leave with these parting words, " I hope that you appoint industrial persons to the water and sewer commissions and put the politicans elsewhere, Industry needs a goods water and sewer system to produce their products and we are the largest taxpayers in the City.".
That meant no FELONS.
City Historian,
According to Sherwood's numerous statements to the reporter, he is only a felon because he made a mistake 20 years ago and it is in the past and he should now be trusted, but if it is in the past, I wonder why he is currently named as a defendant in a law suit that includes other Colonial Realty associates as co-defendants, if it is truly "in the past?"
The tone of Sherwood's message continues to be that of the Colonial Realty scam being no big deal, almost like it was nothing, but I guess no one from New Hampshire lost anything in the $350 million that was reportedly lost in the Colonial Realty "ponzi scheme," so to him, it is no big deal, especially since Sherwood was still sucking his thumb when it happened.
There's a new "candy store" in town. It was formerly on West Main St. but it has moved around the corner.
The Herald Editorial Board doesn't deserve one ounce of applause for this editorial ! If you read carefully, you will notice that they don't actually call on the Lib Dems not to appoint Mr. Candelori. Instead they use political doublespeak and ask only that the entire Common Council "give more thought to the process" before they appoint him. This could mean any number of things, including that they want the Republicans to change their minds instead of the Lib Dems. If their intention is to condemn the Lib Dems for Mr. Candelori's appointment they should spell it out in no uncertain terms, and leave the political doublespeak to the politicians, but it's obvious that their liberal bias simply won't allow them to.
I wonder if Phil Sherwood would be so supportive of Bill Candelori if Sherwood was one of those scammed by Colonial Realty.
I read with amazement the editorial in the Herald today supposedly written by Alderman Sherwood. His supposed facts are not facts at all and he is extremely careful not to label the mayor as a criminal as he has done in previous articles. This leads me to believe that this was written by an attorney most likely for Candelori. One needs only to guess who that might be?
With respect to performance if it is the only criteria the council should be using, someone needs to ask the chairman why he made up a late charge to the city of new britain when in fact the payment was not late. He then had the board excuse the charge as if he were some sort of hero with Alderman Trueworthy. When asked why he sent the letter Brian Armet stated that the chairman made him do it. So lets talk of performance Phil and politicization of taxpayer funds for personal gain. That would be considered poor performance and a violation of the public trust for all of those involved in my book.
Another incorrect statement of fact by the young alderman said Maguire had a contract with the state on the I-84 project and billed tens of millions for work that was not completed. Wrong again Phil. DeFelice construction had the large contract and Maguire only had a contract worth between $3-4 million and the state settled the issue and was made whole by all parties involved including their own employees who were asleep at the wheels. If one uses your rationale then you are advocating for someone who cost many investors their life savings and ultimately brought many businesses to their knees along with the state to the tune of $350 million a far more agregious action than I-84 my friend! Keep up the advocacy Mr.Sherwood, people are watching your actions. The mayor was right when he said that they are making a mistake in selecting him as the majority leader and Mike as the Pro Tempore, neither one of them has a bipartisan bone in their bodies!
Anonymous said...
It is very sad that the DEMOCRATS on our city council members just don't get it.
So the tax payers are the ones to get royally screwed.
December 12, 2009 5:57 PM
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