Monday, December 7, 2009

Furthermore ...Obamacare Modeled after Massachusetts Failed Medical Plan



Anonymous said...

Maine tried it too, and it was a dismal failure. According to the Maine Health Commissioner, the head of the state health care rationing body, after 3 years, the system was bankrupt and they had just as many uninsured as they did when they started, but they ran out of money to pay for it, and were forced to abandoned the program.

Anonymous said...

Taxes kill jobs. They don't create them.

Yesterday, the White House hosted a "Forum on Jobs and Economic Growth" to address the soaring unemployment rate and to discuss new ways and policies to promote job growth. This is not the first time President Obama has attempted to address the nation's job crisis, and there are real doubts whether he'll be more successful this time around.

When President Obama took office in January, the unemployment rate was 7.6 percent. He quickly called for action and in March he signed into law a $787 billion "stimulus" package that would allegedly create 3.3 million net jobs and "save" millions more.

"Since then," Heritage's Conn Carroll writes, "3.4 million more net jobs have been lost, pushing the unemployment rate above 10 percent."

In short, the president's "stimulus" package, which was supposed to cap unemployment at eight percent, failed horribly. This is because "every dollar Congress 'injects' into the economy must first be taxed or borrowed out of the economy," explains Carroll. Therefore, the more the government spends, the more taxes Americans will have to fork over to Washington. This is exactly what we're seeing now.

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