Monday, December 21, 2009

A Reckless Health Care Bill That Nobody Believes In -


Anonymous said...

I guess Sherwood will be happy with the results of his health care bill. The Wall Street Journal is predicting that employers like Walmart will eliminate low income workers all together and make them "contractors" so they will be entitled to NO BENEFITS WHATSOEVER to avoid having to comply with this nonsense!

read on:

...the Senate bill is not just a new health system but also "a new welfare and tax system" that will warp the labor market. Given the incentives of these two-tier subsidies, employers with large numbers of lower-wage workers like Wal-Mart may well convert them into "contractors" or do more outsourcing. As more and more people flood into "free" health care, taxpayer costs will explode.

Anonymous said...

Today's WTIC radio poll:

President Obama Hails The Senate Healthcare Bill's Passage As A Great Victory For The American People. Do You Agree
( 3% )
( 97% )

Anonymous said...

soon to be the Socialist States of America.

Will be get a new flag?

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