Sunday, January 31, 2010

Blumenthal addresses lessons leaned from Massachusetts

The lesson of Massachusetts is the need to listen to voters and to campaign aggressively -- and I will continue to do both. This result shows people are angry and frustrated with Washington D.C. and they should be.

I understand that people want change in Washington. I will be going to every corner of Connecticut listening to people and showing that I will fight for them tenaciously and tirelessly everyday and working hard to earn their support and trust as I have done as Attorney General.

Attorney Richard Blumenthal, candidate for U.S. Senate


Anonymous said...

Ok. Where was he when Barney Frank and Connecticut's senior senator Chris Dodd were bankrupting our nation through their furious protection of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?

Where was he when Congress relaxed Stegnall/Glass, the legislation that protected us from banks over extending and getting into other markets?

Where was he when Connecticut through its uber majority Democrat legislature spent us into fiscal ruin?

No DICK. You are the same old same old.

Time for NEW blood.

Anonymous said...

I thought the article was announcing that Blumenthal became a Republican.

I guess he really didn't learn his lesson about the fate of the Democratic Party.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to a photo of little mac posing with Scott Brown-the new Ted Kennedy!

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