Monday, January 25, 2010

The Fix - Beau Biden will not run for father's former Senate seat


Anonymous said...

At least his son realizes how devastated the Democratic name is, thanks to their socialist Messiah!

The Thorn said...

The last poll had Joseph (Beau) Biden III trailing a virtual unknown Republican by over 20 points.

The name Joe Biden has so little political capital in Delaware, that Beau had to withdraw from the race to avoid a family embarrassment by losing his father's Senate seat by a landslide to a Republican, any Republican, because the Delaware voters have made it clear they are fed up with Democrats and their socialism.

Anonymous said...

Blumenthal take note, that is 2 Democratic Attorneys General so far who couldn't win an election for the U.S. Senate!

Anonymous said...

Beau knows Democrats just can't win!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Daddy could have taken the train home to campaign for his namesake?

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