Tuesday, January 19, 2010

GOP Takes Massachusetts!
Ted Kennedy's Seat Now Belongs To A Republican!

Massachusetts' Newly Elected Republican U.S. Senator, Scott Brown!

Quoting Senator Brown from his victory speech:

"When I first began this race, I thought of it as me against the machine, but tonight we have shown everyone that you (the people) are the machine"!


Anonymous said...

Think Little Mac is celebrating that his old friend "Teddie" has just been replaced by a Republican????

Anonymous said...

Maybe Little Mac is in Boston at Scott Brown's victory celebration???

Anonymous said...

somebody get mack a crying towel!

Anonymous said...

Apparently the Kennedy dynasty no longer rules Massachusetts!

Anonymous said...

In his victory speech, Brown announced, "What happened here in Massachusetts can happen all over America.''

independent voter said...

Anonymous said... Think Little Mac is celebrating that his old friend
"Teddie" has just been replaced by a Republican????l

This should be a warning to Democrats. Your party has been hijacked by the ultra liberal left. Voters in general did not vote for the policies of Reid and Polosi. They bought into the "bipartisan" rhetoric of the Obama's campaign.
Funny thing about the American voter, they do not like it when they are fed a line of bull@#$%.

See the rest of you in November! !

Anonymous said...

Little Mac's close friend Ted Kennedy is being eulogized by being replaced with a conservative Republican--who would have imagined?

Anonymous said...

Is John Kerry next in line in Massachusetts to be defeated by a Republican? That would be Utopia!!

Anonymous said...

Scary Kerry (Herman Munster) should be next to go!

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