Friday, January 29, 2010

The Hartford/New Britain Busway Project & The Waterbury to New Britain Commuter Rail Line.


Both proposals have merit however the Busway project has been already funded and slated to be underway this spring. With the downtown redevelopment project currently in progress and if the planning for the busway is discontinued that would serve as a death warrant for attracting any future businesses to the downtown area, and possibly, other city areas as well.

Reviewing the many articles that appeared in our local newspapers it appears that the commuter Rail system would require at least a period of ten years or more costing a half billion dollars to complete.

As I have indicated both proposals offers commuters travel needs and both operations should be implemented but the busway proposal that has spent fifty million dollars for design and purchasing of needed properties should not be discontinued to await the rail plan that may never materialize because of a lack funded.

Therefore, please support the busway plan without hesitation.


The Thorn said...

Mayor Stewart had a great plan for the busway that included a new bus station and transportation center for New Britain which would have been a huge improvement for New Britain, but now it seems this will be a setback for New Britain while the Democrats fight over how much "free" money they can get for a rail system.

Anyone with half a brain knows that trains are extremely more expensive not only to build, but to operate and maintain, and a rail system would push this project off for 10 or 15 years longer before we ever see any progress.

With the busway scheduled to begin construction this Spring, why would we want to wait for this pipe dream of a railroad?

Where has the state ever run a railroad successfully enough to give us confidence that they can run this one properly?

Can you say Metro North?

Anonymous said...

While Bristol officials, including Mayor Art Ward and state Rep. Frank Nicastro, D-79th District, have lobbied for the renovation of the Pan Am Railways freight line that runs from Waterbury through Bristol, Plainville and New Britain to main line in Berlin.

But A local ally who has joined them is state Sen. Donald DeFronzo, D-New Britain, who said in December 2009 he is not convinced that people would use a busway between the Hardware City and Hartford.

Mayor Stewart has maintained that both methods of transportation should be pursued, both the busway and the railroad and by up grading the Pan Am Railways road bed by replacing ties, rails and other track materials add using additional ballast to improve the existing railroad line to the level needed for safe passenger operation and use.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous says...

Every once in awhile Carol Dorbuck surfaces and makes some riculous comments and claims on a suject about which she obviously knows very little. In a letter to the editor to the Herald today she tells how she knows what everybody is thinking regarding the Busway/Commuter rail line controversy. Just to offer a perfect example of her scatterbrain mind I ask the readers of this blog to check out the last two "sentences" of her letter; she wrote, " You already have the money to begin. So start!"

Carol, what are you smoking? What money are you talking about? Who is "You" and what do you want "You" to begin doing?

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