Sunday, January 24, 2010

JAMES H. SMITH: Finding the next generation of writers - The New Britain Herald (


Anonymous said...

Most of the reporters on your staff are OK, I have known some of your staff. and the reason they leave is they would to be paid more. Some of your staff do NO RESEARCH in writing articles. Or they interview one person that gives tainted information, A also they need to attend meetings instead of relying on TELRVISION coveridge. When they attend meetings they leave early because of deadlines. Come on, you talk a good game. Lets crack the whip and do something.

Anonymous said...

Why not try something new, like reporting the news without adding your liberal spin to virtually every story?

The left wing news outlets are all failing while fair and balanced networks like Fox News are outperforming all of their competition combined. Maybe it is time to abandon your liberal agenda and try running the paper like a business, by giving the people what they want--fair and balanced reporting!

Why do you think Frank Smith Says is so successful???

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