Thursday, January 7, 2010

Newington Mayor Resigns From Water-Sewer Board Over DiBella Re-Election -


Anonymous said...

Good for Mayor Wright. It's about time people in elected office stop cowtowing to the likes of people like DiBella and Candelori. The only reason these pigs are where they are is because they are afforded the opportunities to make deals with people to perform work in return for "other" considerations like cash, gifts, vacations, etc. This work is for considerable amounts of money and in the public realm it is illegal to conduct yourself in that way albeit unethical as well.

Anonymous said...

It is nice to see there is at least one elected official that has integrity.

We can surmise that this mayor wouldn't appoint a convicted felon to head his sewer board, would he?

Anonymous said...

"Pigs" is a perfect way to describe these Democrats!

Anonymous said...

I don't blame the mayor for not wanting to be associated with someone who the SEC is seeking to throw in jail for contempt of their order.

Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

There is little doubt that DiBella is a Democrat!

A Republican wouldn't have such issues!!!!

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