Monday, January 25, 2010

No Answer to Terrorism By the White House


Anonymous said...

sounds like the lights are on, but nobody is home?

Anonymous said...

today's WTIC poll:

How Many Jobs Have Been Created By The Obama Stimulus Package?
( 79% )
One Million
( 3% )
Two Million
( 1% )
Three Million
( 0% )
Eleventy Kazillion
( 17% )

Anonymous said...

somebody in the white house must be smoking something really potent:

"Gibbs: Brown Voters Support Obama Policies"

According to Obama and Gibbs both, the vote for Brown was due to the public backlashing against 8 years of failed policies of George Bush and had nothing to do with Obama. Gibbs even claims that Brown voters overwhelmingly support Obamacare and are upset it hasn't passed sooner!

So if you believe their ridiculous rhetoric, the people of Massachusetts are so furious with George W. Bush, that they overwhelmingly voted to give Ted Kennedy's seat to a member of George Bush's party in a show of support and solidarity for Obama and his socialist policies.

Rhetoric like this is something I would expect to hear emanating from little mack--the lesser one!

Anonymous said...

The Wall Street Journal

Liberals complain that Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is the prime obstacle to the changes they thought Obama's election would bring.

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