Thursday, January 28, 2010

OUR VIEW: Connecticut can lead U.S.A. on health reform - The New Britain Herald (


Anonymous said...

The New Britain Herald, in today's editorial, expressed that Connecticut should lead the way by following Massachusetts current Health Plan with Connecticut's proposed SustiNet plan unfortunately, the Massachusetts's plan has a waiting period of approximately two weeks for a patient to see a his primary care Doctor.

The state of Maine also has similar plan with the same disastrous results.

Anonymous said...

The New Britain Herald, in today's editorial, expressed that Connecticut should lead the way by following Massachusetts current Health Plan with Connecticut's proposed SustiNet plan unfortunately, the Massachusetts's plan has a waiting period of approximately two weeks for a patient to see a his primary care Doctor.

During last week's election, it was disclosed that one of the reason's Massachusetts residents are so sensitive to socialized medicine is that due to their socialized plan, primary care doctors have waiting lists of TWO MONTHS to see your primary care doctor. The reports stated that doctors in Boston are now booking appointments for late April, so you call your doctor today and are told see you in April.

The liberals also claimed their plan would relieve the demand on emergency rooms, but after spending billions of taxpayer dollars, and fining people for failure to buy health insurance, Massachusetts emergency rooms are experiencing identical patient loads 3 years into their plan.

The Maine plan (called Dirigo Care) was such a dismal failure, that the state abandoned it less than one year into it.

Just like Canada, the UK, and other countries, socialized medicine has been a dismal failure anywhere in the world it has ever been tried, but I guess the difference between them and our plan must be that we have Obama to save us all!

Anonymous said...

This just shows the liberal slant of this paper. They suggest that Connecticut should lead the nation in a health care plan that the American people overwhelmingly do not want, and then they wonder why no one is reading their paper anymore?

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