Should Scott Brown Win The Special Election In Massachusetts, Should Congressional Democrats Do Whatever Is Necessary To Pass Obamacare? Yes ( 7% ) No ( 93% )
Obama doesn't do very well with CT voters either. Today's WFSB Poll:
It's been a year since President Barack Obama was inaugurated. What grade would you give him on his performance so far? Choice Votes Percentage of 13465 Votes A 1494 11% B 2041 15% C 1661 12% D 2623 19% F 5646 42%
The people are resisting socialism, even in Massachusetts!
Whether or not Republican Scott Brown wins today in Massachusetts, the special Senate election has already shaken up American politics. The close race to replace Ted Kennedy, liberalism's patron saint, shows that voters are rebelling even in the bluest of states against the last year's unbridled pursuit of partisan liberal governance.
today is the day WE THE PEOPLE begin to take back our country from the radical socialists.
today's WTIC poll:
Should Scott Brown Win The Special Election In Massachusetts, Should Congressional Democrats Do Whatever Is Necessary To Pass Obamacare?
( 7% )
( 93% )
Obama doesn't do very well with CT voters either. Today's WFSB Poll:
It's been a year since President Barack Obama was inaugurated. What grade would you give him on his performance so far?
Choice Votes Percentage of 13465 Votes
A 1494 11%
B 2041 15%
C 1661 12%
D 2623 19%
F 5646 42%
The people are resisting socialism, even in Massachusetts!
Whether or not Republican Scott Brown wins today in Massachusetts, the special Senate election has already shaken up American politics. The close race to replace Ted Kennedy, liberalism's patron saint, shows that voters are rebelling even in the bluest of states against the last year's unbridled pursuit of partisan liberal governance.
sounds like the Democratic Party is on its way to being history!
Who would have ever thought you wouldn't be able to elect a Democrat, even in liberal Taxachusetts?
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