Sunday, February 28, 2010

House Speaker Pelosi is Pressuring

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is recommending that her colleagues to back the Health Care bill even if it threatens their re-elections and their political careers.

Hopefully, this direct order to ignore the voters' wishes by the House Speaker will cause a public up-roar that the House Democrats will not support the bill as presented.

Trusting this will be the end to the "Obamacare".


Anonymous said...

A ranking by the respected National Journal says that Connecticut has the fourth most liberal U.S. House delegation in the nation:

I'm sure our band of liberal loons is proud of the crackpot. The party put a San Francisco lunatic like this in charge of the House, and you wonder why nothing ever gets accomplished.

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Couldn't this photo have waited until Monday morning Frank.
It's Sunday, trying to avoid the devil.

Anonymous said...

you're right, looking at Pelosi's ugly puss is enough to cause you to lose your Sunday breakfast!

Anonymous said...

Isn't a representative supposed to represent the people. If they are risking their positions, then are they or are they not representing the people?

Anonymous said...

Time for another Botox lady

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