Saturday, February 20, 2010

NEW BRITAIN: Sherwood Unhappy With Fire Union Negotiations: The Herald


The Czar of Ethics is at it again (as reported in The Herald article above), or could he simply be trying to deflect attention from his own unethical behavior regarding potential violations of the election laws by his own political campaign--as reported in The Herald just yesterday?

His constant attacks against Mayor Stewart seem to be as common, and certainly as tiring, as those who continue to blame George W. Bush for the failure of their own liberal policies. In fact, I cannot ever recall a time when Alderman Sherwood ever acknowledged that Mayor Stewart accomplished anything positive or that he even offered a good idea--regardless of how many good things the Mayor may continue to do. Is the Mayor capable of mistakes? Aren't we all? But, day after day, all we ever hear from Alderman Sherwood is more negative attacks against anything the Mayor attempts to accomplish for this city. As I see it, Alderman Sherwood apparently believes his place in society is to throw monkey wrenches into anything positive the Mayor tries to accomplish--regardless of the negative impact his games may cause to the city, so long as he can detract from the Mayor's efforts. Unfortunately for Alderman Sherwood, the public demonstrated in the recent election that they didn't share his obviously negative opinion of our Mayor.

The public made a choice and they chose Mayor Stewart over your party's liberal candidate, whether you like it or not. GET OVER IT, Mr. Sherwood. Put the petty games aside. The people expect and deserve leadership, not more of the same old partisan bickering. This city, like the state and the nation, is facing serious challenges. The Mayor has demonstrated time and again that he is doing his best to meet those challenges. The fact that this city is in better financial condition than virtually any other city in Connecticut speaks volumes about the Mayor's accomplishments. What have you ever brought to the table besides your liberal agenda and petty partisan games to go with it? While you're out joining radical protests, Mayor Stewart is doing what we all expect him to do--running this city the best way he knows how.

Isn't it about time the Democratic leadership of the Council put a stop to the childish partisan games and started doing the job the people elected them to do?

Wouldn't that be change we can all believe in?

One thing is certain: I think it is about time you grew up!


Anonymous said...

The cousin of his brother-in-law? What's next, it is a conflict because the mayor once said "good morning" to the guy.

This is reaching even for phony phil!

Anonymous said...

This one is even more ridiculous than when Sherwood accused the mayor of being anti-Italian, and then went on to slander 2 of New Britain's biggest business owning families who also happen to be Italian.

Remember that one? He claimed the mayor is anti-Italian and the mayor is married to a member of the Badolato family--another well respected Italian New Britain family, so in reality, isn't it Phil that was acting anti-Italian????

Anonymous said...

Where was Phil Sherwood to attack the Mayor when Dominic Badolato, the former Executive Director of AFSCME was the Chairman of the Mattabasset District?

Wasn't that a conflict of interest because Dom is the uncle to the mayor's wife? But that must have been OK because Dom is a Democrat, and so was the mayor once upon a time!

Anonymous said...

I have never met anyone quite like Sherwood. I take that back; there are others in his camp who are equally, mentally corrupt. I believe Sherwood is the embodiment of evil. He accepts nothing or anyone with whom he disagrees or one who is of a different philosophy on any subject. He hurts, insults, instigates and lies without shame or remorse. Always plotting, always calulating; anyone is his prey if it suits his purpose. He is not even pathetic, he is beneath contempt.

Sherwood may find some friends in Local 992 but I believe that by and large everyone is getting to know what this guy is - everyone that is other than James Smith, editor of The New Britain Herald. Rick Guinness & Mark Levy fell prey to Sherwood also.

As for Ned Lamont, The Herald, James Smith, Mike and Frank Nicastro and all other naysayers about New Britain, these guys are really sad cases willing to do anything to keep their jobs and whip somebody that trying, sincerely to do something for people.

Anonymous said...

I think Defronzo is in Sherwood's league too!

They do judge you by the company you keep!

Anonymous said...

As for Ned Lamont, The Herald, James Smith, Mike and Frank Nicastro and all other naysayers about New Britain...

Hopefully Smith will wake up to Sherwood's games before he throw's Smith under the bus the first time it benefits Sherwood. The first time it is politically expedient for Sherwood, his reputation is that he will unload on Smith, The Herald, or anyone else that Sherwood thinks he will benefit from by dumping on.

Wake up Mr. Smith, before you too are treated like you are lower than whale droppings by the high and mighty Sherwood!

If you don't believe me, ask the developers of Pinnacle Heights or the city auditors!

NB Voter said...

Phil Sherwood is the most negative person in New Britain Politics. Eventually, everyone, including his Democratic Colleagues, will drop him like a hot potato, since constant negativity is not an endearing trait in anyone. Hence, Mayor Stewart is the opposite: he does elicit positive ideas on a constant basis, which is one reason he was elected to a 4th mayoral term. Way to go, Mayor Stewart!!

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