Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Union: Stop And Shop Could Not Replace All Workers In Case Of A Strike - Courant.com

By: Mara Lee

Courant Staff Writers Don Stacom and Matthew Sturdevant contributed to this story


Anonymous said...

What a bunch of idiots! Strike in this economy. This is the problem with this country. Unions! Good for nothing but driving up the cost of everything to protect the weak. I hope they do strike, and I hope people are lined up to take there jobs, and that can be the first union to go!

Anonymous said...

Here is a good example of a Company with increasing profits and instead rewarding your workers, seeks ways to hire scabs. There is no longer a Loyalty to the workers that make the company what it is. I think if they don't support thier workers then I may shop elsewhere and I would suggest that you all do the same. Corperate GREED has got to stop.


Anonymous said...

They are always helping everyone else why not help the people who work for you, or is their help more for advertisement image and helping self interests than really being sincere.

Anonymous said...

Be real people! Asking a employee to pay an extra $45.00 a month for insurance is not a big deal. Asking the company to do it for thousands of employee's is ridiculas.

And what happens when the profits are down? Do employees give back? Hell NO the unions say tough shit, PAY ME!

Are companies not allowed to make money. If you back a union, then your backing this country going out of business.

If those people want to take the risks, pay the insurace, and put up with the trials and tribulations of running a business, then let them start there own. But don't tell someone they can't make money.

The unions are killing this state and this country! Don't believe me? Give me a ring when unemploment is at 25% because all the jobs are in japan.

As far as I am concered, BE HAPPY YOU HAVE A JOB!!!!!!

JM Sanders Jr.

Anonymous said...

This is why I don't shop at Stop & Shop. I prefer Stew Leonards, Big Y, or Walmart for my groceries, because they are all non-union.

If Stop & Shop employees go out on strike, that will be the first time I will proudly choose to shop there, because I will be proud to know I am supporting non-union workers!

I will not knowingly do business with a unionized company, and I know many conservatives who feel the way I do.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sanders makes an interesting point: millions of Americans are out of work and would do just about anything for a job, and these greedy union pigs have a good paying job with benefits packages that most would envy, and they are voting to go on strike because like most greedy union pigs, they want more because no matter how much they are paid, it is never enough.

Maybe they should get a taste of reality and have to work in the real world for a change. I hope the company replaces them with non-union workers and drags the strike on for years to teach them all a good lesson!

Management should hold out until they are begging to come back to work for less than they were making when they walked out. Until then, there is no shortage of Americans willing to do the jobs they are about to refuse to do.

Anonymous said...

Remember the New Britain Machine Strike? That came during tough times too? The only ones that ever made out were the owners of Paradise Pizza where union workers ate their way to permanent job losses. Company, gone. Mfg. jobs in the city, all lost.

We don't really need Stop & Shop and their union pricing. Actually, this country no longer needs unions at all. Maybe our current federal administration that ran their campaign on change can start with abolishing The Union.

Anonymous said...

I have spoken to two Stop & Shop employees over the past two weeks and they are both scared how this will hurt them. They do not want to strike and agree that especially during this economy, it will come hard. Both are women with children to support.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for these 2 women because I think they are getting screwed by their union, but of course they still have the option to continue to work during the strike, so long as they don't mind thugs threatening them with violence for opposing the almighty union.

Anonymous said...


A deli worker at a Shaw's store that's being converted to a nonunion ShopRite said Wednesday that Shaw's officials are keeping workers in the dark about what will happen next.

"They haven't said anything about when the store will reopen as a ShopRite," said the deli worker at the East Hartford store, who declined to give her name.

Anonymous said...

Don't blame the employee for having to be a part of the Union to work there. Yea the Union makes the Money but not the employee. And yes $45 more a month is a lot for someone who make min wage. A company that makes billions in profit could cover that expense easy.

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