Friday, March 5, 2010

Firefighters Union Loses Bid To Keep New Britain Mayor From Accumulating Seniority For Pension -



Anonymous said...

Tim Stewart served this community well as a member of our fire department. Mayor Stewart continues to serve this community with his loyalty to the residents of New Britain. Each of us who provides for his or her family must plan for the future and retirement. Not doing so is irresponsible. It would be a travesty for such lawsuits to prevail and to ultimately prevent bright and energetic leaders like Tim Stewart from running for public service office. The legal stipulations are on Tim Stewart's side and played a role in his decision to run for elected office.
This can be an employment risk for candidates who are gainfully employed but are driven to serve.
The opposite is true for many of our professional politicians who actually need to continue to get elected and will say or do anything to keep or expand their paychecks. We experienced this in bold fashion during our last municipal election across the board, from tax collector to mayor.

Tim Stewart ran for office for all the right reasons. He didn't need a job. He saw a need in this city and he took it on for us.

Anonymous said...

Timmy,How many times do I have to tell you! no double dipping!!!!!

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
Timmy,How many times do I have to tell you! no double dipping!!!!!

March 5, 2010 8:36 AM"

For over six years Mayor has been doing poitive things for the City. For over six years, "contrary Marys" like the anonymous commenter quoted above have been trying to obstruct the Mayor's efforts. Even if it means using personal attacks that have nothing to do with being Mayor.
For over six years, union goons in the NB Fire Dept. have been fighting the Mayor at every turn, even employing others to try to bring down the Mayor. Their so called "leaders" - excuse me while I barf - Preece and Scarlett, have been against Mayor Stewart since before he was Mayor because he wouldn't take part in their self aggrandizing games. Talk about scaming the city; think about the scandalous deals made by the NBFD with previous, high ranking city officials - talk about double or triple dipping, I mean chicanery!

Anonymous said...

Tim Stewart served his community and is entitled to the pension he earned serving this city in the fire department.

Where are these same naysayers to oppose Senator Defronzo earning a state pension for the 4 years he served as mayor and was on leave from his job, and don't forget the several years he was also on full time leave from his state job to run the union while receiving his state salary for a no-show state job and continuing to earn retirement credits for his state pension?

It seems they don't protest when it is a liberal Democrat benefiting from such sweetheart deals!

Anonymous said...

DeFronzo had a "no-show" state job???

very interesting!!!

Anonymous said...

Most of our elected democrats are professional politicians. What that means is they are not really employable in the private sector and by necessity put the food on their tables and the roof over their heads based on elected office. Now, consider that for a moment??? They would need to say and or do whatever it takes to feed and house their families or find themselves in the un-employment line. They are so comfortable in their "public service work" the idea of having to actually do something and meet performance reviews like in the private sector would cause them nervous breakdowns. They feed their friends and families to with
nice, comfy state jobs. The rest of us are all being scammed by these pathetic group of lazy slobs.

I'm glad Tim Stewart is getting his retirement. He's one person who works for it.

Anonymous said...

What cracks me up is Rep Caruso bitching and moaning about state legislation he probably voted for to take care of democrat, probably in Bristol, to cover THEIR pension. He is now shocked and appalled because a republican is using this same statute that the democrats created?

Please. Spend your down time turning to make this state business friendly and welcome businesses here instead of passing your anti-business anti-non union worker laws.

Anonymous said...


If you think someone is stealing State Funds, including State BOE money passed down to the City, file a complaint. Read On:

Revised to January 1, 2009


Sec. 4-61dd. Whistleblowing. Disclosure of information to Auditors of Public Accounts. Investigation by Attorney General. Large state contractors. (a) Any person having knowledge of any matter involving corruption, unethical practices, violation of state laws or regulations, mismanagement, gross waste of funds, abuse of authority or danger to the public safety occurring in any state department or agency or any quasi-public agency, as defined in section 1-120, or any person having knowledge of any matter involving corruption, violation of state or federal laws or regulations, gross waste of funds, abuse of authority or danger to the public safety occurring in any large state contract, may transmit all facts and information in such person's possession concerning such matter to the Auditors of Public Accounts. The Auditors of Public Accounts shall review such matter and report their findings and any recommendations to the Attorney General. Upon receiving such a report, the Attorney General shall make such investigation as the Attorney General deems proper regarding such report and any other information that may be reasonably derived from such report.

(h) As used in this section:

(1) "Large state contract" means a contract between an entity and a state or quasi-public agency, having a value of five million dollars or more; and

(2) "Large state contractor" means an entity that has entered into a large state contract with a state or quasi-public agency.

Anonymous said...

Is he still paying into the firefighters pension fund? Is he still paying Union dues to the Firefighter's Union? Will he ask that these years as Mayor count toward his firefighter's pension payout? If he is not paying into the fund or dues he's robbing the city and the union. These things were never answered in the article. Follow up maybe?

coozbo (03/05/2010, 1:23 PM )

Anonymous said...

I notice no one seems to care about how DeFronzo "earned" his state pension, do they?

Anonymous said...

Jesse James was a bank robber

Anonymous said...

A judge determined Stewart was in his right to do this. Case closed. You want to stop the candy store mentality? Repeal the democrat sponsored and supported state law or at least change it so only democrats can feed at the trough.

Anonymous said...

If this was about anyone else this would be a non issue. Not that Preece could handle the position of Mayor, but if he could he would expect the same. Keep up the good work Tim, and enjoy your retirement when your time comes. You More than earned it. JSJ

Anonymous said...

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