Maybe Mr. Sherwood would like to put a line item request in the budget to print it in the New Britain Herald too.
The city is undergoing a financial software update and Mr. Sherwood should realize that his suggestion would be "taxing". The city budget is already a public document. Anyone wishing to see it, can aquire it at City Hall. Does Phil Sherwood have anything better to do other than stir the pot?
Maybe more residents should review the budget. Here's what they would find. Based on union contracts, salaries continue to go up, benefit contracts increase, longevity payments go up accordingly, layoffs and cutbacks are few or not permitted, revenue is down both through state and federal dollars including grants. During economic recessions property tax collection becomes more difficult. How to avoid a tax increase? Phil Sherwood is opposed to cost savings like putting public notices online instead of paying for advertising. Phil Sherwood is a union supporter so he supports control of our budget by the union which ties the city's hands from making necessary cutbacks while maintaining important services to the taxpayer.
Frank, I'm ashamed to admit it but I think I agree with Sherwood on this one and I think he is right on wanting public notices in the papers. I just wish the papers did not charge so much. I thought it was strange the mayor didn't like the idea. I know we need to knock fat headed sherwood in his place now and then. But we all know he is liberal. Liberals waste money. Our mayor came across looking not so good in the article. These are things republicans are suppose to be for like showing where our money is being wasted. LET THE PUBLIC SEE WHAT THE UNIONS ARE GETTING. And let them do it from their homes instead of going wherever you go to see the budget at city hall.
The budget and CAFR are already on the city website for people to view. If this idiot looked he would have found them and not tried to get credit for his latest sunshine law attempt.
Alderman Sherwood Does know about the software upgrade. That is why he is proposing that the budget be posted online now.
His partsan political gamemanship has only begun. With a long track record of making proposals and "alerting" the media of his protest etc. he is fully aware that it will appear that he is somehow working for the people when in fact he is only putting on a dog and pony show.
Some examples that come to mind are the "free" document access fiasco, The foot on a fifty gallon drum at the park, His protest at the former Walmart location and finaly the Pay for Marzi's defense fund proposal.
All examples of Mr. Sherwood manipulating the press into reporting on issues from a liberal perspective.
Even if he were succesful in his current endeaver he is fully aware of the logistics of posting the budget while implementing the new financial software.
Maybe Phils time would be better spent convincing his friends at the New Britain Herald to pick up a copy of the budget and then they could perform the community a service of printing the budget in the newspaper.
I guess the problem with that is that Phil would not get his free press and political points.
Salvio was correct by calling Sherwood an evil doer. We need to stop this maniac. I'm tired of his silly efforts designed to pander to the public. Free copies of public info? Budget online for people to pa-ruse (YAH RIGHT)? New so called ethics rules? What's NEXT? I bet he's best friends with Aram! Thank god we have new republicans on the Council to oppose his dumb*&^ ideas and mayor willing to blast him every time he gets on his soap box. KEEP OPPOSING THIS MANIAC OR THEY WILL TURN NEW BRITAIN INTO A SOCIALIST PLACE LIKE CANADA!!!
" According to the Courant Stewart does not want the buget info posted online but Sherwood wants it. Guess we will wait and see "
Stewart never said that. What he did say was that by late spring the city will have a new financial system in operation. To try to use our current electronic system would prove to be a costly interruption to installing the new system.
Preparation of the new budget is not yet complete and won't be until mid to late April. Then, a public hearing on the budget will be held. After that there is more time for the Council to make its recommendations before it votes on the budget.
What is the hurry to print a budget now?!?
The reason is that Sherwood is once again trying to stir up controversy where none exists!!!!! And worse, The Herald continues to help Sherwood with his shenanigans.
Frank, The city already posts their budgets, special revenue fund budgets, CAFR and all related documents to our website every year. What Sherwood is asking for is already out there for everyone to see. In fact it was only posted on line after I took office more than 6 years ago. What he is looking for is a mechanism by which someone can view the document line by line and manipulate the data. The present pdf file will not allow for that. So much ado about nothing once again, just another stab at free press for the young alderman.
Mr. Mayor, While you may be correct in Alderman Sherwood's motivation, why do you feel compelled to attack him personally? Even among friends, your personal attacks are getting people annoyed. Just my opinion. I'm sure I will be blasted for sharing it.
You are a Mayor not a political pundit. Act like a Mayor not like, well, someone even younger than Sherwood himself.
" Anonymous said... Frank, I'm ashamed to admit it but I think I agree with Sherwood on this one and I think he is right on wanting public notices in the papers. I just wish the papers did not charge so much. I thought it was strange the mayor didn't like the idea. I know we need to knock fat headed sherwood in his place now and then. But we all know he is liberal. Liberals waste money. Our mayor came across looking not so good in the article. These are things republicans are suppose to be for like showing where our money is being wasted. LET THE PUBLIC SEE WHAT THE UNIONS ARE GETTING. And let them do it from their homes instead of going wherever you go to see the budget at city hall.
March 17, 2010 12:12 PM"
To: "Anonymous said..."
Last night, the Board of Finance approved the budget they will send to the Mayor. When the mayor receives it - probably Monday - the Mayor will then have about 15 days to review the document before he sends it to the Common Council. Within four days, the Mayor's proposed budget is printed in a local newspaper ; also the Mayor's proposed budget is in the Town Clerk's Office for perusal. After the Mayor fowards his budget to the Council, the Council then has 60 days to make any changes it deems appropriate. In the meantime the Council will schedule a public hearing on the proposed budget before it makes its final recommendation re the Mayor's proposed budget. The Council may decide to do nothing to the Mayor's proposed budget in which case the Mayor's budget is approved.
Please, Mr. Anonymous, this is a long process. Every step of it does not have to be placed on line as it happens because all of it is subject to change until the final vote. You want more? Read the Mayor's comments on this blog. Please! It's not important to denote with whom you agree, read the Charter. and learn what must be done.
By the way, how do you feel about placing all public notices on line instead of in newsprint? Seems like Sherwood is equivocal on this point. You too?
In the Mayors defense "not that he needs one" If you had to put up with Sherwoods crap you would have a short fuse to. As a resident of this city, I can't take it anymore this kid is a jerk. The mayor has enough to do to run this city with out having to put up with people like Sherwood causing problems every step of the way. Wasting tax payer money to top it off. Jim Sanders Jr
Mr.Anonymous, You call that an attack on his person? You obviously have not been reading this persons remarks for the past several years. I really don't care much about people attacking me but please tell the truth when doing it. Thin skinned individuals don't last long in the political arena especially in NB. It is obvious to me that someone like yourself who has to hide behind their words is generally not worth responding to anyways. I will sign my name to my comments you should do the same.
Anonymous said... Mr. Mayor, "While you may be correct in Alderman Sherwood's motivation, why do you feel compelled to attack him personally? Even among friends, your personal attacks are getting people annoyed. Just my opinion. I'm sure I will be blasted for sharing it.
You are a Mayor not a political pundit. Act like a Mayor not like, well, someone even younger than Sherwood himself.
March 18, 2010 4:20 PM"
To: Anonymous said...
The Mayor has no personal "friends" that would make this statement. Instead, read the litany of things advocated by Sherwood in the past three years; it's abominable! Each thing has been designed to raise taxes in the City of NB; FOI, Ethics (an oxymoron when mentioned in the same sentence with Sherwood), berating potential developers! All designed to try to prote liberal Democrat practices and Tim O'Brien. And who are his allies? Lopes, Gerratana,DeFronzo, Tercyak, Geragosian?! Which of these folks has done anything for New Britain? Not a one. Mr. Anonimous, you want to talk about motivation? What is Sherwood's and what is yours?
Maybe Mr. Sherwood would like to put a line item request in the budget to print it in the New Britain Herald too.
The city is undergoing a financial software update and Mr. Sherwood should realize that his suggestion would be "taxing". The city budget is already a public document. Anyone wishing to see it, can aquire it at City Hall. Does Phil Sherwood have anything better to do other than stir the pot?
Maybe more residents should review the budget. Here's what they would find. Based on union contracts, salaries continue to go up, benefit contracts increase, longevity payments go up accordingly, layoffs and cutbacks are few or not permitted, revenue is down both through state and federal dollars including grants. During economic recessions property tax collection becomes more difficult. How to avoid a tax increase? Phil Sherwood is opposed to cost savings like putting public notices online instead of paying for advertising.
Phil Sherwood is a union supporter so he supports control of our budget by the union which ties the city's hands from making necessary cutbacks while maintaining important services to the taxpayer.
Voters remain asleep at the wheel.
I'm ashamed to admit it but I think I agree with Sherwood on this one and I think he is right on wanting public notices in the papers. I just wish the papers did not charge so much.
I thought it was strange the mayor didn't like the idea. I know we need to knock fat headed sherwood in his place now and then. But we all know he is liberal. Liberals waste money. Our mayor came across looking not so good in the article. These are things republicans are suppose to be for like showing where our money is being wasted. LET THE PUBLIC SEE WHAT THE UNIONS ARE GETTING. And let them do it from their homes instead of going wherever you go to see the budget at city hall.
The budget and CAFR are already on the city website for people to view. If this idiot looked he would have found them and not tried to get credit for his latest sunshine law attempt.
Alderman Sherwood Does know about the software upgrade. That is why he is proposing that the budget be posted online now.
His partsan political gamemanship has only begun. With a long track record of making proposals and "alerting" the media of his protest etc. he is fully aware that it will appear that he is somehow working for the people when in fact he is only putting on a dog and pony show.
Some examples that come to mind are the "free" document access fiasco, The foot on a fifty gallon drum at the park, His protest at the former Walmart location and finaly the Pay for Marzi's defense fund proposal.
All examples of Mr. Sherwood manipulating the press into reporting on issues from a liberal perspective.
Even if he were succesful in his current endeaver he is fully aware of the logistics of posting the budget while implementing the new financial software.
Maybe Phils time would be better spent convincing his friends at the New Britain Herald to pick up a copy of the budget and then they could perform the community a service of printing the budget in the newspaper.
I guess the problem with that is that Phil would not get his free press and political points.
Salvio was correct by calling Sherwood an evil doer. We need to stop this maniac. I'm tired of his silly efforts designed to pander to the public. Free copies of public info? Budget online for people to pa-ruse (YAH RIGHT)? New so called ethics rules? What's NEXT? I bet he's best friends with Aram!
Thank god we have new republicans on the Council to oppose his dumb*&^ ideas and mayor willing to blast him every time he gets on his soap box. KEEP OPPOSING THIS MANIAC OR THEY WILL TURN NEW BRITAIN INTO A SOCIALIST PLACE LIKE CANADA!!!
" According to the Courant Stewart does not want the buget info posted online but Sherwood wants it. Guess we will wait and see "
Stewart never said that. What he did say was that by late spring the city will have a new financial system in operation. To try to use our current electronic system would prove to be a costly interruption to installing the new system.
Preparation of the new budget is not yet complete and won't be until mid to late April. Then, a public hearing on the budget will be held. After that there is more time for the Council to make its recommendations before it votes on the budget.
What is the hurry to print a budget now?!?
The reason is that Sherwood is once again trying to stir up controversy where none exists!!!!! And worse, The Herald continues to help Sherwood with his shenanigans.
The city already posts their budgets, special revenue fund budgets, CAFR and all related documents to our website every year. What Sherwood is asking for is already out there for everyone to see. In fact it was only posted on line after I took office more than 6 years ago. What he is looking for is a mechanism by which someone can view the document line by line and manipulate the data. The present pdf file will not allow for that. So much ado about nothing once again, just another stab at free press for the young alderman.
Mr. Mayor,
While you may be correct in Alderman Sherwood's motivation, why do you feel compelled to attack him personally? Even among friends, your personal attacks are getting people annoyed. Just my opinion. I'm sure I will be blasted for sharing it.
You are a Mayor not a political pundit. Act like a Mayor not like, well, someone even younger than Sherwood himself.
" Anonymous said...
I'm ashamed to admit it but I think I agree with Sherwood on this one and I think he is right on wanting public notices in the papers. I just wish the papers did not charge so much.
I thought it was strange the mayor didn't like the idea. I know we need to knock fat headed sherwood in his place now and then. But we all know he is liberal. Liberals waste money. Our mayor came across looking not so good in the article. These are things republicans are suppose to be for like showing where our money is being wasted. LET THE PUBLIC SEE WHAT THE UNIONS ARE GETTING. And let them do it from their homes instead of going wherever you go to see the budget at city hall.
March 17, 2010 12:12 PM"
To: "Anonymous said..."
Last night, the Board of Finance approved the budget they will send to the Mayor. When the mayor receives it - probably Monday - the Mayor will then have about 15 days to review the document before he sends it to the Common Council. Within four days, the Mayor's proposed budget is printed in a local newspaper ; also the Mayor's proposed budget is in the Town Clerk's Office for perusal. After the Mayor fowards his budget to the Council, the Council then has 60 days to make any changes it deems appropriate. In the meantime the Council will schedule a public hearing on the proposed budget before it makes its final recommendation re the Mayor's proposed budget. The Council may decide to do nothing to the Mayor's proposed budget in which case the Mayor's budget is approved.
Please, Mr. Anonymous, this is a long process. Every step of it does not have to be placed on line as it happens because all of it is subject to change until the final vote. You want more? Read the Mayor's comments on this blog. Please! It's not important to denote with whom you agree, read the Charter. and learn what must be done.
By the way, how do you feel about placing all public notices on line instead of in newsprint? Seems like Sherwood is equivocal on this point. You too?
In the Mayors defense "not that he needs one" If you had to put up with Sherwoods crap you would have a short fuse to. As a resident of this city, I can't take it anymore this kid is a jerk. The mayor has enough to do to run this city with out having to put up with people like Sherwood causing problems every step of the way. Wasting tax payer money to top it off.
Jim Sanders Jr
You call that an attack on his person? You obviously have not been reading this persons remarks for the past several years. I really don't care much about people attacking me but please tell the truth when doing it. Thin skinned individuals don't last long in the political arena especially in NB. It is obvious to me that someone like yourself who has to hide behind their words is generally not worth responding to anyways. I will sign my name to my comments you should do the same.
Anonymous said...
Mr. Mayor,
"While you may be correct in Alderman Sherwood's motivation, why do you feel compelled to attack him personally? Even among friends, your personal attacks are getting people annoyed. Just my opinion. I'm sure I will be blasted for sharing it.
You are a Mayor not a political pundit. Act like a Mayor not like, well, someone even younger than Sherwood himself.
March 18, 2010 4:20 PM"
To: Anonymous said...
The Mayor has no personal "friends" that would make this statement. Instead, read the litany of things advocated by Sherwood in the past three years; it's abominable! Each thing has been designed to raise taxes in the City of NB; FOI, Ethics (an oxymoron when mentioned in the same sentence with Sherwood), berating potential developers! All designed to try to prote liberal Democrat practices and Tim O'Brien. And who are his allies? Lopes, Gerratana,DeFronzo, Tercyak, Geragosian?! Which of these folks has done anything for New Britain? Not a one.
Mr. Anonimous, you want to talk about motivation? What is Sherwood's and what is yours?
I'm very pleased to of joined this community forum and I look forward to talking together with anyone in here before long.
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