Monday, March 1, 2010

Minorty Leader Lashes Out!

The West St. area of New Britain is represented by: two (2) Council members, a State Rep. and our State Senator. In addition we have State Rep., Tim O'Brien who ran for Mayor last fall and claimed that he would put an end to BLIGHT in New Britain.

When has any one of aforementioned people done absolutely anything to represent people the West St. area of New Britain?

Cat got your tongue?

The answer is never.

But let somebody send a basesless (no proof) accusation about Mayor Stewart or any other Republican to the Herald and the Herald gobbles it up and puts it out there for all to read. I believe it's Mayor Stewart who should be suing Marzi.

As for political contributions did our State Reps. or other members of the Democrat group mentioned
above receive any help from ACORN? Will they next fall?

If the Herald is losing readers is because the paper is not fair and balanced in its coverage - of course that is its prerogative. Why has the Herald drop its investigations of the illegal use of Capitol computers, the Mattabassett fiasco or other Democrat trangressions? And The Herald seeks support from the people for its fight against repeal of a mandate to allow that public notices need only be published on line. The Herald's previous staff writers and editor - prior to Mr. Schroeder's purchase - were assailed by the public for being anti Stewart. How much better is the reporting and the editing now with regard to the Herald's articles on the Mayor


Anonymous said...

Loose Canon Louie is always lashing out. Let me know when there's some real news.

A Watchdog said...

From where I stand, it's Phil Sherwood who's the loose cannon...he's going to eventually really explode, shooting himself where he belongs: into oblivion

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
Loose Canon Louie is always lashing out. Let me know when there's some real news.

March 1, 2010 7:01 PM"

Dolt, sign up for a remedial reading and spelling course!

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