Saturday, March 27, 2010

Rep. Murphy is Pelosi's Pupet ---The Republican-American Furthermore ...


Anonymous said...

The writer asks: Can't you just feel the sleaze?

That sums it up, because every time I see a picture of Murphy, I am left with the same question.

Anonymous said...

Murphy is just Pelosi in a man's suit, albeit a cheap suit!

Anonymous said...

If this health care bill is so good, why is Murphy exempt from the fate he would force down the rest of our throats?

Craig Diangelo said...

Our Sleazy Congressman Murphy voted to exempt himself from Obamacare who was he really listening to ???? Why it was Nancy Pelosi .......

Remember that in November and vote the bum out of office!!!

The next time you see Chris Murphy, picture Nancy Pelosi in a man's suit.

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