Friday, March 12, 2010

United Technologies Tells Wall Street "Anyplace Outside Of Connecticut:" Fox 61


Anonymous said...

As UTC makes it apparent they are planning to move as many as 26,000 jobs out of Connecticut, residents can thank Blumenthal for his radical attempt to hold them hostage in Connecticut against their will. The Nazis would have been impressed with Blumenthal's fascist efforts to force them to stay here against their will.

And you used to think that America was a free country. Apparently Attorney General Blumenthal thinks he can dictate who can and can not move out of "his" state. Who's next to fall prey to this fascist????

Anonymous said...

Wait until December when UTC is likely to tell thousands they will be laid off just in time for Christmas!

They have the unions and Heir Blumenthal to thank for losing their jobs by the thousands, and these liberals in this state are just nuts enough to elect this Fascist to the Senate, as if he hasn't done enough damage already!

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