Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Alderman Truewothy and The WFP Resolution


It appears that President pro-tempore of the New Britain City Council, Alderman Michael Trueworhty, is attempting to deliver his allegiance to Bertha Lewis, the past president of infamous defunct Acorn organization and was and still is the current president of the of the Working Families Party line, with his attempting to get New Britain's name attached, via council resolution #5, allowing third party candidates without obtaining signatures equal to 20% of the last election turnout in order to obtain public financing.

He and his council democratic cohorts are surely attempting to carry out the unspoken promises to Bertha Lewis with this proposed resolution which is on tonight's council's agenda .


Anonymous said...

I am proud to live in a town where the radical WFP is not recognized and you may not leglally register as a member.

What is wrong with you people in New Britain?

Anonymous said...

Isn't it great to be associated with people who are corrupt?

Anonymous said...

what do you expect from Democrats?

NB Voter said...

If the council approves Trueworthy's proposal, New Britain will become a socialistic city..
To all Council members: vote against it!

NB Voter said...

If the council approves Trueworthy's proposal, New Britain will become a socialistic city..
To all Council members: vote against it!

Anonymous said...

According to Big Bertha, you should be proud to stand tall and proclaim you are a socialist!

Anonymous said...

With all the political talk about the new law down in Arizona - south of the border, it got us thinking about how often we have to show some form of identification in the course of our everyday life here in New Britain CT.

The big objection from the left is that you can be stopped and asked for "your papers"(nazi reference).

Well let us list a few of the things we have to show "our papers" for: Boarding an airplane (at least twice before you can board) Stopped for a traffic violation - also To get our senior discount (ha) To buy beer in a store (even though I'm 80 years old...and when We vote - show your papers...

Anonymous said...

Apparently the left is for giving illegal aliens better protections than those of us who were born here in America, so maybe next time you are stopped by the police you should be able to proclaim you are here illegally so they can wave you on to continue on your journey?

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